why not a litrtle update for the gp32 version? please, remember the people who still have and use his gp32 =( ...this emulator its one of my 3"always in smc" with little jhon and drmd...please, a little update!!!
There was an update a couple of days ago... look in the GP32 lynx thread. I couldn't see much difference though, although I didn't try much for very long...
I have download the last version, but i don't see the README file, i don't understand where put the emu, the games, and the lynxboot.img.?
Explain me, please :huh:
EXCUSE me, if i understand well.
PUT THE EMU in the root of my SD CARD, after made a directory "handygp2x" and put inside the games and LYNXBOOT.img
Is correct?