What Is The Saddest Game You Have Ever Played?

Guess that would be Mystic Quest (i.e. Seiken Densetsu 1) for the GameBoy. Still sends me cold shivers down my spine when that robot girl dies in the tower ( just recently played the whole game once again )
Dreamweb. If you've never played it, it's moving at every level. PC and amiga only.

It's one of the few games that successfully creates a mood right from the start that never really changes throughout the game. Of course it's not a comfortable mood, but the graphics, music, and dialog are right on. And at no point in the game, is the mood even close to happy. It's closer to a hopeless despair.

I'd like to say that the end was a real shocker. I was trying to expect some positive change in the world after carrying out God's will, but in reality I knew the end would be far from a happy one. It's an ending I could really only stand to watch once, but it sticks with you forever, like no other game I've played.

Perhaps the mild depression the game brings on is what kept its sales down...or the insanely hard puzzles with about a million red-herrings. It's great for those teen angst years and provides a fine alternative to writing bad poetry and cutting yourself.

I will be checking out Kana, though.
Well that would have to be Little Big Adventure 2. The story in the beginning of that got me so emotional, just the whole atmosphere of it just got to me. But then again I do tend to go all weepy at the drop of a hat :unsure: ......
would be playing the hacked version of the seasame street game for NES that has the rubber ducky mini game with Ernie in the tub jacking off be a gay gaming moment? :blink: :P :o
Well that would have to be Little Big Adventure 2. The story in the beginning of that got me so emotional, just the whole atmosphere of it just got to me. But then again I do tend to go all weepy at the drop of a hat :unsure: ......
Dude(tte) , a fucking dragon ate something and got ill, what's so sad about that?
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Well I had the curiosity once to download Barney & Friends/Fags/Whatever when I was bored. Man I felt the gayest I've ever had in a gayest moment of gay gaming of my life :blink:! You know what, I have no idea what the hell I'm saying but I thought it made me sound gay.
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had to be said. I caan't remember the name of the game i truly meant, until i do, Bambi serves as a placeholder.
Saddest game must be FF7 when Aeris died... I hope I didn`t spoil anything now :P

I don`t really remember playing sad games...