Quake Ii Released

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"Edit: Forgot to say - give it a while when loading. You will get a black screen for about 40 seconds."

I dont know, but that sounds like the framerate *might* just be a little less than 8 fps or so....
Framerate is 5.5 average at normal detail with sound, and 6.4 if you use an autoexec.cfg optimised for speed (but sound still on). Not tried it without sound.
Woogal, you ARE a god... *Nods* If I wasn't saving every last penny I had and borrowing a bit more to cover customs and taxes on my GP2X, I'd be clicking on your donate link. Makes me a bit concerned cause I'm running out of food money. *Nod*
Woogal, you ARE a god... *Nods* If I wasn't saving every last penny I had and borrowing a bit more to cover customs and taxes on my GP2X, I'd be clicking on your donate link. Makes me a bit concerned cause I'm running out of food money. *Nod*
You call 7fps godly?!

Yeah, but anyway good work Woogal I realise that this is very early on and so on.
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Woogal, you ARE a god... *Nods*  If I wasn't saving every last penny I had and borrowing a bit more to cover customs and taxes on my GP2X, I'd be clicking on your donate link.  Makes me a bit concerned cause I'm running out of food money.  *Nod*
You call 7fps godly?!

Yeah, but anyway good work Woogal I realise that this is very early on and so on.
7fps on 200mhz is pretty godly :) Think of what we can do with 2 cpus... maybe ~30 fps O_O
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2 x 7 = 30? Awesome.
Good work, Woogal. The second my GP2X comes, I'm loading this onto it and playing.
I don't think you need 30 fps for q2 to be playable on a device like this, with no multiplayer and controlling with keys rather than a mouse.
And I'm not saying the 2nd processor would let it get to 30, but you shouldn't just multiply by two because there is other stuff the 1 cpu that is being used now has to do besides rendering.
On the other hand making q2 use both cpus may be more difficult than some people may think... but we'll see where it gets.

Really can`t wait any longer for my gp2x!

I so glad I still have my Q2 cd around here somewhere.
Where do you think it might get, Woogal?
What framerate can it reach in your opinion?
Ok, everyone calm down ;)

I can see fps counts spiraling out of control here and this is just how rumors start (we've already shot up from 6 to 30!).

Here are the facts - This is just a quick port of sdlquake with the fixed point changes from pocketquake2 thrown in for good luck. Looking at benchmarks for pocket pc's, they seem to be getting around about 6 at 200mhz, and up to about 10 on certain devices at 400+mhz. Fastest I've been able to get this so far is 6.4 (5.5 without any special configuration) which seems to fit with pocket pc speeds. Now as this is just sdlquake running on linux, it may speed up a bit if it's moved directly over to hardware, but to be honest the speed improvement may be minimal as it's the rendering that's the bottleneck, not input/output.

My gut feeling is that things aren't going to get much quicker until people figure out how to effectively use the second processor, and even then there's no guarentee that the speed is going to increase by much (the second processor could be very, very useful for certain portions of certain apps, but it's not the magic wand people seem to think it is).
according to my experiments, halving the size of textures speeds up a lot. redistributing the modified original game would be a problem tho.
Now as this is just sdlquake running on linux, it may speed up a bit if it's moved directly over to hardware, but to be honest the speed improvement may be minimal as it's the rendering that's the bottleneck, not input/output.

But SDL doesn't use the 2D accelerator does it? Does the 2D accelerator even help with 3D software rendered games? Anyway, good luck with it.
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Ok, everyone calm down ;)

I can see fps counts spiraling out of control here and this is just how rumors start (we've already shot up from 6 to 30!).

Here are the facts - This is just a quick port of sdlquake with the fixed point changes from pocketquake2 thrown in for good luck. Looking at benchmarks for pocket pc's, they seem to be getting around about 6 at 200mhz, and up to about 10 on certain devices at 400+mhz. Fastest I've been able to get this so far is 6.4 (5.5 without any special configuration) which seems to fit with pocket pc speeds. Now as this is just sdlquake running on linux, it may speed up a bit if it's moved directly over to hardware, but to be honest the speed improvement may be minimal as it's the rendering that's the bottleneck, not input/output.

My gut feeling is that things aren't going to get much quicker until people figure out how to effectively use the second processor, and even then there's no guarentee that the speed is going to increase by much (the second processor could be very, very useful for certain portions of certain apps, but it's not the magic wand people seem to think it is).
So what you are saying is that it won't be 30fps but ~29 :/
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wow cool woogal.

I can't wait to try it.
one day.....one day i gonna order a GP2X, when i have enough money..
now i just want to play on my gp32. :(

if someone have some extra money, they just wanna throw away then send them to me.
I know a little homeless guy caled joey and he is sick. his last wish is to get a gp2x before he dies. :D :D


anyway, good work woogal :)
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