Serious Usb Help

Have you tried formating the card in the camera?
This will most likely format the card to fat16 which isn't really what the gp2x wants, but it will atleast let you test that the card does work in the camera. If the camera is unable to format the card, then you card is most likely bad. IF you can format the card in the camera, and use it, then you should get a USB card reader and use it + windows xp to format the card to Fat32.
To get my GP2X to show up as a drive I had to manually assing it a drive letter in the disk manager. The disk manager automatically assinged it to a letter, but it wouldn't show up in My Computer, so I manually assinged it some unused letter and it showed up fine.
Your going to have to type a little better. Try to answer the questions your asked if you want help.

How did you format the card?
Right, time to crack out the old dictionary for grammar help. Anyway, The GP2x can read the card. The camera card reader can't. When connection the gp2x to the PC it does not work. There is not unallocated space in the disk manager. The camera can't read it now that its FAT32 so does not work when connecting to the PC. I used to use the camera to transfer the files over.