Why Should We Buy This Gpx2?

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zester posted on Sep 2 2005 at 03:41 AM said:
.... As for me, I am taking advantage of the fact that small hardware developers(well, relatively speaking when compared to behemoths such as sony) do listen and therefore we should take every opportunity we have to criticize(call it bashing if you wish). Its a win win situation. If in turn they make a better hardware(lets face it, this gpx2 is not that great of an improvement compared to gp32, sure its evolutionary but a revolution would be nice :) ) we benefit and they too will in the long run in terms of gaining trust and public awareness

Well that is why I bitched so much. I had a delusion that if I convinced enough people that my concerns were valid and they all agreed they may help to make some happen. If everyone clamored for buttons under the stick for MAME (basically flip the start/select and Volume locations) , backwards compatibility maybe they would have change it. Well they didn't, they gave us more RAM ok well it is something. So now I won't bitch about that anymore. Any further bitching won't do much to change it now so all of this touchscreen arguing is moot now too. I just hope that the controller will respond well (hardware 8-way could be good, it could suck, won't know until I try it). Other things will be moddable. I know my first mod will be a glass screen. I could even add my own buttons under the stick (they would just be mapped to some other buttons).

I think overall it will be good. I still like my BLU alot now, anything better will be gravy.
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The objective of the people working on the GPX2 was simple, Make a new handheld that was:

1. Like the GP32 in many ways.
2. Improve on the design.
3. Do 1 and 2 in a cost effective manner.

What OrR did whether intentionally or not was piss on all that, that's why he started getting attacks. Every so often he'd stop lording his opinion and start to have a conversation, then he;d have to toss in somthing about the Zodiac in a childish "I told you so" kinda of way and it just starts all over again.

I told DaveC a while back in another thread that the GPX2 didn't need an extra button for vertical MAME games, Our exchange got heated and he chose not to except my position that I didn't feel an extra button was neccesary because it's function would be limited mostly to just those games which not everyone would play. Eventually I stopped trying to convince him of my position, I did not keep coming back to his thread and crapping in it everytime he stated his position (which he does a lot) instead I chose to let him have his position because I'm obviously not going to change his mind about it.

I still don't think it needs the extra button But I'm not still fighting with him about it a week later. Especially since the news that the Volume buttons can be used as action buttons now and he has essentially gotten his wish (even though he seems to mysteriously never see this fact in any post since it was announced :P).

Basically what I'm trying to say is there's just a point where you need to stop trying to force your opinion because it's not changing anything. OrR seriously give it a rest or atleast TRY to see the argument from some other perspective other than your own or you're just going to keep getting animousity. This community is a great one if you dont keep crapping in the middle of it.
Touchscreens are just not worth including in a cheap handheld

I wonder what a touchscreen actually adds in price. In my opinion the added functionality would outweigh the additional price(which should be less than 10$). I don't know how many people would agree on this.
That smallish price increase would creep the price over the profitable £99 mark in the UK...
Most people would prefer that the $10 be spent elsewhere or not at all...

You went looking for apples, but you found pears. And you blame the pears?
No, I'd blame God for not making pears taste and look like apples. (Actually I don't belive in God but then your analogy wouldn't make sense.)
Thats a perfectly good analogy for what you have just done actually. It does not need a belief in god. I believe it is irrational to blame a piece of equipment for not being another piece of equipment.
That is just weird.

I think it does. It also means less games/emulators.
That explains why the GP32 has less emulators and games than the Zodiac, oh wait. It doesn't.

it's just 200 and you have to learn lots of new techniques to make it close to 400.
Personally I think that is a good point for the GP2X, it will mean there will be more to interest with developing for the GP2X. Thats just an opinion though.

Pea said:
OrR - non-profit=low quality. Some people would take offence to that. Overall it is true though, I agree. I like the tradeoff though to get maybe a little less quality for an absolutely FREE product. Also, under the gpx2's policy, allowing homebrew is not excluding commercial games. We will have both
Yes I agree with Pea on that point (that overall commercial products are of a higher quality), but I think that you can't just think that if something is non-profit it is low quality, as quite often that does not hold true.
And yes we probably will get some commercial games, that is why DRM support has been included I think.

“Who cares. Practically everybody on this board, didn't want it included.”

