Pc Spec. Question

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here is my two cents, feedback is easy to get, i personally have given false feedback to my friend who wanted to set up a shop quickly(not a scammer) so i "bought" something off him and left good feedback as did a few other of my friends so having 8 +ive feedback is not a sign he is legit.
Scammers often send the same email out as a standard so the fact we have two people here with different and personal emails gives a sign of goodness(couldnt think of a better word) , if you look on his site he is selling a "gamer PC" for 329.99 +p&p which seems cheap for what it is.
Do banks have a fraud thing on cheques like they do on credit cards? if things go belly up then report him all over including to aol as he is using their hosting so may have an broadband line with them so they may kick his arse n get him off the net :P well i wish you guys all the luck in the world and i dont know what to advise i use ebay alot and have not been scammed but have not spent that much either.
Yeah I just got an e-mail there now, regarding ebay taking a week to get him back on ebay he says,

Once you pay your fees on ebay it IS indeed an automated process (everything
on ebay is automated you will find) which takes up to 7 days for my account
to go back on, I got this info from ebay no-one else, my dad has had an ebay
account with ebay for 3 years & it took around 7 days when the same happened
to him, even when you pay your fees it takes 2-3 days to show as paid on
your account, everything I said is regarding using paypal to pay the fee's,

Don't get me wrong im no expert with ebay at all, far from it but im
basically telling you that I have either found out myself or been told by
ebay themselves, I don’t know who told you that I would be re-instated
straight away as that’s totally impossible as it takes 2-3 days to even show
that you have paid your fees, you can see more about this on ebay, do a
search in ebay's help section regarding paying fee's via paypal,

It seems genuine enough. I'm probably just going to wait and see what happens on tuesday, it's not like I can do anything anyway. I'll keep you informed. He has guarenteed me next day delivery, out on tuesday, arrives on wednesday so I should be able to warn/reassure you.
Yes alot of this could be what bargainbassments has said.
However due to the fact so much has gone on, I will need some further proof of him before I can commit.
I have let him see this topic in the forum, as I think it is only fair, if he cares about getting a good reputation then he should just try and get it sorted out, then I can go back and change all my posts.
He has offered to place the order for collection tonight (which is probably too late by the time I got to reading his e-mail) or tomorrow. Thus I would receive the tracking no. and receipt before my cheque clears. Sounds like everything is sorting itself out.
Well onemillurray pointed me towards another ebayer that had been collecting names of ebayers that had not yet recieved their PC's.
I sent him an email asking for details, and a day later I get this beauty.

leightonrichards<at>hotmail<dot>com said:

I am no longer collecting emails off previous buyers, because I have heard
enough to decide not to trust bargainbassment.  I won the bidding on one of
his computers, but thought the deal was too good to be true as he was
selling a computer worth over £1000 for less than £400 on a buy it now deal.
I emailed all 10 of the previous buyers from ebay. 6 people replied, 5 have
not received their system yet, after lots of delays and excuses. 1 person
decided not to buy after talking to him and becoming suspicious.
As far as I know a couple of buyers have opened disputes with him and are
involving the police to try and get a refund. After waiting for more than 3
weeks for a system they paid for in advance.
Edit: need to get a reply from bargainbassments, and I am gonna try and phone my bank tomorrow, to see what they can do.
This is shit.
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I thought we already knew people hadn't recieved their machines and that some of you were being contacted by those people? Even so, this is looking bad.

vvv Good point, I didn't quite realise about the police being involved. Davey G you need to bail out now before the ship sinks and your wallet's contents fall into the murky depths!
Rico posted on Aug 28 2005 at 11:58 PM said:
I thought we already knew people hadn't recieved their machines and that some of you were being contacted by those people? Even so, this is looking bad.
Yeah, but 3 weeks and the police involved is more serious than 7 days.
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May I just say - that it is not as If I have been fabricating information here. I have been trying to sort out the various problems I have had with the order.
Im shocked that 2 of my buyers have gone behind my back to discuss me!, & to give out my address on these forums has pis*ed me off as i do NOT like people giving my address, i give me persinal details for the person im emailing ONLY, its against the law to give peoples addresses out without their consent,
Well I am sorry about that. That was just negligence on my part - and was also to illustrate the fact that at one point you appeared to have 2 addresses...

And to be honest - I think that it is perfectly okay to discuss this with other people.

edit: If you want to sort stuff out then for once actually offer some sort of concrete evidence that you are a not a scammer, as, as of yet I have seen nothing to prove this to me - and for most of the last 4 days have been worried sick.
hanz, im very grateful that you told me, at least you being a man about things by letting me have the chance to stick up for myself, im happy dealing with you if you want to carry this transaction through, if not then i also understand as you have really been fed some rubbish about me, thats for sure
Exactly, the things that have kept us clinging on to the hope that you are genuine is your eagerness to reply to emails/questions etc. In fact, if I hadn't received this information I would probably have gone through with the deal. Of course, now I don't know what to do. I'll probably just cancel the cheque to be on the safe side.
hanz, you may think its ok to talk about me but its definitly NOT ok for people to give my address out on here & is why im taking action against the person that gave my address out, that was a stupid thing to do
bargainbassments posted on Aug 29 2005 at 12:26 AM said:
hanz, you may think its ok to talk about me but its definitly NOT ok for people to give my address out on here & is why im taking action against the person that gave my address out, that was a stupid thing to do

I believed it was necessary in order that I could avoid being scammed.
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