Snes Emulator


Still Fresh
Oct 20, 2005
Do you guys think that the SNES emulator will be ready for the launch? I asked GP and they say they're not sure...

Well I'll be waiting for it before I buy.

Also, do you think that every game will work? Let's say every major game.
ink posted on Oct 20 2005 at 02:53 PM said:
Do you guys think that the SNES emulator will be ready for the launch? I asked GP and they say they're not sure...

Well I'll be waiting for it before I buy.

Also, do you think that every game will work? Let's say every major game.


Enjoy the wait,

No, not at 1st I am sure.

In that order :D.
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Do I think every game will work? It depends.
Depends on the developers of the SNES emulator.
Depends on the graphics of the game.
I can't answer your question completly.. but in my opinion, many of the older games, say.. Super Mario World, may run perfect. Maybe.
Korup7 posted on Oct 20 2005 at 03:00 PM said:
All your questions are answered here. :rolleyes:

Least you could do is point him to the thread, that's about as good as pointing the person to google. -_-

By the way, I believe the thread in question is located here
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Auritribe posted on Oct 20 2005 at 11:04 AM said:
Korup7 posted on Oct 20 2005 at 03:00 PM said:
All your questions are answered here. :rolleyes:

Least you could do is point him to the thread, that's about as good as pointing the person to google. -_-

By the way, I believe the thread in question is located here

thank you Auritribe
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Auritribe posted on Oct 20 2005 at 10:04 AM said:
Korup7 posted on Oct 20 2005 at 03:00 PM said:
All your questions are answered here. :rolleyes:

Least you could do is point him to the thread, that's about as good as pointing the person to google. -_-

By the way, I believe the thread in question is located here

I refuse to spoon feed.. this community is actually lucky to have other people search for you. How's he/she going to learn how to search for himself/herself, if we have ppl searchin for him/her? Searching for yourself also gives you a better feel for the site.
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Korup7 posted on Oct 20 2005 at 08:44 PM said:
Auritribe posted on Oct 20 2005 at 10:04 AM said:
Korup7 posted on Oct 20 2005 at 03:00 PM said:
All your questions are answered here.  :rolleyes:

Least you could do is point him to the thread, that's about as good as pointing the person to google. -_-

By the way, I believe the thread in question is located here

I refuse to spoon feed.. this community is actually lucky to have other people search for you. How's he/she going to learn how to search for himself/herself, if we have ppl searchin for him/her? Searching for yourself also gives you a better feel for the site.

If you refuse to spoon feed, then don't respond at all. There's no need to be an asshole about it to other people on the forums who ask their questions in a reasonable manner. It's not like he sounded like some 12 year old 1337 gamer kiddie. Therefore, if you have nothing to contribute to the thread, don't bother. No need to be demeaning to him.

Besides, according to your name you've only been here one day longer than I have. <_<

What blows my mind though, is not only are you criticizing him for merely asking a question, you feel the need to blast me for answering it.

Edit: Oh shit, I get it now! Korup7!!! Like, Corrupt! Yeah!! only in pseudo leet speak! Yeah, it all makes sense now. I'm so sorry, I cower in your the presence of your 1337ness, you're just too good for me man, too good. :lol:
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No, it's you who sounds like some 12 year old 1337 gamer kiddie.

Reread ur last post.


Besides, if you find that offensive (me telling you why i direct him to a search instead of searching for him), then you have issues.

If you think me being sarcastic is offensive as well, again, you have even more issues.

Edit: Oh shit, I get it now! Korup7!!! Like, Corrupt! Yeah!! only in pseudo leet speak! Yeah, it all makes sense now. I'm so sorry, I cower in your the presence of your 1337ness, you're just too good for me man, too good.

:huh: .. I'm not even going to ask...
I refuse to spoon feed.. this community is actually lucky to have other people search for you. How's he/she going to learn how to search for himself/herself, if we have ppl searchin for him/her? Searching for yourself also gives you a better feel for the site.
Stop being a prat.
Do you actually believe that being an asshole to people makes them want to learn how to search?
As Auritribe said, it is absolutely worthless to just point someone to a Search page, the whole point is that you are helpful.
or else you ignore the thread.