So by including a touchscreen it might change your on not buying it? Sounds pretty silly to me. Not to mentioned the constant mention by others of it being useless… Do you guys have any idea what it is like to play for eg, scumm games with and without it? Obiviously not since some suggested that the ability to use the d-pad as a substitute is do-able. And to think some of you guys whine an entire paragraph over analog pad vs digital when the difference here is relatively much larger. The former is like comparing to navigating a cursor using buttons vs mouse while the latter is like comparing a cheap disfuctional but workable keyboard with say a good quality logitech keyboard. In other words, its ok to take the trouble and painfully navigate the cursor via buttons, but its a bitch to play emulated games on analog that could potentially cause a mild irritation due to slight inaccuracy.
Nope, I am just stating fact that it was not of high importance in any discussion (on GP2X features), personally I would if there were 2 copies and one had a touchscreen - get the touchscreen one. But not everybody would want this feature and some people just want to save money.
I was the person who mentioned ScummVM on a touchscreens so don't think you can use that one against me.
Another hans reply regarding how zodiac was worth every dollar(I don’t think it is either but that’s really besides the point)

“Thats an opinion, the Zodiac is only worth every dollar if you want a handheld/PDA, if you just want a Handheld, then it isn't.
And well the Zodiac has failed. So go figure.”

The highlight of the sentence is “that’s an opinion”. Is that suppose to suggest that the rest of the stuff you said have empirical evidence to support them?
Take this analogy. If I want a TV, and I see a TV/DVD Player then I will not want it if I already have a DVD player. Also I may be the sort of person who likes to keep stuff seperate rather than having a device that does everything and nothing well.
I'm not saying that the Zodiac is like that of course, but it would probably be about half the price if it had not also been a PDA, and in this case it probably would have gotten alot more support...
I think that my point was way less opinionated than his.

And besides, I didn't think my arguement was that bad. I used minimal opinions, and was not doing it from my point of view, as I said if I had the choice I would get the most feature-laden GP2X ever. But you see - I am not every GP2X user, and I was jsut saying that the idea of the GP2x has been to offer a cheap successor to the GP32, it has not meant to be at all like the Zodiac, I don't believe that ever came into the equation...

And the community is nice. You just shouldn't have entered into a thread like this. They are always nasty no matter what forum you are on.
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Alpha2 posted on Sep 2 2005 at 05:50 AM said:
The objective of the people working on the GPX2 was simple, Make a new handheld that was:

1. Like the GP32 in many ways.
2. Improve on the design.
3. Do 1 and 2 in a cost effective manner.

What OrR did whether intentionally or not was piss on all that, that's why he started getting attacks. Every so often he'd stop lording his opinion and start to have a conversation, then he;d have to toss in somthing about the Zodiac in a childish "I told you so" kinda of way and it just starts all over again.

I told DaveC a while back in another thread that the GPX2 didn't need an extra button for vertical MAME games, Our exchange got heated and he chose not to except my position that I didn't feel an extra button was neccesary because it's function would be limited mostly to just those games which not everyone would play. Eventually I stopped trying to convince him of my position, I did not keep coming back to his thread and crapping in it everytime he stated his position (which he does a lot) instead I chose to let him have his position because I'm obviously not going to change his mind about it.

I still don't think it needs the extra button But I'm not still fighting with him about it a week later. Especially since the news that the Volume buttons can be used as action buttons now and he has essentially gotten his wish (even though he seems to mysteriously never see this fact in any post since it was announced :P).

Basically what I'm trying to say is there's just a point where you need to stop trying to force your opinion because it's not changing anything. OrR seriously give it a rest or atleast TRY to see the argument from some other perspective other than your own or you're just going to keep getting animousity. This community is a great one if you dont keep crapping in the middle of it.

Look at some of the ridiculous not to mentioned very bias and immature counter aurguements againts him, why didnt you mentioned any of these like I did?

I can certianlly see where you are coming from and its obiviously odd to disagree with people who support your intrest even if its was presented in the most absurd manner and I cerntailly dont blame you for it.

Just that its unfair to put him in a light where he is entirely at fault not to mention the
sole reason of this heated arguement.
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Look at some of the ridiculous not to mentioned very bias and immature counter aurguements againts him, why didnt you mentioned any of these like I did?
How exactly were my arguements immature?
I just tried to explain them in the post above...

