Just Trying Out Some New Systems

I think it's just a matter of splitting them when they;re together and merging them when they're apart. I dont recall there really being a strategy to it beyond just trying to get them to move towards each other by redirecting them at corners.

It's been a while. :P
Ok, i'll have to give that game another go. Right now I'm hooked on antartic adventure :D (or whatever its called). Great games guys, keep the suggestions coming!
I don't remember seeing it in anyone's list so far, but I might have missed it....

ZAXXON One of the first 3D games out there... Also quite a challenge, and superb time waster.

Donkey Kong Jr.
River Raid
Turbo (best with the steering wheel for the coleco)
Keystone Kapers
Well, I will try out all of the other suggestions later, my 128MB memory card is full right now :D I have about 20 games for MAME now (almost all are working), about 30 for colecovision, about 25 for tg16, about 15 for sms, and a bunch of other stuff.

Also, which came out first, dig dug or mrdo? (they seem very similar to me)
Thanks again for all the help.
DigDug was first atleast here in North America from what I can tell. I grew up playing DigDug and RallyX back when atari 2600 was the big deal and didnt even hear about Mr.Do untill the Colecovision came out.

Wonderboy Dragons Trap, Psycho fox, Rastan, Alex Kidd in miracle world, Populous, Lemmings, California games, Golden Axe, Krusty`s fun house, Outrun, New zealand story.
