

Coltrane Sundia
Aug 7, 2004
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Now that more people have got their GP2X's and we're realising the few minor faults aren't really that big a deal, I thought this article makes for some interesting perspective:

Xbox 360 'Overheating' Problems Emerge

Forum posts are suggesting early teething problems for Xbox 360, with some units overheating.

All hardware launches are afflicted by a small percentage of problems; and it seems Xbox 360 is no exception. The forums today include some irate Xbox 360 owners who are experiencing overheating problems, likely to do with the hard drive. One owner claimed Microsoft had stated it had "received numerous calls".

Here's what they had to say. We're awaiting a response from Microsoft.

TomStrong at GA-Forum wrote

"I play Kameo (interesting game) for about 30 minutes and the 360 crashes!!! Ugh.... Power adaptor goes from solid green to a flashing orange.... What next? Well, shoot off an email to MS, get one back not too long ago, find out that the flashing orange means that Xbox has overheated!

Zeebo at Xbox Scene wrote

"I just received my Xbox 360 today. It was freezing cold so I let it sit for about an hour. Plugged everything in got it up and started playing COD 2. I completed training and while it was loading it just went to a black screen. I waited for awhile and nothing happened so I turned it off, let it sit and turned it back on. I turned it back on to 3 red flashing lights. The top left and the two bottom.

"I found out that it's the hard drive. They said they have received numerous calls already. I unplugged my hard drive and it worked fine. Put it back on my box and red lights again."

Reaver at TeamXbox wrote

"It worked when I set all my settings up. But I put in PGR3, it freezes when I get to the menu, did it 3 times. I put in PDZ, it freezes in the menu."

Yannira also at TeamXbox wrote

"All five of the games I bought freeze up after a few minutes, I am assuming because of the 360 heating up. It gets unusually hot, the game discs as well are red hot."
After reading that, I fully expect complaints of the GP2X over-heating ...
Ha, microsoft *must* have known about it before release, surely !

Else they did extremely poor testing. There again, arn't the public beta testers for microsoft products anyway ;)

They clearly rushed it out to get a mega headstart on Ninty and Sony, sega style.... the graphics arent that great, not seen anything on it that I cant better with PC games of the last year - add to that that the games are fairly rotten at launch, people paying 400-500+quid on ebay are absolute morons.
well the 360 is a beast, heh. anyway, i may have found another possible hardware fault; when you move the system while a game is being played, then you might damage the disc badly. i'm not sure how that happens, but it's apparently happened to my friend's pd0 copy.

all in all, it's not a bad system, although i'm glad i didn't pick one up just yet. the launch games aren't bad, either, and the graphics are nice and rival the prettiest pc games at highest settings. only thing that bugs me is the supposed 4xAA! as nice as games like pgr3 are looking, jaggies are still noticeable..not much, though.
They clearly rushed it out to get a mega headstart on Ninty and Sony, sega style.... the graphics arent that great, not seen anything on it that I cant better with PC games of the last year - add to that that the games are fairly rotten at launch, people paying 400-500+quid on ebay are absolute morons.

And they'll be sorry they rushed it. The PS2's lifetime was two years longer than the Xbox or Gamecube.... It came out earlier and they were still pumping out games as news of the PS3 and 360 came along.

PS3 has incredible amounts of processing power.... it will be up with the most amazing looking games for a long time to come.... and will definitely outlive the 360. Having nearly twice the floating point performance of the 360, and the PSP connectivity...

Microsoft picked a fight with a big company this time. If you're wondering why these video game consoles are like supercomputers compared to the best OEMs out there, its because Sony saw Microsoft trying to wedge itself in there, and just crammed the thing with specs. Sony does not plan on losing, now that both are directly competing rather that m$ quietly stealing some share.

Sony: "Its on."
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They clearly rushed it out to get a mega headstart on Ninty and Sony, sega style.... the graphics arent that great, not seen anything on it that I cant better with PC games of the last year - add to that that the games are fairly rotten at launch, people paying 400-500+quid on ebay are absolute morons.

And they'll be sorry they rushed it. The PS2's lifetime was two years longer than the Xbox or Gamecube.... It came out earlier and they were still pumping out games as news of the PS3 and 360 came along.

PS3 has incredible amounts of processing power.... it will be up with the most amazing looking games for a long time to come.... and will definitely outlive the 360. Having nearly twice the floating point performance of the 360, and the PSP connectivity...

