Backlit Gba Sp Comes Out Along With The Micro!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
Well I was VERY surprised today to see these in my local Target store. I had not heard or read ANYTHING about this coming out. I'm not even sure exactly when they released.

But there it was, what looked like just a regular GBA SP but in bold letters on the box saying something like "Now brighter with backlighting!" or something like that I dunno but basically they got rid of the old front light and replaced it with the same kind of backlight as is on the Micro and the DS.

Freaking SWEET! Though I really have no use for one I'm so tempted to buy one. I was actually looking at the micros and thinking of getting one, but it seems that a backlit SP makes the Micro pretty much pointless from a gameplay standpoing since the SP's screen is so much bigger and now probably is just as bright and easy to see as the Micro.

I may have to buy one of these anyways... there's still a few GBA games left that I want to play (like Gunstar Super Heroes), and I much rather prefer sticking the SP in my pocket than the DS (not to mention the GBA games displayed on the DS screen are slightly smaller than if you just played them on the SP... and now that the SP is backlit there is NO advantage to playing them on the DS unless you want to count the true stereo speakers!!0

Anyways, just thought I'd let you guys know.

Oh by the way the price on the backlit SP's was $10 less than the GBA mircos, $89.99, that's Target's price though I've no doubt you could get one cheaper elsewhere.
What the Hell is Nintendo doing???? I mean Whos gonna pay $90 or what ever it is for a GBA when the Freaking DS is only about $20 - $30 more !!!! :P
the news is a little on the old side as it's already been discussed in the recent GBAmicro thread and one other thread I think up in the GP2X news section it was mentioned. Personally I'm not worried about it. I like that I can shut off the light on my SP and conserve battery power on games that dont habe the sleep funtcion, something you cant do with the new backlit version. There's also mention of the slight ghosting due to the new light btu I guess that's minor. If I want a better screen for GBA games I'll get a DS. The micro has been declared too small to use for any game with normal sized text.

Also since the GBA SP's price is supposed to officially be 79 bucks anything more than that is a rip off as they've been selling the back lit SPs quitely for the last 3 weeks until they burn off the stock of regular SPs then they're going to make it more official.
Steve-O posted on Oct 9 2005 at 08:14 AM said:
What the Hell is Nintendo doing???? I mean Whos gonna pay $90 or what ever it is for a GBA when the Freaking DS is only about $20 - $30 more !!!! :P
it's because they're NINTENDO
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GBA-SP is the most practical unit of the GB(A) line. If I wouldn't have bought a GP32, GBA-SP would have been my next choice.
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Oct 9 2005 at 06:57 PM said:
Steve-O posted on Oct 9 2005 at 08:14 AM said:
What the Hell is Nintendo doing???? I mean Whos gonna pay $90 or what ever it is for a GBA when the Freaking DS is only about $20 - $30 more !!!! :P
it's because they're NINTENDO

Oh, a Sony whore ...
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Now now Quiest, behave. Remember Nintendo is a company that things "budget" titles should be $25 while everyone else is selling theirs for $19.

I forget whether who ever it was said they bought or just got to see the new GBA to cause hime to be that excited, I'm sure it does look pretty spectacular but it's not for everyone and the GBA micro is even less so.
Quiest posted on Oct 9 2005 at 09:42 PM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Oct 9 2005 at 06:57 PM said:
Steve-O posted on Oct 9 2005 at 08:14 AM said:
What the Hell is Nintendo doing???? I mean Whos gonna pay $90 or what ever it is for a GBA when the Freaking DS is only about $20 - $30 more !!!! :P
it's because they're NINTENDO

Oh, a Sony whore ...

The only people allowed to make consoles should be atari, sega, nintendo and Game Park. ;)

A console should be a console, not a cd player, dvd player or pc.
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rabbits with hats posted on Oct 9 2005 at 06:10 PM said:
Quiest posted on Oct 9 2005 at 09:42 PM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Oct 9 2005 at 06:57 PM said:
Steve-O posted on Oct 9 2005 at 08:14 AM said:
What the Hell is Nintendo doing???? I mean Whos gonna pay $90 or what ever it is for a GBA when the Freaking DS is only about $20 - $30 more !!!! :P
it's because they're NINTENDO

Oh, a Sony whore ...

The only people allowed to make consoles should be atari, sega, nintendo and Game Park. ;)

A console should be a console, not a cd player, dvd player or pc.

nintendo should be making consoles? IMO the ds is a large stick of crap that isnt innovative or new at all. it's been done before.

