Tell Us Your Childhood Game Stories

My first ever console + game was an N64 with Goldeneye. That's right, I didn't have anything till I was 8, feel for me...

Though there was an Amstrad in the house that I would break frequently...
I've got another... same friend as the ff1 memory, but he also hosted a nintendo party. basically, we had 15 neighbourhood kids bring over an old tv, all their NES games and their NES console and we set up a different one in every room (this place was HUGE... i lived in the country and this was an old farmhouse). we were up till 3am all over the house, going from room to room... MAN those times rocked!
I remember watching my dad play Prince of Persia on the ST when I was a kid. The moment where the mouse opens the dungeon door will never be forgotten.
Playing countless hours of Elite on the C64 with a friend. We took it in turns doing a planet each, building up cash and increasing our reputation.
It was so much fun!

I remember dreaming how amazing the Amiga version of Elite would be - and then how disappointed I was that it was essentially exactly the same.

Also loved Thing on a Spring for the C64 with the crazy music.
markiej said:
This was not childhood, but was almost 20 years ago. I started my usual after-class game of NES Lifeforce ... [wicked story] ... Thanks for giving me the chance to share this story among a sympathetic audience.
Awesome stuff markiej :D Loved reading that one.
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I remember back in elementary school, I used to have this buddy who was a terrible geek. He had a nes at home and sometimes we would just sit there and play 2 player mario bros. I would die in the fucking 1st level and he would pass the whole damn game without losing a life... crazy. That usually took like 2,5 hours.

Also, I remember how I borrowed my one friend's snes later on in 6th grade and it stayed with me for quite a while. So my dad went out and bought my friend final fantasy mystic quest for borrowing his snes to me for so long. That only had the effect that it stayed even longer and we spent out days inside trying to beat the game. I also became obsessed with JRPGs.

Oh, one summer some kid from indiana was over at our house in Germany when friends of my mum stayed for a couple of weeks. It was really fucking hot outside so we stayed in my basement and played C64 like maniacs. I think we broke one of my joysticks while playing ghost busters. We played this pool game a lot where you could change gravitation and friction etc. We fiddled around with it so much that everyone had to wait like 45 minutes for his turn because the pool balls wouldn't stop moving and I remember that we fell asleep.
I remember playing Tandy Pong with my cousins, and I broke the lever on the controller (yes, I said lever .. there were no dial-type paddles on this version):


It was the saddest day of my life up to that point. :(
TelcoLou said:
I remember playing Tandy Pong with my cousins, and I broke the lever on the controller (yes, I said lever .. there were no dial-type paddles on this version):


It was the saddest day of my life up to that point. :(
Those things look solid, that must have been some game :P
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Blah said:
Ooh, it has Tennis, Football, and Squash! ;)
Don't forget the 2-player remote controls (just a coiled wire from a telephone handset) :P

And yes, we played violently .. the harder you smashed the lever, the quicker the paddle moved y'know :lol:
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What games I used to play depended on where I was at the time. I've never bought consoles (except handhelds), so I always went up to my mates house for a gaming session on his Snes. My house was reserved for Amiga gaming & C64 happened at both of our houses.
We used to set up a bucket bong in the middle of his bedroom & take turns completing levels on Super Mario World or races on Mario Kart. While one was playing, the other was serving the tops. We had a similar setup down at my house with one slight difference..

My dad had built a shed (summer house as he called it ;)) at the end of our garden, complete with electrics, curtains, heater & an excercise bike that a family member no longer wanted.
If the weather was crap & neither of us could be bothered going to school, we would hide out for an hour until our parents had gone to work, sneak into the shed, pull the curtains shut & bang on the Amiga for a full days worth of gaming with Settlers, Chaos Engine & Speedball 2 etc.
We used to start off smoking joints & we competed on the excercise bike to see who could last the longest. While one was gaming, the other had to keep peddling the bike whilst smoking the joint & the first one to stop peddling the bike at full speed had to serve the tops for the entire day.
That was how it was supposed to happen.. unfortunately I don't think either of us lasted longer than 10 mins on the exercise bike after a couple of joints. We always ended up bitching & moaning at each other to do the tops until one of us eventually caved & did it themselves lol.

Ah good times :D
LOL... I used to have tetris competitions with my mates just about a year ago whilst being terribly baked. That was awesome. Really, playing tetris when being stoned is a nice idea, you guys should try that.
TelcoLou said:
I remember playing Tandy Pong with my cousins, and I broke the lever on the controller (yes, I said lever .. there were no dial-type paddles on this version):


It was the saddest day of my life up to that point. :(

I thought I was probably the oldest person visiting these boards.... but there is hope. I still probably am the elder statesman... but at least I feel better that someone knows what pong and a dial (radial) type controller is.
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Well before Tandy Pong came out, the closest thing we had that resembled a video game console was my father's oscilloscope with its 6" diameter screen ... we figured out how to draw crude geometric shapes on it :)
TelcoLou said:
Well before Tandy Pong came out, the closest thing we had that resembled a video game console was my father's oscilloscope with its 6" diameter screen ... we figured out how to draw crude geometric shapes on it :)
Fun for all the family!
Who won? ;)
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Tripmonkey_uk said:
TelcoLou said:
Well before Tandy Pong came out, the closest thing we had that resembled a video game console was my father's oscilloscope with its 6" diameter screen ... we figured out how to draw crude geometric shapes on it :)
Fun for all the family!
Who won? ;)

... erm, my father. He took it away and put it where we couldn't get at it again ("This is NOT a toy!!")

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saehn said:
What does "serving the tops" mean? :)

Sounds like some kind of Brit drug reference, but I've never heard it before. ;)
You invite all your favourite people ( the ones that are at the top of your friends list) around for a cup of tea & serve them one at a time.
It's all quite innocent really ;)
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