At least, that has been standard forum ettiquette on other forums in which I have participated in the past.
I feel both of you are slashdot waste. No offence meant. Just a generalized source for newcomers, who feel, that "because this is the Internet", they are not required to be civilized about matters, and can spout ungodly amounts of fecal matter to pollute this fine establishment. :) Not directed to any of you personally, I'm hoping I'm proven wrong in the future. :) Or that GPX32 is an exception to the rule.

Edit: Not directed at Hanz™, or TheTurnipKing, though, he is newcomer, aswell. :P
*sigh* I can see the GP2X is going to bring a lot of idiots to this community :( anyways in response to the thread, I'll tend to agree with DJWillis... there most likely wont be one at the launch... but hopefully a beta within the first month or so :)

it's going to be after Christmas probably before we see a decent version... maybe sooner but i'm not getting my hopes up... depends how easy people find it to port their GP32 emu's to GP2X, or whether they decide to start from scratch again...

Just wait and see :) like everyone else
Hanz™ posted on Oct 21 2005 at 06:25 AM said:
I refuse to spoon feed.. this community is actually lucky to have other people search for you. How's he/she going to learn how to search for himself/herself, if we have ppl searchin for him/her? Searching for yourself also gives you a better feel for the site.
Stop being a prat.
Do you actually believe that being an asshole to people makes them want to learn how to search?
As Auritribe said, it is absolutely worthless to just point someone to a Search page, the whole point is that you are helpful.

Actually, it is worthwhile to learn how to search you noob, and it is helpful. I told both of them why in that reply. I need not explain how it is useful if you are too stupid to understand.

I feel both of you are slashdot waste. No offence meant. Just a generalized source for newcomers, who feel, that "because this is the Internet", they are not required to be civilized about matters, and can spout ungodly amounts of fecal matter to pollute this fine establishment. smile.gif Not directed to any of you personally, I'm hoping I'm proven wrong in the future. smile.gif Or that GPX32 is an exception to the rule.

Oh, I agree. And like I said, my intent was to help, not to insult. As I also said, if you guys want to search for others, be my guest. My reply was before any that were actually helpful and I thought he needed a nudge in the right direction.

At the time of my first post, that 9 page Snes Emulator post was on the same page as this one.
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:lol: Hello, more newblood come to express an unwanted opinion on pointless thread! I put this tired old link up before but I like it Here it is again :)

I think we've all got itchy fingers waiting for th GP2X, I tried blacking up my GBA but it just wasn't the same, although it did give me a chance to see what it would be like playing a perfectly emulated Advance Wars and Yoshis Island

Come on, group hug
It is true, that for some time, these forums have had an increasing number of... angry postings. We are wound up... Luckily, going postal would only mean flaming.
oh boy...

I seem to have caused up quite a stir...

Obviously, if I asked for it it's because I didn't see it. If I didn't see it, Probably others didn't. This thread would have been ended pretty quick if the link was posted at first.

But still, I'm sorry if I offended some of you. I could've spent more time searching.

Anyway I just wish I could replay all those classics.
Jarska333 posted on Oct 21 2005 at 12:48 PM said:
It is true, that for some time, these forums have had an increasing number of... angry postings. We are wound up... Luckily, going postal would only mean flaming.

Everyone is waiting for their GP2X's to arrive :D

There does seem to be a lot of fighting going on, and a lot of it does seem to be caused by new comers asking questions. Maybe a link to the wiki could be put on the forums or something for new comers to help to prevent more anger?

And ink, don't worry, there will be a SNES emulator, just probably not the day the GP2X is launched.
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ink posted on Oct 21 2005 at 01:47 PM said:
oh boy...

I seem to have caused up quite a stir...

Obviously, if I asked for it it's because I didn't see it. If I didn't see it, Probably others didn't. This thread would have been ended pretty quick if the link was posted at first.

But still, I'm sorry if I offended some of you. I could've spent more time searching.

Anyway I just wish I could replay all those classics.

You didn't do anything wrong.

Also, it seems I've already developed quite another horrible reputation (o.o)b Don't worry, you'll all learn to love me.


By the way, for a short introduction of myself. I don't come from slashdot, I'm more from the crowd of people who are sick of worrying about PSP firmware upgrades and would like a dedicated homebrew unit.

To be honest, looking at , you have far more to fear from that crowd than slashdot. They're far worse I think.
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