Edit: And really it is his fault he is arguing that the GP2X is pointless because it does not have the same features as the Zodiac.
While we all like it as it has been marketed for the same sort of people that liked the GP32?
Nope, I am just stating fact that it was not of high importance in any discussion (on GP2X features), personally I would if there were 2 copies and one had a touchscreen - get the touchscreen one. But not everybody would want this feature and some people just want to save money.
I was the person who mentioned ScummVM on a touchscreens so don't think you can use that one against me.

Umm, its a fine line there in regards to what extend you could save money. And i didnt use the scummvm againts you, I used in conjuction to the point i was making and it was targeted to the rest of they guys here. The importance of it on the other hand merely remains an opinion and the cost(cheap or not) of its implementation merely remains a factor of wild speculation. Point here is, what we know for certain an undeniable is that, it does offer great possibilities and advantages(think about ease of dos emulation, not just scumm not to mention amiga ect... even if you mentioned that it could be as high as 10, how can all these be of little importance to anyone is beyond me... 10=1 trip or 2 to mcdonalds? I would certainly call it knit picking ;). and in regards to the 99 pounds in europe analogy, I highly doubt thier main targeted market is just the UK alone ;)

Take this analogy. If I want a TV, and I see a TV/DVD Player then I will not want it if I already have a DVD player. Also I may be the sort of person who likes to keep stuff seperate rather than having a device that does everything and nothing well.
I'm not saying that the Zodiac is like that of course, but it would probably be about half the price if it had not also been a PDA, and in this case it probably would have gotten alot more support...
I think that my point was way less opinionated than his.

And besides, I didn't think my arguement was that bad. I used minimal opinions, and was not doing it from my point of view, as I said if I had the choice I would get the most feature-laden GP2X ever. But you see - I am not every GP2X user, and I was jsut saying that the idea of the GP2x has been to offer a cheap successor to the GP32, it has not meant to be at all like the Zodiac, I don't believe that ever came into the equation...

And the community is nice. You just shouldn't have entered into a thread like this. They are always nasty no matter what forum you are on.

How was he suppose make his entry into the thread? he wasnt flaming, he wasnt name calling and although he was bias, he made critism that could potentially be helpful.

"I think that my point was way less opinionated than his."

hehe, dont you think the sentence above sounds ironic? Its just another way of saying that in my opinion, I think I was less opinionated than him!

I dont think your tv/dvd analogy works very well because it contains alot of externalities. For example you didnt consider the fact that we are talking about portables here. think about this, if you are someone who likes to(hypothetically speaking) carry a tv around and you are suddenly in need of a dvd player, suddenlly the prospect of two in one, doesnt sound that bad does it? And hell, i doubt the unit will cost twice as much but lets keep it at that for your sake. Now since all the main components of the gpx are in place, i doubt little suggestions such as touchscreen implementation would double is cost as well :) (Yes I admit, I highly favor the touchscreen)

Put it this way, instead of being single track minded, we could also look at this in another perspective. Many of you guys mentioned that if you want touchsreen, go for the expensive pdas because the slight increase(lets use your example) 10 bucks does not justify that the fact that I CAN buy an expensive pda to substitute that. Why cant we see it as, if it does have a touchscreen, it would be hell of a bargain because it will be significantly cheaper than a pda and yet have the desireable feature you could use to emulate more platforms. Hell throw in some homebrew pda functions and we could potentially capture a wider range of audiance(especially those pda guys that suffers from bad controls). And this in turn would mean bigger, community, more homebrew and higher chances of the company producing products in large scale... which means cheaper quility products in future... But who am I kidding, nobody thinks that far... especially for a mere 10bucks extra ;)
Hanz™ posted on Sep 2 2005 at 10:05 AM said:
Look at some of the ridiculous not to mentioned very bias and immature counter aurguements againts him, why didnt you mentioned any of these like I did?
How exactly were my arguements immature?
I just tried to explain them in the post above...

Edit: And really it is his fault he is arguing that the GP2X is pointless because it does not have the same features as the Zodiac.
While we all like it as it has been marketed for the same sort of people that liked the GP32?

Sorry bud, it wasnt meant to be directed at you :) . it might seem like it but it wasnt, its just happens that I quoted you and it led you into believing that everything i wrote in that post was in refrence to you. Sorry for the confusion.

