

Dec 19, 2002
Gee, I hope they don't make Hando delete this thread cause it has the word "TETRIS" in the title.

This is a load of bunk. Actually, I think the authors of the games can get away with keeping their games available if they make the name completely different (ie: not gpTris or anything with tet or tris in the title). I read that somewhere, but I can't recall now.

I think it was on the gamedev.net site.

Anyways, this is totally rediculous.... I doubt their profits are being hurt too much. "Yeah, I didn't get that new GameCube Tetris game cause I can play the homebrew one on my GP32"....

How sad..
I agree. I really don't think that a homebrew game could be damaging thier company in anyway. If they'd made a commercial tetris game for the GP32 then I'd understand how it could effect the sales etc, but this is just being damn picky.

I can only imagine how much hassle shareware developers are getting. I think nearly every shareware developer has created a tetris style game at one point or another :lol:
The lawyer representing Tetris whatever CO is full of shit.
Yes I agree that the name TETRIS in any from like that is illegal. e.g... BGTetris, GPTETRIS..whatever. BUT to say BGtris or tris 2 or anything of the sort is a copyright infringement is stupid and idiotic. The Tetris Co are trying to be major @ssholes and it really bursts my bubble when a company that has any clout at all can throw their shit around anytime thinking what they are doing is correct.
This just allows me to say"I am not going to by any more Tetris ANYTHING anyore." Stuff like this brings down creativity in new developing and brings down the community.

Hando, its sad that little companies and little websites have to kneel before big corportations who say they are losing money because of the copyright infringments. Its not right, and I have just lost all respect for the Tetris Co and whatever gaming entertainment it stood for.

The only thing I can think of to remedy this problem, is rename the tetris remakes totally. Then Tetris Co and Glenn Bellamy (the lawyer) can't attack this site again.

... Those lousy Pratts.
What might be interesting is to come up with some sort of open-source code word that could communally mean TETRIS - such as SIRTET or BLOCKZ or something like that to completely rebrand the name over time. If every version that comes out were called this or a subset of this? It's their brand, so maybe someone could come up with an opensource version of own own that could be recognizable?

Would take a long time, and is extra work, but...

HZ :ph34r:
If I see a game called BLOCKZ or BLOX then I usually guess that the game is similar to tetris.
Cool. Now all GP32 users now have to use emulators and illegal roms to play Tetris.

Are they more happy with that? I wonder...
man, the tetris company have absolutely raped the tetris game and brand... I also think it's ironic that the original developers of tetris (Alexey Pajitnov and a couple others) don't get ANY royalties at all and these arseholes are condemning anything with the name tetris in it!

I think the last decent tetris game released by them was the Next Tetris on the N64.. everything else has been utter shit and a disgrace to the name. Even Nintendo doesn't use it for Tetris Attack!!
I dunno why but this reminds me of the neo-geo pocket emulator called "rather a pokemon emulator" or "rape" for short. I found it kinda funny when nintendo acctuly contacted the author and threatened legal action because of the use of pokemon in the name of the emulator. The emulator didn't even emulate and nintendo software. I dunno I suppose it reminds me of that because this tetris company is going after a game called gptris and claiming copyright infringment.
first of all.. this is bullshit. they should go after the authors first.. you can have links to whatever you want.. fuck them.. leave that shit up. tell them to talk to the makers first.

btw, this might just be a bot.
They only hold the rights to the name Tetris, just rename the games and it is fine.
what if you make a game called "the adventures of Tetris" ??? and its about a little girl named tetris who has to fight off bad guys.
Fuck that, how many times did they compain about tetris clones for flash? Perhaps it has to do with the rivalry between Gamepark and Nintendo. I feel sorry for the developers that were making tetris for gp32, but it doesnt matter because gp32 has emulation and alot of systems have tetris.
No, they "own" (and I use this term loosely) the Intellectual Property of the Tetris game. Reread the mail; if you change the name of your Tetris game to -anything-, the bots might not pick it up but it's still on the lawyer's radars, and still a Tetris clone. They still have grounds to sue or whatever.

The reason behind all this is unlike the creators of Pacman, Asteroids etc. The Tetris Company don't want to lose their IP rights to the game so they are vigorously defending them like assholes, hunting down every freeware game that resembles Tetris. Unfortunately a lot of freeware clone games are illegal in the same way, but fortunately a lot of the companies and businesses that own the rights just don't care.

- Rico
Are you sure that they have patents over the tetris design?
Because if they just own the trademark to "tetris" then a clone with the name change is perfectly legal.
You don't see nintendo sueing people for mario clones or squaresoft sueing people over final fantasy clones :P

Copyright only protects the "visualisation" of the idea, like a book or a piece of artwork. So where tetris is concerned, the copyright only protects the original graphics and source.

Trademarks only protect the name of something, for example "Microsoft" or "Tetris. If I created a name "SuperSoft", I couldn't be sued by microsoft for the soft part of the name (much like tetris can't sue over GPtris, unless they trademark the name "GPtris").
Also some trademarks are limited, such as "Bullet Time", trademarked by 3Drealms, only covers computer and videogames.

Patents protect the idea.
The way the US government throw out patents, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a patent for tetris.

The closest thing to the patent was patented first in 1999 and then in 2002.
Owned by Dusan Mraovic.
Not the tetris company.

Have fun tetris cloning, just hope Dusan doesn't have anything against it ;)
What about making a 'cool 3d adventure' that is called Adventures of Bla, but whenever you start the game it says, "Sorry, load error!" and then it exits in 3 secs. But those who know what it really is (tetris) can press up 2ice and 'GPBLOX' will start ;)
as an act of rebelion i think that EVERYONE who can code should make a tetris game and put it on a webiste dedicated to gp32 tetris :D
FroZtByte posted on Aug 17 2003 said:
You don't see nintendo sueing people for mario clones or squaresoft sueing people over final fantasy clones :P
Um, actually you do. Ask the authors of the Gianna Sisters (Rainbow Arts), who were sued by Nintendo because their game so closely resembled Super Mario Brothers.

The copyright holders of Tetris most certainly can come after people who use their name or directly copy their game. The question really at this point for gp32 users is ... why?

If anyone asks why the owners of this board don't want rom links and stuff like that, refer them to this thread. The suits are out there, hovering. There's no reason to attract them to the hive.
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nerd of nerds posted on Aug 17 2003 said:
as an act of rebelion i think that EVERYONE who can code should make a tetris game and put it on a webiste dedicated to gp32 tetris :D
Exactly :) Now lets start coding :P PM me if someone is actually serious about it, and I'll make the page
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