Gp2x - Basic Info Faq

Okay, I'm prepared to be flamed...

But as a complete Non-nerd, can I ask this very obvious question that I have been wondering for a while, but haven't dared to ask....

Will this Mplayer play my Mpeg4 files that I have for my psp? Or do I have to convert them...?

*runs for cover*
the is a fake site?
nobody tell nothing about it.. the stolen my order?
Prophet posted on Sep 19 2005 at 11:22 PM said:

USB Peripherals: Since the GP2X's USB host is not powered, to use any peripherals they need to supply their own power. Some examples of peripherals that might work with the GP2X someday are the Apacer Steno Hard Drives and the Cyberpower USB Hubs. Such peripherals operate on their own battery power, so all we need is software to allow the GP2X ro interface properly with them.

Does this mean the USB port is not powered, period, and for example things like flash sticks and WiFi/Bluetooth dongles will not work?

Because that would really limit the usefulness of the GP2X for me...
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newmark posted on Sep 20 2005 at 11:36 AM said:
the is a fake site?
nobody tell nothing about it.. the stolen my order?


Same place - click the link and see:

But I'll change it to the newer URL to avoid any confusion for newbs who don't know about GBAX.
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RiX0R posted on Sep 20 2005 at 12:38 PM said:
Prophet posted on Sep 19 2005 at 11:22 PM said:

USB Peripherals: Since the GP2X's USB host is not powered, to use any peripherals they need to supply their own power. Some examples of peripherals that might work with the GP2X someday are the Apacer Steno Hard Drives and the Cyberpower USB Hubs. Such peripherals operate on their own battery power, so all we need is software to allow the GP2X ro interface properly with them.

Does this mean the USB port is not powered, period, and for example things like flash sticks and WiFi/Bluetooth dongles will not work?

Because that would really limit the usefulness of the GP2X for me...

From what we know, that's correct. Any USB peripheral must provide its own power. The thing to realize is, that the primary use for the USB port is intended to simply interface to your PC to transfer files.

Regarding WiFi - as the FAQ says, that may become a reality in time via SDIO cards. But there's absolutely no guarantee.

I personally don't expect much from GP2X in terms of networking applications, but I hope to be proven wrong. ;)
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that's an article to plug a 5v on a usb to charging. I think that is possible do the inverse, make a cable that enter in the gp2x and exit female, cutted in the middle to get the 2 cables for elettricity and connect those to a couple of 2.5v rechargable battery in parallel module.
In this way you can attach any power consumption device.

I think, because i still don't have an ordered GP2x
silentalarm posted on Sep 20 2005 at 11:43 PM said:
The TV output is S-Video? Bummer, I don't think my TV has an S-V input :(

That could very well change. Those details are not 100% final yet.

Also, there are simple S-video -> composite converters you can get. I have one, it's super small and inexspensive. Something like this:

Good item to have around.
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Prophet posted on Sep 20 2005 at 02:11 PM said:
Yuglooc posted on Sep 20 2005 at 09:09 AM said:

Ok, thanks for ul'ing it there.

Anna's back again now. If that is Anna.

I acually asked over at gpx2's suggestion part, got this answer:

Is it you who are on this image anna?

Reply :
HI there

this morning i got a letter from someone saying like you.
and i'm sooo embarrased.
that's not me....
sorry to her which is on that pic, but i'm much beautiful than her .
someday i will put up my pic. ^^

Anna "
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The girl in that photo is NOT Anna Hong, I emailed with Anna and confirmed this.

Various additions & updates to various parts of the FAQ.
I posted this some where else but on second thoughts wasn't the bets place I would rather ask here than start a new thread and look prentious...
I've read the FAQ but am still a bit sketchy so I hope you don't mind me asking..
I aim to use the GP2X as its intended but deff slightly more for music which I presume will be really easy to put onto an SD card and play but for games as I understand it I would need to get an emu provided by GPH and put it onto the NAND 64mb stuff then I can put games on to an SD card and play them as it would run off the emu on the NAND memory section.....or is it more complicated than that? If so how much more? I am eager to learn and hopefully capable....(I understand that no one can be 100% sure but I am judging by what I have read on GP32 stuff....)
I love the idea of playing stuff like Sonic, Shinobi, In the Hunt, The Chaos engine etc and having music and movies at my disposal I just have pre signing over 160 euro questions.
Thanks for any following replies :)
It will work something like that, but probably even simpler (i.e. you won't have to put emus only in NAND, you could have everything on SD if you want, or not). We don't have full detail syet on everything, but it will be similar to how GP32 and Zodiac worked as far as copying prgrams and data files to memory card etc. Very easy stuff. Sounds like you have a good idea how will work. I think it will do exactly what you want. :)
roguetrooper posted on Sep 21 2005 at 03:21 PM said:
I posted this some where else but on second thoughts wasn't the bets place I would rather ask here than start a new thread and look prentious...
I've read the FAQ but am still a bit sketchy so I hope you don't mind me asking..
I aim to use the GP2X as its intended but deff slightly more for music which I presume will be really easy to put onto an SD card and play but for games as I understand it I would need to get an emu provided by GPH and put it onto the NAND 64mb stuff then I can put games on to an SD card and play them as it would run off the emu on the NAND memory section.....or is it more complicated than that? If so how much more? I am eager to learn and hopefully capable....(I understand that no one can be 100% sure but I am judging by what I have read on GP32 stuff....)
I love the idea of playing stuff like Sonic, Shinobi, In the Hunt, The Chaos engine etc and having music and movies at my disposal I just have pre signing over 160 euro questions.
Thanks for any following replies :)
just don't get too excited about in the hunt working on it yet though as that would require saturn (impossible) or psx (unlikely) emulation. Unless we get the arcade version emulated :P
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I love In The Hunt. I play it on my MAME cabinet fairly often.

The hardware is a bit complex though, I wouldn't expect it to be well emulated on GP2X, if ever at all. V33 @ 9Mhz + V30 @ 7Mhz + 2 sound chips each at 3.5 Mhz.

Of course, the GP2X could handle a game like "In The Hunt" natively very easily, it has more than enough power and RAM to do some amazing 2D games. It's just a mattter of a talented enough developer making a game of that caliber. We can only hope...

GPH claims 14 hours of battery life with an "LCD-Off" mode. I'm skeptical enough about that figure, but isn't running the system without the LCD on considered Not A Good Idea (search for 'sleep mode', it'll come up)? They seem specific enough that they're not confusing it with a backlight-off mode...

In less related news, how'd they stuff a humanoid skeleton into that penguin anyway?

EDIT: Sorry about the hotlink. Fixed.

TandeM posted on Sep 22 2005 at 11:03 PM said:
GPH claims 14 hours of battery life with an "LCD-Off" mode. I'm skeptical enough about that figure, but isn't running the system without the LCD on considered Not A Good Idea
It's not recommended on the gp32 (it says something about it in the sdk even though there's functions for turning the screen off), but what does that have to do with the gp2x? They are completely different hardware, and if it's advertised as having an lcd off mode then it must be safe.
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