Official Gba Whine Thread


Still Fresh
Aug 28, 2003
is there a gameboy advanced emulator for the gp32?

This thread has been selected as the Official GBA Whine thread! All other 'When is the GBA emulator coming out' threads will be merged into this one to reduce annoyance to regulars! -- Rico

"But Rico, this is the official thread! What's the answer to my question?"

Yes -- That's the answer.

GPadvance: By ZardozJ, this emu is pretty slow at the moment and is only available as a leaked beta. F-zero crawls. No mode 7, sound or saves. But it works. Last we heard, "This project is on hold for the moment. Will start work on it again pretty soon"

VBA32: VBA32 is out and was the much-speculated SDL port, as it was ported/created by the nefarious Chui. While focused on GB/GBC games it does run GBA, albeit slowly, and it is designed for homebrew games so those of you with up-to-date romsets will be disappointed. No more development is planned... so one down, possibly another to go :)

ShiteGBA: also released and lives up to its namesake. Supports only homebrew roms, so most gamers won't be interested.

???: A new method of emulation is being investigated, involving using the GP32's ARM chip to execute GBA instructions directly for mondo speed! It's early days, though: more info

- Rico (last updated Feb '04)
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well howdy asshole, it's people like you that make people feel stupid...get off of your couch, unstick the victoria secrects catalog from your leg and find some other way to excercise your control issues.
oh i almost forgot :rolleyes:
Klown posted on Aug 29 2003 said:
Yes but its private. If you want a gba emulator get a gba and flash linker. :rolleyes:
That isn't a way of getting a GBA emulator though, that's a way of pirating games. Watch what you suggest and don't be such an asshole ALL the time
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there is a gba emu but i cant handle roms over 4mb because of the 8mb memory of the gp32 and gba roms come in 4,8,16 mb sizes the 4mb games run slow and mostly crash but the snes emu is looking hopful so lets all look at the for now
pooch posted on Aug 29 2003 said:
well howdy asshole, it's people like you that make people feel stupid...get off of your couch, unstick the victoria secrects catalog from your leg and find some other way to excercise your control issues.
oh i almost forgot :rolleyes:
what can I say, Klown is abit of a one sentence Arnie, kind of bloke, I don't think he meant his reply seriously. Still, that was a damn fine insult pooch, i'm going to store that for furure use!

Anyway no to the GBA question. But PCengine, ST, Neogeo pocket, snes, c64, DOOM (and all the WADS you can eat) and soon Genesis. So there is plenty to be getting on with.
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tomjack264 posted on Aug 29 2003 said:
there is a gba emu but i cant handle roms over 4mb because of the 8mb memory of the gp32 and gba roms come in 4,8,16 mb sizes the 4mb games run slow and mostly crash but the snes emu is looking hopful so lets all look at the for now
I've never understood why this is the case. Clearly, you shouldn't need enough RAM to load the whole cart, you should only need as much free RAM as the GBA has total system RAM. When the GBA loads something off cart to its RAM, you load the same data off SMC to the GP32's RAM. I'm pretty sure the SMC isn't going to be much slower than the GBA carts anyway...
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I have often wondered the same thing, it must be possible to make an emulator that reads the ROM in the same way that the original console would have. But what do I know :P
I have a GBA emulator but it runs at 166MHZ and the highest mine will go is 156Mhz so it crashes. The V-rally 3 rom is under 4MB and so loads but I only get a few screens in before it crashes. It could work reasonably well for all I know, but I don't really care. Maybe one day if some decent GBA software is released then I might be tempted to give a damn.
pooch posted on Aug 29 2003 said:
well howdy asshole, it's people like you that make people feel stupid...get off of your couch, unstick the victoria secrects catalog from your leg and find some other way to excercise your control issues.
oh i almost forgot :rolleyes:
Wow what a witty insult! Did it take you all night to come up with that? I was merely just saying that the gp32 is NOT a gba emulator. If i was being an asshole I would most likely get banned within 4 minutes.
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I don't get this.

Klown made a very good reply to an idiot who didn't check older threads or look at the FAQ here at GP32x. Said newbie flies off the hook and makes a ridiculously childish insult.

And you're calling Klown the asshole?
Speaking of the F.A.Q., what is the link for? Where it says "Try before you buy" and "F.A.Q." there is a [X] next to the links. Where can I get the F.A.Q.?