Official Gba Whine Thread

No the emulators for the gp32 of the gba are slow and they wont be optimized maybe made fasster but they wont get to full speed, Send me a personal message and ill show you a video of one in action.
The current GBA emulators on GP32 aren't optimized at all because the current authors have no intention of making it work properly for whatever reason. Maybe it's cos' they're unethical in their opinion, maybe they're afraid of the big N. At the very least it seems they're more concerned with getting GB/GBC optimized right now.

And no, there's no way to mod it to play GBA carts...I don't know if that's totally impossible though, I've never considered it before. I suppose if someone knew what they were doing, they could wire up an adapter and software. But I don't know anything about that :)
thank you, you guys answered ym questions. i think ill stick with my gba for now, plus i heard nintendos new handheld will be strong enough to perfectly emulate snes and genesis, although rumors are just rumors. thank you for your help
Its to do with the time of day and who gets there first; if the first reply is sensible then no-one who flames can be bothered to go in there and annoy people (bar the odd one); if it isn't, then the flaming starts big-time.

Not sure why, though.
blipped4 posted on Dec 19 2003 said:
gurty gurty i sed this idea and i got flamed to high heaven how u dont?
Because you suggested that this would make the games play faster, which it obviously wouldnt as you still need to use the same emulation techniques as you would to play a normal gba emulator.
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What do you mean a GBA emulator for the GP32? Does it need a special Emulator? You cant just use another Emulator? Sorry but im new
Kungfucheez posted on Dec 19 2003 said:
What do you mean a GBA emulator for the GP32? Does it need a special Emulator? You cant just use another Emulator? Sorry but im new
A port of an existing Emulator would be possible, but enough optimisations couldn't be done in order to get it at a playable speed. Therefore plausible GBA emulation on GP32 is only gonna sprout from a new highly optimised, tightly coded emu. But it ain't gonna happen, partly because it's a mammoth task and there are very few actual emu coders for the GP32. Most people just port.
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As I do not know anything about coding personally i am not sure about this but does anyone think that using the same method as coding opensnes9x, a GBA emulator with the same output could be created. I would love to be able to play brokensword for example at a fairly decent speed on my gp.
As I mentioned opensnes9x i woluld like to thank yoyofr as no1 previosly thought his work was possible.
SHIT! I dont get it, theres a sticky about that GBA-Emulation SHIT. This is the second post sbout GBA-Emulation today.
gba emulation at descent speed is (therically) not possible....
Maybe if someone write the emu with a 100% ASM core it could be playable but 1st you should have a look around the forum with the "search" option
because this topic has been already here for a while

see you ;)
I think the GBA is much more difficult to emulate, since its cpu is much faster than the one in the snes and there are some other chips as well. For instance, SNES runs at 3.78MHz while GBA at 16MHz, which is quite a difference. Hopefully there will be at least an emulator able to run the RPGs, which I think is possible.
It is possible but your limited to the 8meg of ram.

Might also need a bios alteration.

There are a few ways of going about it, but the ram limitation is what put YoYo off.

The gfx hardware is very similar to snes.

The CPU is just a very slow version of the GP32 CPU.

As I do not know anything about coding personally i am not sure about this but does anyone think that using the same method as coding opensnes9x, a GBA emulator with the same output could be created. I would love to be able to play brokensword for example at a fairly decent speed on my gp.
As I mentioned opensnes9x i woluld like to thank yoyofr as no1 previosly thought his work was possible.
I dont think there will ever be commercial gba games supported for any gp32 gba emu, mabye it will get fast enough to play hombrew at decent speeds. Everyone dont feel bad zodiac wont even be able to emulate gba at fullspeed.
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I reckon half the threads in existance on this board are about GBA and Amiga emulation :)

If we had some real genius's, who could code a GBA emu from scratch, it could be done. And you would not need to emulate the CPU,the GP and GBA use the same line of CPU, you would run the data direct. The only things you would need to emulate would be the sound and graphics hardware. As for the ram limitation, the GBA has verylittle RAM, it dynamicaly loads chunks from the cart. You could do the same off SMC (though a lot slower). To minimise slowdown you could load in multiple chunks (a bit like read ahead optimisation). The GP could fit quite a few 256k chunks (the GBA's ram limit I think).

I had a Mac emulator that worked the same on my Amiga. A fast amiga would run the code direct, and spend spare cycles emulating the Mac sound and graphics
that could be done....but who will be able to carry that project out?
maybe Yoyo....I hope if he decide to de that it will be as good as osnes9x
Yoyo is a GP32' god
see you ;)
Yeah some good points actually. If it was possible to only run rpgs at a playable speed even id b happy for it has golden sun. I still aint played the sequel tho
even after finishin the original. Anyway.. back to gp32 land. Sorry to post another thread. Its spoken about too much. Still I think it would be interesting to see the Gp32's best attempt.
Lol I forgot to put a question mark in the title oops sorry if I got any1s hopes up there.