GP2X Gp2x Sdk?


Still Fresh
Sep 28, 2005
To anybody currently dev'ing on the 2x:

Do you have the SDK? If so, is it publicly available, or has Craig/GPH provided you with it ahead of time?

I'm itching to have a go at coding something up, but would rather be using the official SDK than learn SDL which I would probably end up ditching later on.



I'd love to, but you can't use search strings less than 4 chars long! :blink:

Thanks for the info, though. Now I know it's there, I can look the hard way.
deadfolk posted on Oct 18 2005 at 09:30 PM said:
would rather be using the official SDK than learn SDL which I would probably end up ditching later on.
At the moment (and so probably at release too) SDL is the official SDK's API so you might as well start learning it. If you want something other than SDL then wait and see what the open2x project may bring.
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iignotus posted on Oct 18 2005 at 10:07 PM said:
Didn't know "magiceyes sdk" was less than 4 characters! :lol: use some creative searching.

This was one of the first results:

That SDK (well set of libs and doco) is based on SDL, just like the official release SDK from GPH will be. People working on the units now are using a mixture of SDL or good old school hardware hacking :D.
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iignotus posted on Oct 18 2005 at 09:07 PM said:
Didn't know "magiceyes sdk" was less than 4 characters! :lol: use some creative searching.

This was one of the first results:

I was trying just "SDK" - I assume that anything Magic Eyes related is going to be lower level than what I am looking for. Although I am a professional developer, I'm still a n00b in this area, I'm afraid! ;)

Well, if everything is going to be SDL-based, I might as well just get up to speed on that while I await the official stuff. There's plenty of info around on SDL.

Thanks all.

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I'm just waiting for the SDL libs for the GP2X so I can compile my code that compiles on linux to ensure there are no new errors.

We should start a thread for devs to show of their previuos work. Get a bit of street cred going. :)
for those who have the SDK, I have some question about it.
is there a way to access the second arm core ?
what does the second core actually ? (I mean, is it just a simple arm processor that can process code in paralax to the first processor, or is it a 2D/movie specific processor that have function like rotating, scaling like gba ...)
what does provide the official SDK board comparing to the sdk that will be avaible on the retail gp2x ?

thanks :)
Yes, you can access second arm core. It's an Arm940 if you want to look it up. Basically, just a scaled down 920, bit less cache, no mmu/etc.

Functions such as rotating and scaling is built into the 2D processor, which is another seperate element.
iignotus posted on Oct 18 2005 at 10:29 PM said:
What professional products have you made professionally?

No games - I'm in a far more boring area, I'm afraid! :(
The games are just a hobby. For work I have to deal with big enterprise-scale transactional systems. Yuk.
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deadfolk posted on Oct 19 2005 at 08:03 PM said:
The games are just a hobby. For work I have to deal with big enterprise-scale transactional systems. Yuk.

this sounds like COBOL - :D
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no_skill posted on Oct 19 2005 at 07:55 PM said:
deadfolk posted on Oct 19 2005 at 08:03 PM said:
The games are just a hobby. For work I have to deal with big enterprise-scale transactional systems. Yuk.

this sounds like COBOL - :D

Not quite as bad as that - Java. :P
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deadfolk posted on Oct 19 2005 at 09:39 PM said:
no_skill posted on Oct 19 2005 at 07:55 PM said:
deadfolk posted on Oct 19 2005 at 08:03 PM said:
The games are just a hobby. For work I have to deal with big enterprise-scale transactional systems. Yuk.

this sounds like COBOL - :D

Not quite as bad as that - Java. :P

Thank good. My school teaches two years of COBOL/CICS - what a waste of time.
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Orion_ posted on Oct 19 2005 at 04:50 PM said:
so the 2 arm can execute code separatly at the same time ? how to load code in the second processor ?

Just give it the physical start address (upper 8-bits) and tell it to go.
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Just give it the physical start address (upper 8-bits) and tell it to go.

Really? I guess it makes sense as they share same memory area right? I was just expecting a bit more :) I guess then you need to build in your own simple semaphore system to protect shared memory areas... although it is a lot easier when it is two processors sharing the memory rather than just one multitasking.