I was refering to the name callings and such.

Edit: off topic, so that you guys know me a little better, I was actually considering on purchasing the psp before running into this in. Now I am thinking twice on the psp because of one very big factor, battery life. I love the fact that I could play as long as I want in the plane without constant worries about the battery life... It just takes away the meaning of portability if I am required to find an ac outlet every 3 hrs or so plus the stress of having to worry about that takes alot of fun out of portable gaming. Also memstick is expensive, 1gb can barely hold 2 psp games and therefore emulation seems to be the answer, and looks like the gpx2 is much better suited in that department... it just depends on how well the psp is holding in regards to its exclusive contents... right now, the titles are pathetic and the only reason i still might want the psp is that its beautiful! and its lcd(althought bad for emulation ratio wise) its brightness and color rendition is quite hard to beat.

I am hoping that i could learn more abotut this and maybe one day join you guys and enjoy the gp like you guys have been doing since the 32 :)
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How was he suppose make his entry into the thread? he wasnt flaming, he wasnt name calling and although he was bias, he made critism that could potentially be helpful.
Should have started a new thread (as the other guy at the begginning of this one had already riled alot of the people on this forum), and just asked for analysis of the GP2x, good and bad points (and made up his own mind without trying to argue against people)....

And also should have just stated the points that makes him not want to get it...
Shouldn't have tried to argue that the GP2x "seems totally useless".
To be honest did he actually expect the people here to agree with him?

And hey. Ironic as it sounds I do "think that my point was way less opinionated than his." As I had more of a reason to back my claims up.

You are probably right about it making sense to have a PDA/Handheld though. But then again on the other hand - not everybody wants a PDA - and it should be able to act as a PDA (presuming there is a clock in it) anyway, just with no touchscreen...
"As I had more of a reason to back my claims up"

Thats exacly what I meant, on what grounds? opinions?

"not everybody wants a PDA"

I thnk you are missing the point here, just because it has a touch screen it does not mean that it is a pda. the ability to function as a pda is just one of the many nice extra possiblities it could open up to.

Also if you are gonna spend around 200 bucks on a device, I highly doubt an extra 10 bucks would suddenly turn the publics opinion around. How silly does it sound if I were to tell you that wow! 200 bucks so worth the money! and what?! 210? no way!! I cant help to think that this is merely an excuse to argue for the sake of arguing


If cost is such a big deal, How sure are you that alot of the features gpx2 has to offer is exacttly what everyone would WANT anyway and it couldnt be stripped down futher?
zester posted on Sep 2 2005 at 10:38 AM said:
Hanz™ posted on Sep 2 2005 at 10:05 AM said:
Look at some of the ridiculous not to mentioned very bias and immature counter aurguements againts him, why didnt you mentioned any of these like I did?
How exactly were my arguements immature?
I just tried to explain them in the post above...

Edit: And really it is his fault he is arguing that the GP2X is pointless because it does not have the same features as the Zodiac.
While we all like it as it has been marketed for the same sort of people that liked the GP32?

Sorry bud, it wasnt meant to be directed at you :) . it might seem like it but it wasnt, its just happens that I quoted you and it led you into believing that everything i wrote in that post was in refrence to you. Sorry for the confusion.

I was refering to the name callings and such.

Edit: off topic, so that you guys know me a little better, I was actually considering on purchasing the psp before running into this in. Now I am thinking twice on the psp because of one very big factor, battery life. I love the fact that I could play as long as I want in the plane without constant worries about the battery life... It just takes away the meaning of portability if I am required to find an ac outlet every 3 hrs or so plus the stress of having to worry about that takes alot of fun out of portable gaming. Also memstick is expensive, 1gb can barely hold 2 psp games and therefore emulation seems to be the answer, and looks like the gpx2 is much better suited in that department... it just depends on how well the psp is holding in regards to its exclusive contents... right now, the titles are pathetic and the only reason i still might want the psp is that its beautiful! and its lcd(althought bad for emulation ratio wise) its brightness and color rendition is quite hard to beat.

