GP32 Devc++ And Sdk Gp2x

[I wondered why I couldn't see this before, it is in the GP32 section]
Yep, StreaK asked me for it over a PM. Since I am on Linux now, I had to remake the whole package at work (which didn't take that long :P with a stupidly high upload and download rate).

I will eventually get a multi-platform all in one pre-configured build and templates done so I can upload it to the GP2X archive. In it's present condition it is still a 'hacked' package.

I have also added to the Wiki, the source code that 'works':
Nothing like that exists yet although you can easily add DevKitArm to the compiler list in an IDE like DevCpp or Code::Blocks. However, not all the SDL libraries are supported on the GP32 and you may have to resort to using different external libraries for the GP32 build making sure that in the code, the APIs can be easily #defined out.