Gp2x New Manual Online


Erm.... Woohoo!
Mar 31, 2004
Pittsburg, KS
Gamepark Holdings just posted the GP2X new manual for the 2.0 firmware here.

On page 2-1 it says "WMV(7, 8, 9 later on support through upgrading firmware)", which is what caught my attention.

So I guess we'll soon be able to add another format to the video files that we can play on the GP2X.
But one thing you have to give to them is that, they've made a real manual this time :)

What I did notice is that, when they're writing about TV-out:
" PAL (A color TV broad casting system of Germany, China, Europe and Asia)"
I didn't know that Germany was separate from Europe :P
reallynotnick posted on May 16 2006 at 04:28 PM said:
Where the heck is the manual anyway? All I get is a picture of what looks like the cover art to the manual.

That's weird... It works for me.

Maybe it's your browser? There should be a nav bar to the side of the picture. I'm using Firefox, what are you using?
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Haha, the precautions section of the manual makes the GP2X + batteries seem like a dangerous chemical or something:

If the GP2X system will not be used for an extended period of time, remove the batteries and store it in a cool, dry place out of the reach of children.
jmetal88 posted on May 16 2006 at 02:23 PM said:
Shikaku posted on May 16 2006 at 04:20 PM said:
That has been said since day 1 =/

It was also said that they had abandoned it. :)

That has been said since day -60 (2 months prior to actual units)

The codec is available IIRC*, M$ wanted ~$35 for each license they give out for WM, GPH thought correctly that this would push their console too far over $200 for it to be worth it (I was just about to write "over $300", then I realized where I was :D).

I think that it should be an option for those of us who want it, like buying the mediaplayer for the GP32.

*If I Remember Correctly
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