Fao: Gbax Re: Official Gp2x Cases


Still Fresh
Oct 24, 2005
Shropshire, UK
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Was going to send an email on this but thought it best to do it in the forum as
other people might be interested in the reply.

I noticed that Play Asia have the official case in stock (well with a couple of weeks
lead time). Will you guys be getting some in soon as I really want to give you
my money ;) And if so, when?! :)
It'd be better to send them an e-mail, then post the reply here.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't read your post properly :P
You should still send GBAX an e-mail, they're very good about replying to you.
I got my case from gp32x, great cases but not as good as the gp32 I got from gbax when I got my gp32. On here some people have got different cases nintendo ds etc.... and they seem ideal for the gp2x.
I got mine from GP32z .... free for pre-ordering my GP2X. I wound up giving it to a friend, who got his system some weeks after I got mine.

IMO, it's less then stellar; the GP2X doen't quite fit, since the case is oval (and the GP2X is not ;)), and it has this wierd netting type thing resting directly on the screen, making me worry about scratches and such ... plus, there's no real room for any accessories, batteries, etc ...

I use an official GBA case (old-style), as it has all the room I need plus it's very cushioned and secure. :)
Just get a DS case, the GP2X is about the same shape and size as the DS, and should fit in any case designed for the DS. Somebody picked one up at Currys for £3, iirc.
I would also suggest going for a DS case. What really bugs me about my official GP2X case is that netting on the inside. It only covers half of the case, and the elastic edge is such that it can't hold anything in place unless it is too big to fit with the GP2X inside also. I keep my extra batteries in the case, but I have to open the case upside-down and be extra careful not to loose the batteries.
yep,ds case in currys £2.97.
great fit and plenty of protection (and a belt clip!)
I use the case I bought for my first minidisk (the first portable minidisks that were the size of the 2x! :P). It fits my 2X in the main compartment and my DS in the minidisk holder compartment at the same time :D Its perfect, all the homebrew goodness, and comercial goodness!

...and it has a belt clip :P
Thanks for the ideas there. Just had a quick look at some DS cases, problem is that most seem to be soft cases, I have an annoying tendency to leave things in places where they get sat or trod on so that's why I was holding out for the official one :) Do you think that any of the DS hard cases might fit or do you think they will probably be designed to be very snug as with PDA ones?
donny662 posted on Feb 1 2006 at 09:46 PM said:
I would also suggest going for a DS case. What really bugs me about my official GP2X case is that netting on the inside. It only covers half of the case, and the elastic edge is such that it can't hold anything in place unless it is too big to fit with the GP2X inside also. I keep my extra batteries in the case, but I have to open the case upside-down and be extra careful not to loose the batteries.

yep..when opening the case you have to sort of do it quickly or anything inside the netting part will just fall about ..its pretty stupid the netting can stretch so far, when infact, if something that big was even in the netting part, it wouldnt close!
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The same happens with the Astonishia Story GP32 cases, if you keep your batteries in the little pocket-thing they tend to fall out.