Outcast (castaway) Lives! (screenshot Only)


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
In case you're interested..


Just having some menu oddities, and no sound yet, and speed stinks.. but I hope to get the first alpha out in a day or so :)

I'm off to bed; if anyone knows off the top of their head, what MHz speed does the launcher fire up an app at? ie: If it starts it up at 100MHz or something, that'd explain a lot.. as I've not added a FCLK setting function yet :)

Sorry for my ignorance, but what is it exactly? To me it looks like some kind of custom OS/firmware.
In case you're interested..


Just having some menu oddities, and no sound yet, and speed stinks.. but I hope to get the first alpha out in a day or so :)

I'm off to bed; if anyone knows off the top of their head, what MHz speed does the launcher fire up an app at? ie: If it starts it up at 100MHz or something, that'd explain a lot.. as I've not added a FCLK setting function yet :)

Wow, good work skeezix! I remember how good CaSTaway was on the Zod! B)

I think all GP2Xs start up with the CPUs running at 200MHz. You can check using the CPU & LCD timing tweaker.

I found that just drawing straight onto the back buffer in 16bpp gives a huge speed boost to my graphics code.
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Looking great - that sure is one lovely sight, and I'm truly looking forward to taking all my favourite classics along with me

Hope you get the remaining issues sorted out without too much trouble :)
Firefox: I'm already drawing straight on the framebuffer as Crom intended :) In my rush I've been doing a lot of ugly little hacks unti I built up my abstraction layers so its almostr certain either the device clock is set slow, or else I'm wasting a lot of effort somewhere (timer code is wrong, etc.) I've been busy with family functions of late so not been home the last few days to code much :/

Anyway, should get it up and going proper very soon..

This is actually descended from my PSP version, which is very similar to the GP32 version; I've got a few more fises, and need to fix up the FDC (floppy disk controller) a bit as theres an old bug left in there that stop sdisk writes half the time (not needed too much for a emu on game platform, but I like to be complete..)

Also need to merge in Hatari and STonX and my own TOSemu, but I'll get the CaSTaway module going first, then work on the merging abstraction more, and see how it goes.. :)

Great news, looking forward to great gamesd such as dungeon master and stunt car racer on my 2X.
Firefox: I'm already drawing straight on the framebuffer as Crom intended :) In my rush I've been doing a lot of ugly little hacks unti I built up my abstraction layers so its almostr certain either the device clock is set slow, or else I'm wasting a lot of effort somewhere (timer code is wrong, etc.) I've been busy with family functions of late so not been home the last few days to code much :/

In hindsight I feel ashamed and embarrassed that I assumed you'd be using SDL even for your first few hours of coding! ;)
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Ahright, a minor update so my honour is not disbanded ;) Disabled some tracing and debugging I had kept in there to find something*, and she seems to be running pretty well; Xenon 2 is fast or 100% (frameskip0) at 200Mhz (it helps when I don't set the FCLK to 66MHz you see..) so speed should be good. (and this is audio and graphics being rendered on main CPU with everything else.) (yes, I've got audio going too.. Xenon in full glory, almost by accident as I hack up all the code from my other builds.)

* Seems like the most annoying obstacle is the case sensitivity differences.. ie: I'm a unix weenie, but right now I happen to be using WinXP for this development (don't ask); the FAT32 long naming gets in the way.. a files long-name might be TOS.ROM, but the actual filename that is present in the FAT would be TOS.rom .. so I keep tricking myself from finding various files until you delete and recopy and rename it.. but if you just rename it, the filename could well be wrong case.

I think I'll make a 'cheap open' routine that will look for a file that matches regardless of case; that violates the goal of the unix filesystem, but being the SD cards aren't running on ufs anyway, and usually being used with Windows.. probably a good idea to keep everyone sane.

(ie: For locating TOS file anyway. The disk images will, once I get menus working right, be picked from a list. Its only a problem when I hardcode a pathname :P)

BTW.. right now I'm assuming /roms/atari-st/ for TOS.ROM and the disk images (.st and .msa and .zip of those two); might as well strike at using an emerging path standard.

(This way someone else could use /roms/atari-2600 say, perhaps, or another ST emu could re-use /roms/atari-st)

This seems to be advancing really fast!

Even though I've never had an Atari ST I'm still really looking forward to having it emulated on the GP2X. Mostly because Atari ST shares so many games with Amiga ;)
It'll move fast.. its not the first ST emu I've done ;) ie: for the CaSTaway module I've already got fully working and debugged save/load state, and a fast-but-not-great audio renderer for the YM chipset, etc etc. Lots to do in order to make it prettier, but she runs fast (if not perfect emulation for all games.)

I had an st, and ive still got a stash of floppies with games on. Woo hoo!
pirates till my eyes bleed! :D
The Genesis/MegaDrive version of Pirates! is actually better, but look forward to the greatest, most amzing and best ever Tennis game "Great Courts II", which was even better than Dreamcast Tennis 2K2. HOOORAYYYYY! Oh, and I'm also very excited to dev with GFA-Basic on my GP2X. So retro!!
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