For Mac Developers


Still Fresh
Dec 29, 2003

For those wondering whether anyone's had success getting stuff to compile for wiz using a Mac, I've done it (finally). I have a macbook pro 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo w/ 4GB RAM, and I'm using VMWare Fusion 2.0.5 w/ Win XP. I used the official Windows GPH SDK (w/ Code::Blocks) available from the Wiz File Archive.

I went through the GPH SDK manual, and that seemed pretty thorough.

Stuff that would have helped me while I was reading it:

1. When compiling and running the example project provided by the SDK (DGE_Entry.cpp) w/ host configuration, The window is just a white screen, even though the game is apparently running and the background music is playing. Must be a VMWare issue, I've seen plenty of 2D games windows games not render correctly on VMWare. However, when I compiled and ran my own SDL game on host, it rendered fine in the window, so.... I dunno. (edit: Must vary project to project; Their example uses DGE, mine does not, that might have something to do with it.)

2. When compiling for target, in addition to copying over the .gpe file, remember to copy over the audios/ and sprites/ directory over to your Wiz NAND/SD as well (you may need to copy over gulim.ttf too). Won't run without this stuff (I guess this is obvious, but I didn't realize it for at least a few hours).

3. Also tried using CodeBlocks for Mac OS X (recently released), but it's a little screwy. Keybinder does not work (at least not in Leopard, I don't have Snow Leopard yet) w/ Linux GPH SDK, but I couldn't get it to work, may not have been set up correctly. I'm not completely confident that the Linux libraries in the GPH SDK are completely compatible w/ Darwin (probably not).

4. When you're configuring toolchain paths for the project, MAKE SURE NOT to add global project settings unless you know what you are doing, make sure you are actually clicking on "host" or "target" (or whatever you named your configurations) in the upper left hand corner. For example, I did this by mistake, and ended up including C:/GPH_SDK/DGE/lib/host for both host AND target configurations, which screwed everything up.

5. I don't know... if you're trying to get this configuration (or something similar) to work, and are having problems, I might be able to help... (edit: Feel free to ask away!)

Hope this helps someone!
AFAIK there is no way (yet) to develop and crosscompile directly on Mac, I use VirtualBox with Linux to build for the handhelds :(
I've been thinking that it'd be nice to have a VM packed with all of the Linux-based tools for developing on each console - GP2X, Wiz, Caanoo, Pandora, etc.

Would be a really nice thing to contribute to the community: a VM image with all the console tools onboard.
good idea. i'd offer my VBox image, but it also contains confidential work data...
maybe if I have time, i'll create a virtual machine for Wiz & Caanoo
If someone does want to contribute, I think a single VM with tools for *all* major console platforms would be a huge, huge benefit that would definitely elevate the contributor into elite, most-favoured status.
glezmen said:
AFAIK there is no way (yet) to develop and crosscompile directly on Mac, I use VirtualBox with Linux to build for the handhelds :(

eh? build your own gcc for cross compile and pull the libs from the Wiz, and you'd be good to go (akin to doing it for gp2x and pandora.) Its a bit of a PITA, but its certainly not in the realm of 'magic'.

(I just don't use IDE's like codeblocks .. I just use Emacs)

I think theres no 'easy to use package, with IDE and tools', but the phrase 'is no way' is not true :)


For my part, I've been using VMs for years .. I've got a VM for Palm and WinCE/PocketPC/etc development, one for gp2x/wiz/pandora, one for win32, etc. Mine are pretty beefy and ful of all sorts of SDKs and libs and gunk others wouldn't need or I'd just upload them somewhere; Its really not hard to put a VM together, but someone needs to figure out what all packages they'd like in there (and what not in there); the packages I'd choose would be wildly different to others, etc... and if people start trying to please everyone, you end up with a 10GB VM disk (which is hard to put on USB etc, so best avoided.) I'm tempted to make a new one for caanoo since my wiz/pandora one is getting pretty 'full', but trying to avoid it, since caanoo is so much like a Wiz..
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skeezix said:
glezmen said:
AFAIK there is no way (yet) to develop and crosscompile directly on Mac, I use VirtualBox with Linux to build for the handhelds :(

eh? build your own gcc for cross compile and pull the libs from the Wiz, and you'd be good to go (akin to doing it for gp2x and pandora.) Its a bit of a PITA, but its certainly not in the realm of 'magic'.

(I just don't use IDE's like codeblocks .. I just use Emacs)

I think theres no 'easy to use package, with IDE and tools', but the phrase 'is no way' is not true :)


For my part, I've been using VMs for years .. I've got a VM for Palm and WinCE/PocketPC/etc development, one for gp2x/wiz/pandora, one for win32, etc. Mine are pretty beefy and ful of all sorts of SDKs and libs and gunk others wouldn't need or I'd just upload them somewhere; Its really not hard to put a VM together, but someone needs to figure out what all packages they'd like in there (and what not in there); the packages I'd choose would be wildly different to others, etc... and if people start trying to please everyone, you end up with a 10GB VM disk (which is hard to put on USB etc, so best avoided.) I'm tempted to make a new one for caanoo since my wiz/pandora one is getting pretty 'full', but trying to avoid it, since caanoo is so much like a Wiz..

Yeah, I actually use Emacs as well, I only use codeblocks for linking.

now that you said that, I'm going to attempt to build my own toolchain for mac. So, if i'm not mistaken, I just need to compile an arm gcc cross compiler from source, and then compile SDL/SDL image/others for the arm as well, right?

The only thing is that' i'm not sure about "others." You had mentioned pulling libraries from the wiz, I'm not sure that I know what you mean. Is there a list of libs required for the toolchain somewhere?

I'm also thinking about doing it for caanoo as well. The only real difference is that Caanoo uses EABI, so if I could get an EABI arm toolchain working on my mac, then i should be okay right?

Sorry for so many questions :huh:
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