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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Oct 9 2005 at 07:11 PM said:
nintendo should be making consoles? IMO the ds is a large stick of crap that isnt innovative or new at all. it's been done before.

Saying you don't think it's innovative is one thing. Alright, you could maybe put together a passable argument for that (though I disagree).

But saying it's not new is just absurd. Find me the dual screen system with a touch screen, microphone, and wifi that came before the DS. Really--I'd like to buy it.
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IMO the ds is a large stick of crap that isnt innovative or new at all. it's been done before.
A GBA and veritable portable N64 combination at nearly half the price and double the battery life of its competitor has been done before? Give me some info on that, unless you're just mimicking a genral trend among PSPers.
well, while i sometimes question nintendos logic, i think they have a much better vision of videogaming than do microsoft or sony. Its sad that most developers follow sony and m$ instead of nintendo, i hope this switches in the next generation but its unlikely considering how different nintendos revolution is.
Lets try to keep our emotions in check just a bit people. The DS dispite having one N64 port (of a first gen N64 game at that) has been riding the reputation of being a portable N64 as a selling point since it came out, hardly innovative in that respect. But still I dislike seeing it being refered to that way simply because it does only have a SINGLE N64 game and not having any others suggests to me there are problems that make that comparison unjustified. It's just another system with different functions in comparison to a GBA just like the GC has different functions over a N64.

Also the TG16/turboduo, Sega CD, DreamCast, Saturn, PS, PS2, NeoGeo CD, Xbox and probably even the computer you;re reading this post on all play cds and some play DVDs. This is not because they're being forced to be anything more than game systems but simply because they are built with the drives that allow them to do so as a side effect (although needing to buy a remote controll fo the xbox was just plain robbery). The thing is understanding they due these secondary and not as their primary function. People complain about the PS2's DVD playback but forget that it's essentially a freebie on a 250 dollar game console. Gamecube dosent suck because it dosent have a DVD player, it sucks because it dosent have all the games you want to play on it if it sucks at all for some it's just that they wanted an PS2 or XB more, if it had a DVD player on it people would just complain that it sucks and the system still wouldn't have out sold it's competition.

The PS3 Uses Blu Ray disks... maybe it's to curb all that ramptent piracy or maybe it's to further Sony's choice of the new format that will replace DVDs when DVDs cant hold enough video information to make HDTV use worth while, Frankly it's probably both but who cares as long as you get decent games on it.

Honestly, If it really did make toast like the old fake mock ups suggested I couldnt care less as long as it didn't add a signifigantly higher price to the system and didn't keep me from getting a decent game out of it.
im going to show you guys something very special that many dont know about



welllllllllll, it appears as thou nintendo took an old somewhat failed idea and tried to recreate it. not very new/fresh/innovative to me :D

@shinneri: go and buy it. it's hot, no doubt. im looking for one too. great collectable :)
I dunno, I wouldnt call the game and watch a failure. I mean back in elementry school these were the hotness for a good 2 years man. I had 2 or 3 of them (granted two of them were DKjr.)

And it was smart of them to fall back on it now that they have better technology to put in it... did it need a mic and touch screen... probably not, but concidering their position they need every thing they can get!
yeah, but the ds has more than 2 screens, it has touchscreen, a microphone, wifi, and it also has *slightly* better graphics :P
Alpha2 said:
a SINGLE N64 game and not having any others suggests to me there are problems that make that comparison unjustified
I compared it to an N64 because of its graphical ability, not its potential library. It has the graphical ability of very good-looking N64 games, just like I would compare the PSP's graphics to really good-looking PSX games or 1st-gen PS2 games. I don't know how you saw otherwise.
Alpha2 said:
The PS3 Uses Blu Ray disks... maybe it's to curb all that ramptent piracy
Blu-ray PC drives are already available in Japan. It will not curb piracy any more than CD -> DVD did.
daclassicgamingmaster said:
im going to show you guys something very special that many dont know about
I'm very aware of the G&W Galleries; I was even before SONY fanbois used it as their only argument to bash the DS (well, along with the VB, for some reason). Truth is, the PSP doesn't have one single innovation in the handheld-world. It's just a shrunken version of a crossbreed between PSX and PS2. The DS at least has a touch-screen (as useful/useless as that may be).
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