I am hoping that i could learn more abotut this and maybe one day join you guys and enjoy the gp like you guys have been doing since the 32 :)

Yeah but Skeezix is developing for the PSP in a big way. He seems to really like it. If you like the ST you may need to have a PSP or GP32 to play that. There is no guarantee that he will even bother with GPX2 becaus ehe may not spend the money on one. I looks like the PSP is getting most of the devs, we will see if the GPx2 will attract them back or not.
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Thats exacly what I meant, on what grounds? opinions?
On the grounds that people who buy a handheld gaming machine, if they just want a handheld gaming machine will not want to know that they are paying extra for PDA features. And vice a versa....

I thnk you are missing the point here, just because it has a touch screen it does not mean that it is a pda. the ability to function as a pda is just one of the many nice extra possiblities it could open up to.

Also if you are gonna spend around 200 bucks on a device, I highly doubt an extra 10 bucks would suddenly turn the publics opinion around. How silly does it sound if I were to tell you that wow! 200 bucks so worth the money! and what?! 210? no way!! I cant help to think that this is merely an excuse to argue for the sake of arguing
Just because it doesn't have a touchscreen, does not mean it will not beable to have PDA like functions. A touchscreen only aids your ability to use a device as a PDA...

Often an extra 10 bucks does sway public opinion. There is a sweet spot when selling something. As I said earlier - considering one of the main suppliers GBAx is going to sell at £99.99, A small increase in price to the "ignorant masses" will look much larger than it actaully is.

If cost is such a big deal, How sure are you that alot of the features gpx2 has to offer is exacttly what everyone would WANT anyway and it couldnt be stripped down futher?
Thats just my opinion. I think that the CPU could be upped slightly, I don't think that anything else should change...
On the grounds that people who buy a handheld gaming machine, if they just want a handheld gaming machine will not want to know that they are paying extra for PDA features. And vice a versa....

Is that a fact or an opinion now?

So say, I am one of those guys in the scenario above. I dont wanna pay for extras, does that mean I won't buy the gpx2 because extra 3 buttons I dont use since I planned on emulating nes and genesis titles exclusively. Because it certainly cost money to add buttons... where is the logic in your statement?


Why are we going around in circles is beyond me but for the last time, why does having touch screen automatically labels any gaming device as pda? Why cant a touchsreen be considered as an extra method of input suite for new genre of games that previously werent possible without it?

hence, it will still be a gaming device regardless. but a gaming device that has the possibility of playing a wider genre of games and this mean, you are still paying for a gaming device, with improve functions to play more kind of games... What are you gonna tell me next? that they only want to buy a gaming device that works well for the games they will play and not pay extra? Let me remind you that a device cartered for emlation isnt supposed to be tailored to meet a specific demand for certain games.

Like I said, If cost is such a big deal, How sure are you that alot of the features gpx2 has to offer is exacttly what everyone would WANT anyway and it couldnt be stripped down futher?

Just because it doesn't have a touchscreen, does not mean it will not beable to have PDA like functions. A touchscreen only aids your ability to use a device as a PDA...

Exactly :) touchsreen does not mean its a pda, kinda stepped on my point above and only aids? thats kinda subtle. Ever wondered why rts and adventure games were only popular with pc for a long time?

Often an extra 10 bucks does sway public opinion. There is a sweet spot when selling something. As I said earlier - considering one of the main suppliers GBAx is going to sell at £99.99, A small increase in price to the "ignorant masses" will look much larger than it actaully is.

1. the UK alone isnt gonna be their only targeted market and is also certainly not the largest. and btw, 10 bucks would be about £5...

2. Do you honestly believe that the ignorant masses you speak of here who I am sure is aware of homebrew/emulation = aware that gp2x exist is actually ignorant? If you say that about NDS or PSP I might buy that story... but gpx2??? who are we trying to fool here? I doubt the targeted market for this device are ppl who think they are getting themself game&watch :)

Thats just my opinion. I think that the CPU could be upped slightly, I don't think that anything else should change...

fair enough, you are entitled to your own opinions of course...
We are still arguing this? Yes there are good points for a TS. And some against.

It is pointless though the hardware is DONE and being made as we speak so it doesn't matter anymore either way does it?
Is that a fact or an opinion now?
Opinions can be Facts btw.

1. the UK alone isnt gonna be their only targeted market and is also certainly not the largest. and btw, 10 bucks would be about £5...

