Star Wreck


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Nov 10, 2004
Sovjet Finland
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"Star Wreck is the first feature length Finnish scifi comedy. Impressive special effects and dark humor help tell the epic story of Captain Pirk (Samuli Torssonen) of the starship Potkustart, who wants to take over the universe.

In the end, famine, wars, overpopulation and other problems begin to weight heavily on the shoulders of Pirk, who has declared himself as the emperor of the world. The situation seems hopeless, but Pirk's luck chances when one of his less trusted captains, mr. Fukov (Janos Honkonen), finds a strange worm hole. On the other side htey discover a whole new dimension full of new possibilities.

But this new dimension is not for Pirk to take. Captain Sherrypie (Atte Joutsen) of the space station Baabel 13 stands between Pirk and his lust for power...

Seven years in the making, Star Wreck: In The Pirkinning is finally ready and available on DVD. "
Trust me, you'll love it. :P In about two weeks time. :)
jegHegy posted on Aug 22 2005 at 03:15 AM said:
that sounds nice, thanks for posting. i'll be on the lookout in, erm, DVD STORES, YEAH.

Not likely to be in DVD stores. But quess what? In 1.10.2005, you can download free, official web-version from that site. ;)

Personally, I have allready ordered a DVD. 24€, that about what you'd pay for a CD of crappy contemporary music. B)

" I have a starwreck novel from about 15 years ago, its really quite funny to read."

I think it's somewhat obvious name for a trek parody. This has nothing to do with that novel, I should think.

BTW, this is number 6 in the series of movies, seventh movie (there's a SW 4½...), dating back from 1992, first made with Deluxe Animation, Amiga program.

Quite fun, even if you cannot understand the minute subtleties of finnish language, and have to resort to subtitles... B)
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