Gp2x-2006 Coding Competition Starts Today

How can one entry that takes a couple of hours to port, but represents, possibly, hundreds of hours of someone else's work be judged alongside an original entry where the dev has had less than 3 weeks to design, code and create the graphics/sound etc ?
For that matter, how do you judge one port against another ? If they both function flawlessly you have nothing to differentiate them except the original concept/implementation. Does the original designer/author get a prize too ?
If the competition was to make an emulator (which appears to be the only thing anyone is interested in) then at least there would be some basis for comparison.
digitaljez posted on Feb 5 2006 at 02:12 PM said:
If the competition was to make an emulator (which appears to be the only thing anyone is interested in) then at least there would be some basis for comparison.

i don't think an emulator would win this. this is probably partly for publicity, for one thing, and emulators are kinda thin ice territory in terms of illegal ROM downloading and such.

or at least, i wouldn't want an emulator to win, unless it was because the coding was exceptional, because an emulator, as you say, represents someone else's work - the developers. so i think an original, smart game will win, or one which utilizes the gp2x's hardware in a unique and individual way. or maybe something that isn't a game :unsure:
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subin posted on Feb 5 2006 at 05:28 PM said:
digitaljez posted on Feb 5 2006 at 02:12 PM said:
If the competition was to make an emulator (which appears to be the only thing anyone is interested in) then at least there would be some basis for comparison.

i don't think an emulator would win this. this is probably partly for publicity, for one thing, and emulators are kinda thin ice territory in terms of illegal ROM downloading and such.

or at least, i wouldn't want an emulator to win, unless it was because the coding was exceptional, because an emulator, as you say, represents someone else's work - the developers. so i think an original, smart game will win, or one which utilizes the gp2x's hardware in a unique and individual way. or maybe something that isn't a game :unsure:
Emulators usually tend to get third or second.
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Emulators can win if the author has put a LOT of work into them and made them into an absolutely amazing piece of software. Eg. a PSX or N64 emu running at 60 fps ;)

I remember Yoyo winning one of the coding compo's with OpenSnes9X, but he did put a lot of work into that, and the results were amazing.

So, it just depends who does the amazing work this time around.

And no, I won't be entering SquidgeSNES or SquidgeNgine into the compo for reasons that will become apparent with the next major release. You'll just have to wait until that time to find out why.
Squidge posted on Feb 5 2006 at 10:06 PM said:
And no, I won't be entering SquidgeSNES or SquidgeNgine into the compo for reasons that will become apparent with the next major release. You'll just have to wait until that time to find out why.

Ya big tease :P
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Squidge posted on Feb 5 2006 at 09:06 PM said:
Emulators can win if the author has put a LOT of work into them and made them into an absolutely amazing piece of software. Eg. a PSX or N64 emu running at 60 fps ;)

I remember Yoyo winning one of the coding compo's with OpenSnes9X, but he did put a lot of work into that, and the results were amazing.

So, it just depends who does the amazing work this time around.

And no, I won't be entering SquidgeSNES or SquidgeNgine into the compo for reasons that will become apparent with the next major release. You'll just have to wait until that time to find out why.
You're abandoning GP2x and moving to Gizmondo :o?
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digitaljez posted on Feb 5 2006 at 03:12 PM said:
How can one entry that takes a couple of hours to port, but represents, possibly, hundreds of hours of someone else's work be judged alongside an original entry where the dev has had less than 3 weeks to design, code and create the graphics/sound etc ?
For that matter, how do you judge one port against another ? If they both function flawlessly you have nothing to differentiate them except the original concept/implementation. Does the original designer/author get a prize too ?
If the competition was to make an emulator (which appears to be the only thing anyone is interested in) then at least there would be some basis for comparison.
Yeah thats what I keep thinking, I mean if rlyeh was to call fDay. It would be kind of unfair, since he has been working on those emulators (supposedly) for pretty much the last 2 years. I mean, they must be pretty good right?
Nice one Goity.
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I am really interested in getting an entry into this, although I do feel I have a bit on my plate. I have told some devs that I wanted to have GP2niX Beta1 release soon, so if I moved to working on a compo entry GP2niX would almost definately suffer some beta release-date setbacks.

Hmmmm... this is perplexing. :unsure:
the prize for this competition isn't that great is it?

a 4gb sd card? do sd cards still cost a lot i suppose.

also how good is the gp2x case? I 'd like a case one thats waterproof would be sweet.
challenger3 posted on Feb 13 2006 at 12:23 PM said:
the prize for this competition isn't that great is it?

It's not really about the prize, it's about the scene having a fun "event" that encourages a bunch of hard work with a deadline. Even the lucky first place winner will only end up with a couple bucks per hour. But having prizes is great, for sure!

I started my entry a few days ago (just got my gp2x) but am now faced with the choice between prematurely releasing a not-very-good "version 0.01" or just waiting a few more weeks before inflicting software on the community.
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Dzz posted on Feb 13 2006 at 07:31 PM said:
challenger3 posted on Feb 13 2006 at 12:23 PM said:
the prize for this competition isn't that great is it?

It's not really about the prize, it's about the scene having a fun "event" that encourages a bunch of hard work with a deadline. Even the lucky first place winner will only end up with a couple bucks per hour. But having prizes is great, for sure!

I started my entry a few days ago (just got my gp2x) but am now faced with the choice between prematurely releasing a not-very-good "version 0.01" or just waiting a few more weeks before inflicting software on the community.

Mine isn't ready yet (thought I have working prototype)... Had to do other things first but anyway managed to do some improvements. It's fun to reduce a routine from 4 cycles machine cycles to just 3 or a bulky one (10 cycles and needed extra register) to just 5 (with no extra register usage). I just recently realized how basic bit shifting (lsl, lsr, ror, etc.) can be powerfull especially with flexible argument in the Arm assembler.

I have to code two or three things and then to do some design.
(text scroller for an example)
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Mines ticking along nicely and should be ready in plenty of time.
As previously stated, the prizes are not really that important. I just want to enter so that I can know that I did.

FYI A-DATA cards are excellent quality, better than Sandisk IMO. I have a 1 gig and it's perfect. A 4gb A-DATA would be a fantastic prize!
challenger3 posted on Feb 13 2006 at 05:23 PM said:
the prize for this competition isn't that great is it?

a 4gb sd card? do sd cards still cost a lot i suppose.

also how good is the gp2x case? I 'd like a case one thats waterproof would be sweet.
What planet you on. You obviousley have internet access, check the prices out yourself.
A waterproof case? Are you going swimming with your gp2x? :blink:
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