Gp2psx V0.33 Screenshots!

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Still Fresh
Dec 11, 2005
hey everyone, great work on the emulator zodttd!
if you would like to post screenshots of a psx emulated game running on ur gp2x, please do so here!
Heres some quick ones I did of Ridge Racer



Wow, is that actually real? So are some 3D games beginning to work sort of? (albeit probably at a frame rate only slightly greater than that screenshot)

Yup. I got partway trough the first lap on Ridge Racer the other day before my batteries died. I was overclocking pretty high and hadn't recharged them in 3 days...
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lol i just wanted to see psx games actually on a portable, sorry if its that strange to sink in...
No capital at the start of a scentence? For shame!
I don't mind incomplete sentences on the boards, but I hate titles that don't clearly state what will be found in the topic as there are so many new topics that I don't have time to read them all (as I once did, before the gp2x).
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Not only did the topic creator mislead us with the title, it was done with an exclamation mark !

Heinous :p
lol my god, 2 pages i thought were full of screenshots, instead its a load of users tryin to prove themselves that they can win a stupid arguement by examining the topic title...
now cheers for the gta 2 and ridge racer shots, cant wait to see more :D
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