2. Do you honestly believe that the ignorant masses you speak of here who I am sure is aware of homebrew/emulation = aware that gp2x exist is actually ignorant? If you say that about NDS or PSP I might buy that story... but gpx2??? who are we trying to fool here? I doubt the targeted market for this device are ppl who think they are getting themself game&watch
Agreed on point no. 1. but I still think that as an additional feature touchscreen is not really needed.
And I agree that the average GP32/2x User is not exactly ignorant. But that doesn't mean there aren't any ignorant ones. I got a computer illiterate person to buy a GP32 - I had to set everything up for them. And they were incapable of taking my advice to join the forum...
And besides even I prefer to buy something costing £99.99 exc VAT it looks better on my credit card invoice than 107.99 exc VAT. Hahaha...

But anyway, my main point is that - as features go, something like Internet support would be way more fun.
"Opinions can be Facts btw."

Can you get anymore irrelavant than this? Or are you just looking for things to hang on to? You do realize that this reply is really besides the point right? But I'll play along. Yes opinions can be facts if you have enough empirical data supporting it, it will be factual till its disprove ofcourse... but did your original context meet any of the criteria that is required to term it as facts? thats what I am asking! not the difference between the word opinions and facts and not wheter opinions could be facts! ;)

"But that doesn't mean there aren't any ignorant ones. I got a computer illiterate person to buy a GP32 - I had to set everything up for them. And they were incapable of taking my advice to join the forum..."

I didnt say that there aren't :) But when we want to repesent the masses, do we speak of the majority or minority? I see this is getting into more of a knit pick and sematics debate rather than sticking on to the original intended arguement.

"But anyway, my main point is that - as features go, something like Internet support would be way more fun. "

More fun= possible. but if you wanna speak of just a portable gaming handheld which you tend to defend so much, it serve very little puporse in this department. Atleast for now with the limited wifi spots and online games for portables
"Opinions can be Facts btw."

Can you get anymore irrelavant than this? Or are you just looking for things to hang on to? You do realize that this reply is really besides the point right? But I'll play along. Yes opinions can be facts if you have enough empirical data supporting it, it will be factual till its disprove ofcourse... but did your original context meet any of the criteria that is required to term it as facts? thats what I am asking! not the difference between the word opinions and facts and not wheter opinions could be facts!
I wasn't trying to be irrelevant, it's just you said:
Is that a fact or an opinion now?
Yes I believe it is a fact that if you want to buy a handheld and it turns out that it also has a touchscreen that you are not interested in. Then the touchscreen will be a negative for you because of the price (for a feature you are not interested in)...
This is only the case really if you consider a low price to be of more importance than a touch screen admittedly (but for someone who justs wants a capable handheld for playing games, that is often true).
And to be honest - the PDA market is very different from the handheld market. There is overlap - as the Zodiac shows. But really there was not much of a market for the Zodiac and that is why Tapwave have stopped production.
This is also why there have not been a huge ammount of Zodiac rip-offs.
I can not really comment on the DS (as I am completely uninterested in it), but if a system like that was to be produced by Gamepark, I don't think it would sell. [Ok, and before you say it, I realise the last 2 sentences are opinion not fact].

I didnt say that there aren't  But when we want to repesent the masses, do we speak of the majority or minority? I see this is getting into more of a knit pick and sematics debate rather than sticking on to the original intended arguement.
OK admittedly the majority of people that will be interested in a GP2X are clever. But I think that Gamepark have taken the route of appealing both to the minority (of stupid ones - that just want for it to say emulator and cheap) as well as appealing to the majority, who probably would not have minded a small increase in price for a touchscreen...

Anyway unless you say something that really stresses me out - I don't think I will be bothered to argue anymore, considering that the features are all set in the stone...

