I Will Make A Website For You Guys


Still Fresh
Oct 16, 2005
I am willing to make a site for you people.
I make only a site if:
1.it's a information site about hanhelds,consoles etc.
2.if you are porting something,so that people can see your work.
3.if you want to give information about porting,programming and stuff,
and more ask me what can and what i not make.
So if you want a site pm me or leave a message behind on this site or
add me with msn,aim,xfire,icq

So for the people that can't make website's i will make the sites for them.

Gamer4life :D
I ment a personal site for someone.
a example if someone is porting duke nukem for the gp32 that i make a site for him/
her that people can see info etc.

Gamer4life posted on Oct 20 2005 at 06:17 AM said:
I ment a personal site for someone.
a example if someone is porting duke nukem for the gp32 that i make a site for him/
her that people can see info etc.


Hate to say it again, but someone already beat you to it. EvilDragon, of THIS site, already offers subdomains off of gp2x.com to devs.
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ED "just" offers webspace, he does not make the websites for us.

And someone already ported Duke3D.
Angel posted on Oct 20 2005 at 01:34 PM said:
don't waste your time guy, even if you did do it, unless your well loved in the gp32 community, nobody will give it the time of day.
That is true. Don't do anything like this unless you have the necessary 500+ posts.
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i'd have to look to see if the sites i used to visit are still active.

I don't know if Dons sight is still up, it was pretty active but haven't heard anything about it in a long time, i don't know if that would qualify though in this instance because he was pretty popular and at the time so was his site
The old gp32exg.com site, which was shut down. and i'm sure if i think hard enough i can remember some sites.
Quiest posted on Oct 20 2005 at 07:32 AM said:
ED "just" offers webspace at he does not make the websites for us.

And someone already ported Duke3D.

I think this is somewhat untrue. Did Ed not build the site for Mirko's handheld project "the ninja"? Not positive, but I believe he did. This isn't to say that Ed advertises that he designs web-pages or anything, but I believe the point is moot nonetheless. Although I do know that you and others who he hosts for did build your own sites...

Either way, it doesn't matter much. Most serious devs do have their own hosting solutions and websites anyway.
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reaper79 posted on Oct 20 2005 at 12:57 PM said:
Hate to say it again, but someone already beat you to it. EvilDragon, of THIS site, already offers subdomains off of gp2x.com to devs.
You're a gigantic idiot who doesn't know how to read.

Angel posted on Oct 20 2005 at 01:34 PM said:
don't waste your time guy, even if you did do it, unless your well loved in the gp32 community, nobody will give it the time of day.
I guess you are trying to make a point, too bad it's complete garbage. Since when has post count/reputation got anything to do with this?
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if I ever wanted so make a site, I think most of us could do it ourselves...a lot of ARE programmers....and I bet a lot DO know HTML.

Look at this page I made in highschool for a project....done mostly with HTML coding and a bit or dreamweaver (please note that the site isnt finished, never will be, and it is not avaible on the 'net)

Yup, I uploaded my first HTML site using a Dialup modem on AOL :)

Was back to the Time I had to phone Paris AOL office to connect troughs 2400 BITS/sec modem .

And GP32news.com was offering hosting too, but I didnt' check them for ages , I smell the end of the French GP32 scene :huh:

BTW, anyone noticed how funny this guy's nicks emails are ? Stuff like "ComputerHelp4u" hehe , looks like somebody wanna help me !

He better give me 200 euros to get a new Gp2x :) That would help me lot more than HTML coding full of grammatical errors !

Sorry, kinda rude these days, Lots of problems at home ! :o