Vice2x Update

:) Excuse me snaff, but the speed, of emulation of C16 and VIC20?
Are slow?
Thank you.

I never had a Plus4 or Vic20 so I can't say for sure if those systems feel they way they should. I'd be interested to hear feedback from those who use them. They seem fine to me, but I'm not an expert, and haven't tested them with a full range of things.
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Thanks snaff, I have been holding off using Vice2x (sticking to Frodo) so far, but I'll give it a go today :)

ps. 9.1MB (!) is it not possible to distribute machines individually? Or does each machine require a large base of stuff? (I'm on dialup so these things still get to me). :o
But please, please implement Vice's "warp speed" feature so we can load games in under 10 minutes (I know it's real time, but there's only certain elements of the Commodore that I want to relive ;) )
Bless you .. now to try the early EA stuff with the virtual keyboard!

Don't let anyone bring you down .. this is GREAT work!

Oh, if you don't want the other machines, just remove the other .gpe files other than X64.gpe :)

First, thank you. I've had some time to play with the new build.

Of significant importance ...

- We need the ability to change disks without restarting the machine. Any "insert disc 2" games are pointless (including anything that uses a save disc).

- Can we have the arrows back on the virtual keyboard? I'm really lazy and it could save a lot of 'typing'. :)

- Some of the EA stuff loads (like Racing Destruction Set), but most of it still locks up during boot. I have to assume we're talking about custom DOS routines (typical fat track EA crap as I recall - even unprotected images). These work in winVice. I'm curious if you know of anything drive level that hasn't been implemented. I'm really patient, but if you feel we've covered all the bases codewise, then it must be something else. Perhaps its PAL/NTSC timing? What does Vice run at by default? I'd like to help hunt it down.

- I'm getting a weird device unloading with LEGACY OF THE ANCIENTS (more EA). When you do the autostart, it finds "*", runs apparently, but all the sudden the image dismounts! Try to load * again, or EA as the loader tried to do ... device not found happens... Thoughts?

Thank you!
Finally had some time to get back to work on Vice2x :)

alpha2 now at

The main updates in this release are the virtual keyboards and screen scaling option.

Awesome, I'm going to try this out tonight. Space Taxi on the gp2x, woot!

snaff, how "portable" is the virtual keyboard code? I need to add a virtual keyboard soon since I am adding TI99/4a support to gp2xmess and I'm on the lookout for some code to nab. ;)
If it's pretty straightforward would you mind if I used it?

Thanks for the hard work, it's very much appreciated

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I was of the opinion that Vice (at least the PC) version had almost flawless compatability! One thing I wished for the Gp32 version of Frodo, was higher compatability
Hmm, is there a way to specify a cartridge and address, for the vic20 module? ie: Much or most of vic 20 s/w was in cart form, and I only see the autoload option.. which is for disk or tape images by appearance. Vic 20 carts need a bit more work, since they're both carts, and have to go to the right address (usually spelled out in the filename).. ie: CosmicCruncher-A000 and such.

(I only checked alpha1; it also drew the display too wide so only the center of it was shown, but that was moot due to the above :)

I'll check out alpha 002.. vic 20 Omega Race ruled ;)

I was of the opinion that Vice (at least the PC) version had almost flawless compatability! One thing I wished for the Gp32 version of Frodo, was higher compatability

i think others have said the same.

Actually all my favourite C64 games work in Frodo so I'm not sure how much difference there is. I seem to remember that there is a Frodo compatibility list website somewhere, so I guess there are some problems, othewise this wouldn't be necessary.

There is one game i play that is slightly glitchy (in Frodo), which is 'Hunter's Moon': the radar thing displays off the bottom of the normal screen area (using some raster-interupt trickery no doubt). Interestingly, this is handled better on the gp2X version than the gp32 version, so maybe some compatibility problems have disappeared with the new port to gp2x?

I'll try 'Hunters Moon' tonight on Vice as well to see if it's even more better(er).
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my gp2x is ordered, vice/frodo will be the first things to go on it, then donation.

i cant wait!!!!! although i have to