So How Did The Gp2x Do?

carlgeorge posted on Feb 12 2006 at 12:10 AM said:
That is a good computer FOR THE MONEY. I have done similar last week and spent £200 on a barebones pc with AMD64 processor and stuff. I would have much prefered to pay £100 for what nubie got. And techFreak, the bits that you say are missing are probably in the barebones pc with the exception of a hardrive.

Barebone`s normally means, A case and a motherboard with crappy onboard sound and graphics, And not much else.

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mrsnature posted on Feb 12 2006 at 12:52 AM said:
Jlobel posted on Feb 11 2006 at 07:31 PM said:
online tru like gps or something

online gameplay through gps? GPS = Global Positioning System, so you'd know if you were lost at least...

Maybe he wants a Gametrac. That has a GPS, not much else though.
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Ravnos posted on Feb 12 2006 at 01:24 AM said:
trooper posted on Feb 11 2006 at 04:07 PM said:
Ravnos posted on Feb 11 2006 at 11:11 PM said:
nubie posted on Feb 11 2006 at 03:00 PM said:
nickspoon posted on Feb 11 2006 at 02:07 PM said:
pantera6 posted on Feb 11 2006 at 08:55 PM said:
next version should be able to emulate dreamcast. if were lucky ps2, gc and xbox and wed have 14gb sd cards to put them on!!!!
that would be amazing
It'd also be pretty much impossible, and even if it was, it'd cost as much as a decent PC.

and the GP2X doesn't now?

I am getting a Dell Optiplex i865 chipset and a Celeron D 2.13Ghz and 512 mb of ram.

$99 barebone
$56 boxed cpu
$41 RAM (Kingston ValueRam new)
(all prices include shipping)

hmmm. . . . yep GP2X already costs as much as a good computer.
That's not a good computer.

Yep, Tis true.

No Harddrive,
No Cdrw/Dvd,
No Operating System,
No Floppy drive,
No Decent Gfx card,
No Decent Sound card,
No Monitor,
No Keyboard,
No Mouse,


Actually I was referring to the Celeron being a shitty processor, but those are all good points too.

you are soo right :)
*cough* AMD64 rocks *cough*
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DaveC posted on Feb 12 2006 at 08:16 AM said:
mrsnature posted on Feb 12 2006 at 12:52 AM said:
Jlobel posted on Feb 11 2006 at 07:31 PM said:
online tru like gps or something

online gameplay through gps? GPS = Global Positioning System, so you'd know if you were lost at least...

Maybe he wants a Gametrac. That has a GPS, not much else though.
Why do you refer to the Gizmondo as "Gametrac"? (I know, that was the development name, but WTF???)
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ive got 11322 snes games :D

but will they all play on the gp2x or is the emulation gonna lag alot?

also is there a n64 emulator or plans to make one?
Because if you utter the name of the handheld devil itself, you will get stones thrown at you by the townspeople.

As for what lies in the future, a quick look at the screenshots section of yields:


Sircrisp said:
ive got 11322 snes games :D

but will they all play on the gp2x or is the emulation gonna lag alot?

SquidgeSNES is not quite perfect, but can play most games at around fullspeed without sound. Edit: There is sound support.

Sircrisp said:
also is there a n64 emulator or plans to make one?

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Hmm, just before I entered this thread, I thought I should finish my game of Terranigma...

nickspoon posted on Feb 12 2006 at 06:15 PM said:
SquidgeSNES is not quite perfect, but can play most games at around fullspeed without sound. No sound support currently.

I could have sworn I had sound on my SquidgeSNES. :)
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Really? Oh, wait, there it is. Last version I had somehow destroyed its own config file, so no sound for me there. :( Got the new version now, and it's good :)
Sircrisp posted on Feb 12 2006 at 09:15 AM said:
ive got 11322 snes games :D
I didn't even know that so many existed! :o
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well i have every game, and the reason theres so many is because theres 3 versions for most of them, a european version, a japanese version, and a american version
Sircrisp posted on Feb 12 2006 at 09:58 AM said:
well i have every game, and the reason theres so many is because theres 3 versions for most of them, a european version, a japanese version, and a american version
Plus a half a dozen different dumps for each, plus romhacks, etc. Divide that rom count by 4 or 5 and you'll probably have a more accurate figure for how many SNES games there are.
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Sircrisp posted on Feb 12 2006 at 05:58 PM said:
well i have every game, and the reason theres so many is because theres 3 versions for most of them, a european version, a japanese version, and a american version

All completely legal right? :P
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Sircrisp posted on Feb 12 2006 at 09:58 AM said:
well i have every game, and the reason theres so many is because theres 3 versions for most of them, a european version, a japanese version, and a american version
That explains alot :lol:
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Ravnos posted on Feb 11 2006 at 04:24 PM said:
trooper posted on Feb 11 2006 at 04:07 PM said:
Ravnos posted on Feb 11 2006 at 11:11 PM said:
That's not a good computer.

Yep, Tis true.

No Harddrive,
No Cdrw/Dvd,
No Operating System,
No Floppy drive,
No Decent Gfx card,
No Decent Sound card,
No Monitor,
No Keyboard,
No Mouse,


Actually I was referring to the Celeron being a shitty processor, but those are all good points too.

Oh, I guess the GP3X will have a

hard drive
and mouse?

Btw linux is free, the Dell case includes a Floppy drive,
monitors are cheap at the second-hand store ($25 for a 17" Dell 1024x768x85hz)
the gp2x has no hard drive, count the cost of a good SD as the HD price.

And it is a Celeron D, which is on the 90nm process, just so you know and it has SSE3, not an incredibly powerful processor, but good for anything less than a video-editing PC or a supercomputer.
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I'm sorry, but this simply will not do. The Gp3x should be able to have the ability to fold space and time, trek into the future and then download the firmwares of tommorow.