Yep, online may take a bit to get running and not everybody has Wifi. But I like the idea of playing the gp32 online in bed.
There are most-likely online linux games that could be ported...
Besides. It would be alot more portable than online games normally are, even if you weren't able to walk out of your house, and still play online.
DaveC posted on Sep 2 2005 at 05:02 AM said:
You did say that emus are not your main interest. That is mostly what will come out on the GPx2 sorry to say for you. Maybe it really isn't for you? If a PDA type device is what you want I am not sure this one will make you happy to be honest. It IS missing alot of what you like. It has most of what I want and doesn't have what I don't need so booyah! for me. But if it makes you happy enough to spend the money for one then do so. Remember the day you get a GPx2 your Zodiac won't evaporate out of your hands, you will still have it for your PDA apps, TS etc.
Emus are not THE main interest but still one main interest. The GPX2 will not be able to replace my Zodiac but I'll try to get used to carrying two handhelds. One of my interests in the GPX2 is that I want to change what it will become. You think there'll be emus mainly. Well, I hope there will also be a lot of awesome, indie, commercial games. It would be something that was not really on the GP32 but I'd love to see the GPX2 get it.

Next the reply to Hanz™'s post (#103) and maybe some following posts, too lazy to quote everything... Line break usually means new aswer to something else.

I blame GPH for not making the GP2X a better handheld. I hope you got my point now. If you still don't, oh well, maybe I don't have one...
Most people would prefer that the $10 be spent elsewhere or not at all...
1. What gives you the right to speak for most of the possible GPX2 buyers? How can you know what they want?
2. How can they know what they want? I don't think many people have had experience with touchscreen games or touchscreens at all. The DS is changing this, of course, but it still only shows pretty limited use of the touchscreen which is mainly because the screen is so small.
Ok, having read the comments below: So GP32 forum members did not see the importance of a touchscreen. That's hardly a surprise since many of them probably had no experience with it. But I think there are a lot of people outside the GP32 community that would be attracted by a touchscreen. Like... me! Only that I came here anyway. Well, what's the point of this discussion, the thing does not have a touchscreen. I hope the next one does. ;)
The GP32 does have less quality original games than the Zodiac and that even stays true if you don't count the Palm games. It does have more emulators than the Zodiac because of the bigger community, the longer time it has been around and the better controls (and perhaps screen :P ) for emulation. Also commercial emulators don't seem to work. The big ones are also availiable for free, the small ones won't generate money. So the "more money --> more quality games" thing is indeed only true for games. (Or so I think because of my experience. You have to be careful what you say here... :P )
I don't think it being difficult to use the CPUs effectively will make development for the GPX2 more attractive... Thats just an opinion though.
Of course non profit = low quality is complete bullshit as Wikipedia, Open Office, Linux etc. prove. Did I ever actually say non profit = low quality?!
I don't think the Zodiac failed because it was bad. I think it failed because of the same things that the GP32 nearly failed because. Only the GP32 got lucky because it was absolutely awesome and attracted a group of people who kept it alive. The Zodiac was awesome, too, but maybe not as uber-awesome as the GP32 was at it's time of release. It also found it's followers but it wasn't quite enough to keep it alive.
Yeah but Skeezix is developing for the PSP in a big way. He seems to really like it. If you like the ST you may need to have a PSP or GP32 to play that. There is no guarantee that he will even bother with GPX2 becaus ehe may not spend the money on one. I looks like the PSP is getting most of the devs, we will see if the GPx2 will attract them back or not.
Skeezix shouldn't have to buy a GPX2, let's get him one!

Hanz™, a PDA without a touchscreen (or good keyboard) is about as practical as trying to drink by putting your tongue into the glass, pull it out and swallow the one drop that stays on it. Sorry, couldn't think of a worse analogy, I'm not very creative at the moment. The point is that not everything that is in theory possible is relevant because it might be totally impractical etc.
But anyway, my main point is that - as features go, something like Internet support would be way more fun.
Internet support without touchscreen? Well, it could be nice for some things but a whole lot of it (like browsing and writing emails/forum entries) would be very impractical. By the way, can't it be done via USB or SDIO? Ok, just read you think it can. Also you should have marked above statement as an opinion since I think touchscreen would add more fun... ;)

Let's stop the touchscreen madness. We can start again when we need to make sure that the NEXT GP device has a touchscreen. At this point we can conclude that we have different opinions about the importance of a touchscreen and that they don't matter because the GPX2 is not going to have one.
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Yes I believe it is a fact that if you want to buy a handheld and it turns out that it also has a touchscreen that you are not interested in. Then the touchscreen will be a negative for you because of the price (for a feature you are not interested in)...
This is only the case really if you consider a low price to be of more importance than a touch screen admittedly (but for someone who justs wants a capable handheld for playing games, that is often true).
And to be honest - the PDA market is very different from the handheld market. There is overlap - as the Zodiac shows. But really there was not much of a market for the Zodiac and that is why Tapwave have stopped production.
This is also why there have not been a huge ammount of Zodiac rip-offs.
I can not really comment on the DS (as I am completely uninterested in it), but if a system like that was to be produced by Gamepark, I don't think it would sell. [Ok, and before you say it, I realise the last 2 sentences are opinion not fact].

