I always compare the emu`s what ever the system so there`s no digg at anyone really. I didn`t think much of the xbox ps1 emu i thought itwas crap to be honest but it seems that the gp2x is getting there and i`m well pleased about that.
Basically the Xbox is a 733mhz Celeron (Pentium 3 with less level 2 cache) with 64MB or RAM, and a Geforce 3. These specs should be able to run PSX fine, unfortunatly the Xbox doesn't run Windows so you can't get the best or fastest emulators on it (ePSXe is by far the most compatible and tweakable, and even VGS by connectix is great for actual perfect emulation, meaning no higher res, just PSX as it should be). I think it is just annoying to do Xbox work because it is basically a PC and if we could just get Windows 98 or 2000 Professional Service Pack 4 installed with DirectX everything would work, of course just buy a PC is always something that comes up.
Basically if someone was to port a proper PSX emulator to the Xbox from the PC it would work great, but there is no motivation as it isn't really cool, the Xbox is huge and you can easily make a much smaller and more powerful PC that will run any emulator. Socket 754 Mini-ITX Athlon64 comes to mind, even a GeodeNX (14 watt Athlon Mini-ITX platform) for $150 right now is a better choice
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16813153052 These would easily be 1/4 the size of the Xbox and have real Windows XP running on them, or Linux, I have had ePSXe running in Linux.
Not flaming, just trying to explain what is going on.
AFAIK the SNES emulator is doing fine, I played Super Mario World on it, you have to know what settings you are using so you can turn off stuff and then it is fullspeed.
gavie, your sig is funny, but my PSP runs that just fine

, I even moved a 120 power stars savegame onto the PSP so I can fly around the castle with the cannon and hat box. The PSP can't go from RED to any other color quickly though, so his hat is always leaving a blurry smear behind it

, oh well for $120 what did I think would happen? I really bought it for Streaming VLC video, but I haven't got that to work, yet. I picked up an Airport Extreme for $2 at the second-hand store, so I can have a nice WAP, there is a WinXP utility for it