Microsoft picked a fight with a big company this time. If you're wondering why these video game consoles are like supercomputers compared to the best OEMs out there, its because Sony saw Microsoft trying to wedge itself in there, and just crammed the thing with specs. Sony does not plan on losing, now that both are directly competing rather that m$ quietly stealing some share.

Sony: "Its on."

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They clearly rushed it out to get a mega headstart on Ninty and Sony, sega style.... the graphics arent that great, not seen anything on it that I cant better with PC games of the last year - add to that that the games are fairly rotten at launch, people paying 400-500+quid on ebay are absolute morons.

And they'll be sorry they rushed it. The PS2's lifetime was two years longer than the Xbox or Gamecube.... It came out earlier and they were still pumping out games as news of the PS3 and 360 came along.

The PS2 is still alive and will be for some time. Too many units sold to be just forsaken only because something newer showed.

PS3 has incredible amounts of processing power.... it will be up with the most amazing looking games for a long time to come.... and will definitely outlive the 360. Having nearly twice the floating point performance of the 360, and the PSP connectivity...

This yet to be seen... The Cell has raw power indeed but this one thing, using it in efficient way is another.

Microsoft picked a fight with a big company this time. If you're wondering why these video game consoles are like supercomputers compared to the best OEMs out there, its because Sony saw Microsoft trying to wedge itself in there, and just crammed the thing with specs. Sony does not plan on losing, now that both are directly competing rather that m$ quietly stealing some share.

Well... it's exaggerating imho... Certainly PS3 isn't a supercomputer and Cell's capabilities are hardly universal. It'll be very fast at some things but knowing its limitations (lots of vector units but not such things like OutOfOrder execution, no automatic caches handling) I'd say it'll be mixed bags. Some things will be phenomenal on the PS3, some other rather not.

Sony: "Its on."

Imho both companies (Sony and Ms) made mistakes. They overstuffed their consoles with too much silicon. After all it's a content what is most important to a success of such systems. Specs this. specs that... it doesn't really matter if they are good enough. Perhaps for a pissing contents of marketing departments but not for users. Console's hardware should be cheap and easy to develop. Both Xbox360 and PSP3 aren't and look at the PS2 - why not just made updated version (only twice fast, with 128MB of memory) and sell it for 99 bucks without losses. Graphics could be better anyway, user's base would explode and developers would have far easier life programming it. So in the effect games for it would look even better than specs would be suggesting.

Now look what Ms and Sony have... Expensive, overheating monsters what must be sold at loss. Expensive also for develpers thanks to theirs complicated architectures. Expensive for users as losses have to be regained on higher software's prices. Just great... NOT!
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Makes me glad I'm a small company man.

Serves 'em all right.

Perspective indeed.

Nice thread
Revolution will wipe the floor with the other two consoles.... just like the Cube before it, and just like the Snes before that.... and like the DS is stealthily doing to the PSP after the silly fanboys wipe the sony lovejuice out their eyes. I love ninty because they constanmtly show that processing power and poly count means jack shit.
They clearly rushed it out to get a mega headstart on Ninty and Sony, sega style.... the graphics arent that great, not seen anything on it that I cant better with PC games of the last year - add to that that the games are fairly rotten at launch, people paying 400-500+quid on ebay are absolute morons.

And they'll be sorry they rushed it. The PS2's lifetime was two years longer than the Xbox or Gamecube.... It came out earlier and they were still pumping out games as news of the PS3 and 360 came along.

PS3 has incredible amounts of processing power.... it will be up with the most amazing looking games for a long time to come.... and will definitely outlive the 360. Having nearly twice the floating point performance of the 360, and the PSP connectivity...

Microsoft picked a fight with a big company this time. If you're wondering why these video game consoles are like supercomputers compared to the best OEMs out there, its because Sony saw Microsoft trying to wedge itself in there, and just crammed the thing with specs. Sony does not plan on losing, now that both are directly competing rather that m$ quietly stealing some share.

Sony: "Its on."
:blink: The PS3 might not be total crap when it comes out but it also won't be anything special. If you belive anything from Sony's bullshit E3 show, I can't help you.
By the way, funny to see that Sony isn't the only console manufacturer selling crappy broken hardware anymore. ;)
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