Lik-sang.. Bad Real "second Edition"


Still Fresh
Jan 14, 2006
Apparently there is no real Second Edition, maybe just a marketting ploy to get people to buy from them... or just some proceedure they go through and label the system as being a second edition and just update the firmware, but it states right here that there is no second edition, just an updated bios. That means no hardware changes!.... bad Lik-Sang Bad.

I sure hope that customers didn't jump on this one too soon.

I still love my "First Edition" anyways.

We all know this, but it's good to see it here for the noobs ;)

Lik-sang supposedly was going to hold out until the official release of the hardware, which is never going to come in the forseeable future. I cancelled my order and bought the unit CHEAPER on Play Asia.

Don't anyone use Lik-sang. Please, do yourself a huge favor.
Rayek said:
Lik-sang supposedly was going to hold out until the official release of the hardware, which is never going to come in the forseeable future.

Bummer, because that's what I've been waiting for -- mostly because I'm under a deadline and wouldn't get time to play with it for another few weeks anyway.

Oh well. I'll wait a little more and see what happens.
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Rayek posted on Feb 9 2006 at 09:29 AM said:
Don't anyone use Lik-sang. Please, do yourself a huge favor.
Never had any problems with them. :) Got my GP32 from them, and assorted gaming junk. Only problem is the long postage time to cold north, but that's why they are working on teleporters.

And, any 2X without the words "First Edition" in them is by default second edition. :P
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There is a slight hardware difference between some first and second editions. GPH replaced some resister which was causing some first editions screens to flicker, and buggers up their brightness in later firmwares.

EvilDragon has mentioned it a few times.
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Argh, if my luck stays, I have a resistor like that. Thus, I'd need to exchange my machine, which is pity, because it OC's rather well.

Wonder how hard it would be to exchange it myself...
Perhaps if the GP2x comes with a minor scratch on the back of the unit, or the screws holding the unit together, Lik-sang will call this the "third edition"? :wacko:

If you agree that Lik-sang are trying to pull the wool over the community's eyes, don't buy from them. Buy from Craig instead. We like Craig.

I am sure if Craig sold the different transistor with a basic wiring instruction, he would sell hundreds to first edition users, and thereby make their system "second edition" by this upgrade. So many users have taken their units apart anyway, replacing a transistor is not hard if you know which one to change. <_<
Goity Posted Today, 05:24 PM

Goity Posted Today, 05:24 PM

I second that!

bacteria Posted Today, 05:14 PM

Perhaps if the GP2x comes with a minor scratch on the back of the unit, or the screws holding the unit together, Lik-sang will call this the "third edition"?

If you agree that Lik-sang are trying to pull the wool over the community's eyes, don't buy from them. Buy from Craig instead. We like Craig.

I am sure if Craig sold the different transistor with a basic wiring instruction, he would sell hundreds to first edition users, and thereby make their system "second edition" by this upgrade. So many users have taken their units apart anyway, replacing a transistor is not hard if you know which one to change.

I really hate when people start talking out of their ass!! You need to know at least basic electronics before trying to replace a transistor or have some experience with replacing electronic parts. <_<
why is everyone suddenly talking about liksang and a "second edition" ? we've know about this shit for, well, since the day liksang said about a second edition? lol
vaguely on topic but I've noticed that the GP2X seems to pop up now for the 'anime' keyword on adsense...
Paradox posted on Feb 9 2006 at 10:57 PM said:
why is everyone suddenly talking about liksang and a "second edition" ? we've know about this shit for, well, since the day liksang said about a second edition? lol

Because there's a new and official GPH statement on this subject.
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Lik-Sang are just protecting their interests... Lik-Sang have great service when I have dealt with them in the past. They answer emails pretty much within a day, send things in nice carboard boxes instead of bubble wrapped envelopes etc..

GBAX are still good if you live in that part of the world and Craigix supports the scene by holding competitions etc..