Whats Your Favourite Console 2?

what sis your favourite console

  • GP32

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GP2X

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  • XBOX 360

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  • XBOX

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  • PS2

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  • PS1

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  • PSP

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    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • DS

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NES

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Still Fresh
Jan 20, 2006
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Please just tell me what your favourite consoleis....if your console is not included justpost which one is your favourite in the topic...many thanks
still no atari 2600, no lynx, no jaguar, no 5200, no 7800, no supervision, no wonderswan, no adventurevision, no colecovision, no intellevision, no microvision, no Channel F, no Bally Astrocade, no Pippin, no Playdia, no PC-engine, no Turbo Express, no TG-16, no Gameking, no Cybiko, no Virtual boy, no 3do, no CD-I, no CD32.blah blah blah..
still no atari 2600, no lynx, no jaguar, no 5200, no 7800, no supervision, no wonderswan, no adventurevision, no colecovision, no intellevision, no microvision, no Channel F, no Bally Astrocade, no Pippin, no Playdia, no PC-engine, no Turbo Express, no TG-16,

the website wouldn't let me put any more on, im sorry
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No N-Gage option?! ;)

SNES/PS2/GP2X for me... roughly in that order, so far (all I've used my GP2X for in the last few weeks is MP3s and the odd game here and there).

Oh, and I hate the N-Gage with a vibrant passion.
i hated the N-gage too, before i bought one. I love my N-gage and regret the day i ever bashed it. You shouldn't knock it until you actually own it and use it for what it is, a gamers phone, if you keep that in mind that it is a phone, you will be very happy with your N-gage.
Hmm, I must be too old for this thread. The only system that even comes close to my favorite might be the Atari ST. And that wasn't a console. :(

Where's the Atari 2600/5200, Coleco, Intellivision, Pong. For the old fogies in here. :)

NES for me, just because it was the first console I ever played/owned. Before that I didn't even know gameconsoles existed. And i loved it. I also have a Atari 2600. It was fun playing those games too B)
The only ones I ever used are the GP32, GP2X and PSP. I guess I am just not into consoles, I would rather Play on the PC. I picked PSP since it is the only thing I have other than my Zodiac not collecting dust right now. And to piss everyone off. :P
i hated the N-gage too, before i bought one. I love my N-gage and regret the day i ever bashed it. You shouldn't knock it until you actually own it and use it for what it is, a gamers phone, if you keep that in mind that it is a phone, you will be very happy with your N-gage.

I thought the LOL section of the forums was elsewhere. *laugh* J./K.

Out of the options listed, I chose the SNES, because of all the nostalgia, and I'm not into all the fancier newer consoles, although the new ones are damn impressive, visually and sound-wise.

For not on the list/older, I'd have to say Sega Master System. Only console home-system to have a version of Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar, and a lot of the games were stunning, graphically, for an 8-bit system. And the music was really sweet too in most of the games. Loved the music in Golvellius and the Valley of Doom, personally. And I prefered Safari Hunt to Duck Hunt for the NES.
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I got an n-gage free, during a promotion at work. I would have never bought one otherwise. But i must say, Pathway to Glory is a fuckin outstanding game! Attention to detail and fun factor is through the roof, one of the best multiplayer games PERIOD.
My Neo Geo CD is my favorite system, though i don't play it much, i consider it my crown jewel of my collection since its the most expensive "old" console i've bought. I can usually find stuff pretty cheap at flea markets, but not to many people these days have the neo geo cd for sale at a flea market