I think you havent been following what is going on on the other side of the world. Nobody said there was anything wrong with the zodiac hardware. Yesy they are not perfect(I don't have one, but I do take interest for the sake of research before purchase) I believe its failure its due to its inability to market the product well. Lack of first party(I know gp32 doesnt need 1st party... but think about this, it was intended to play 1st party stuff and it lead the public into believing that it was a gba wannabe... thankfully, the gp is marketed differently and thats why, it is relatively more successful because the public does not feel that the developer is slacking... tapwave was definitely slacking in terms of getting titles to appear.) , not widely available and the fact that it needs to pay royalty to palm for being a palm powered device definitely add to the production cost.

why in your opinion that it wouldnt sell if gamepark produced something similar to the nds? I make you made it sound like as tho Tscreen is such a bad thing that it should be avoided like a plague.

Yep, online may take a bit to get running and not everybody has Wifi. But I like the idea of playing the gp32 online in bed.
There are most-likely online linux games that could be ported...
Besides. It would be alot more portable than online games normally are, even if you weren't able to walk out of your house, and still play online.

You do realize that alot of linux games that could be ported utilize the mouse do you?

Yes I believe it is a fact that if you want to buy a handheld and it turns out that it also has a touchscreen that you are not interested in. Then the touchscreen will be a negative for you because of the price (for a feature you are not interested in)...

So is the 3 extra buttons if I am not planning on using it... Now done quote me on this as ridiculous as it may sound, so is the whole issue on the extra cost added with the tsreen, which we all should know by now is very minimal. But since we are being knitpicky about cost, I want them to exlcude the 3 buttons i am not planning on using because the extra circiutry and rubbers could save me a couple of bucks as well.(this is an example, but as sure you are that some ppl might not require a TS I am pretty sure there is atleast one person who finds a total of 6 buttons is redundant).

who probably would not have minded a small increase in price for a touchscreen...

You kinda contradicted yourself there with the statement above...

Anyway unless you say something that really stresses me out - I don't think I will be bothered to argue anymore, considering that the features are all set in the stone...

agreed lets give it a rest, whats done is done... lets hope they will suprise is in their next update

Edit:speaking of how bad zodiac was marketed... I've never even seen one here is Australia.
zester posted on Sep 2 2005 at 05:59 AM said:
Look at some of the ridiculous not to mentioned very bias and immature counter aurguements againts him, why didnt you mentioned any of these like I did?

I can certianlly see where you are coming from and its obiviously odd to disagree with people who support your intrest even if its was presented in the most absurd manner and I cerntailly dont blame you for it.

Just that its unfair to put him in a light where he is entirely at fault not to mention the
sole reason of this heated arguement.

I wont pretend there arnt some psychotic responses, but honestly you can't say you can't expect them when comming on as strong as he did. It's not as if he came to the forum, said "Hi!" and was immeditatly attacked, He came in started a discussion and dissagreed with almost everyone that attempted to respond.

You can't have a rational disscussion without taking the other person's view into account.
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"I blame GPH for not making the GP2X a better handheld."

a "better" handheld? what would be better in your mind might make it worse in someone
else's.you said earlier that you wanted "indie/commercial games" to have priority on the gp2x? it sounds like you are on the wrong forum. maybe there's an xgp forum out there that you can join. the gp2x isn't about that. from the very beginning it's been about homebrew/emus right?

hey, i can get picky like you Oro. i want the gp2x to have satellite tv, wifi, and a wall outlet (so i can plug in the microwave on the go :lol: )

but wait, what's this? the gp2x doesn't have any of that. do i care? no. is it a big deal? no. can the gp2x still do cool things? yes. i'm not going to scrap the handheld because it doesn't cater to every one of my whims. that's insanity. the gp2x is fine the way it is. but if you're truely not happy you can go whine about it somewhere else.
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