Win a K1 reverse engineered GBA

A second hand DS Lite would be the much better option, totally agree.
So does this currently do anything that a real GBA can't, other than TV out? That is, is there any reason to buy this over a GBA and normal flash cart?

As I understand it this is capable of running the GBA CPU at up to 150MHz. That's a big improvement over what the GBA could do, but unless it also has a lot more memory what you can do on it will still be pretty limited. Even then, you'll be hampered by the GBA controls and very low resolution. And a 150MHz ARM7 is a lot slower than what you'll get in even really low end homebrew handhelds out today. I think if it came to perfect GBA compatibility and poor capability to do other things vs imperfect GBA compatibility (but features that only emulators offer) I'd rather take the former, or perhaps a DS Lite if I really wanted to play GBA games over everything else.

Or even a PSP.
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So does this currently do anything that a real GBA can't, other than TV out? That is, is there any reason to buy this over a GBA and normal flash cart?

Nope not really. Other than the tv out, the better screen (at least on my prototype the screen is miles better) and the better emulators you might as well stick with your ags101 and flash cart. The only other thing is that in the UK we were never able to get the backlit version and theyre very expensive to import, this is a cheaper option probably. I wont pretend it's something it aint, but i still think it's an amazing feat and i love mine to bits.
The only other thing is that in the UK we were never able to get the backlit version and theyre very expensive to import
They're listed here for £25, if that helps.

I'm pretty sure we did get them, but they just silently replaced the original GBA SP with them, with a note on the box to indicate the change.
I wouldnt trust that seller, he has no feedback and i bet he doesnt know what hes selling. AGS101 usually cost about 50-70£ from ebay, so if hes really selling for £25 thats a real bargain. I managed to grab a black one for £20 from soneone at work a few years ago so i'm happy enough already :-)
^ When I posted it, one was available for £25. Evidently someone's bought it. :lol:
nothing to lose buying from amazon i suppose, if it's not an ags101 back it goes! i'd be interested to hear from whoever bought it when it arrives!
Wow, I didn't realise the ags-101 were that expensive. I bought 2 off a guy about 2 years ago for 15 Euro.
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The AGS-101 sell in the US ( for between $30 - $60 average about $45. I know this because I made micro arcade machines from them for a while and sold them. I know all about the clones out there because I was told many, many times by all sorts of people whether I could use them to make the micro cabs. Been there done that. At the end of the day, if you really want to play GBA games , use flash carts for games etc etc , then the best value for money by far is to buy a DS Lite.

You can play GBA games, DS Games, It has a backlight, a faster processor , better sound , can use flash carts and sells abundently for around $50 - $70. It's a no brainer. Don't waste your time on these cheap clones, they may be ok, but really, why would you bother.
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The AGS-101 sell in the US ( for between $30 - $60 average about $45. I know this because I made micro arcade machines from them for a while and sold them. I know all about the clones out there because I was told many, many times by all sorts of people whether I could use them to make the micro cabs. Been there done that. At the end of the day, if you really want to play GBA games , use flash carts for games etc etc , then the best value for money by far is to buy a DS Lite.

You can play GBA games, DS Games, It has a backlight, a faster processor , better sound , can use flash carts and sells abundently for around $50 - $70. It's a no brainer. Don't waste your time on these cheap clones, they may be ok, but really, why would you bother.

Because a DS doesn't have multiplayer or TV output and is nowhere near as cool as a reverse engineered GBA. Plus here in the UK at least a new DS lite is significantly more expensive. Listen I'm not here trying to sell it to you, I'm here for the most part to tell you that it exists and give the opportunity to win one for free... take it or leave it :-)
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I apologise if I came off to negative. Perhaps I was. I was just trying to say that these clones have existed for a long while now , and yes IMHO there are better alternatives. That said, you were just trying to raise awareness to the opportunity to win one, so all this talk is overly negative in that context.
I apologise if I came off to negative. Perhaps I was. I was just trying to say that these clones have existed for a long while now , and yes IMHO there are better alternatives. That said, you were just trying to raise awareness to the opportunity to win one, so all this talk is overly negative in that context.

it's cool, i'm probably overly defensive about it because i've been somewhat involved with it since the beginning. i understand that there are other solutions out there, but i should point out that although there have been many clones in existance in the past, they have all been emulators... this is unique in that it is not relying on emulation to run the games which puts it far and above the competition. this is the first reverse engineered hardware clone ever made, and to me that makes it pretty special. but i do get understand most people probably couldn't care less about that fact.
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i understand that there are other solutions out there, but i should point out that although there have been many clones in existance in the past, they have all been emulators... this is unique in that it is not relying on emulation to run the games which puts it far and above the competition. this is the first reverse engineered hardware clone ever made, and to me that makes it pretty special. but i do get understand most people probably couldn't care less about that fact.

This might be true for GBA but hardware clones (often on FPGAs) have been done several times for other consoles. There are SNES chips for instance, and SNES is much more complex than GBA. An entire family of game processors originated with NES clones.
Just got mine today, ordered via taobao and zarmark. It is fantastic! full speed Doom and everything else, beautiful backlit screen with good viewing angles and perfect dpad. I think its the latest k team one, its firmware is dated mid june 2012, already got a 16gb micro sd in there! Cost about 40 quid shipped to the UK.Lovely to just pop in your pocket and go - awesome!
if this was in a regular GBA format...

I'll stick with my GBM anyway... I so love it...