What Website Shall I Base It On...

sam fisher posted on Aug 3 2005 at 11:54 PM said:
nova does not have a hosting yet! unlimited everything from me and from nova when he gets his.

The internet bank of Nova & Sam
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Ok, the forums is now opened chek it out at http://s13.invisionfree.com/GPMania/index.php?act=idx

hope you like it, i am hoping some one is will to make a slogan saying "GP-mania" on it please, so i can put it on the top of the forum part, replacing the invision add...

please join the forum, and support it, its got lots of forums which are different to here, if you want to suggest something about it, please say... :)
saintdragon posted on Aug 3 2005 at 08:24 PM said:

warmfluffy you want to make the homepage, you can put links to ya site on the template and stuff :)

You want me to design the site?


I need to know something about the server that you are going to host the site with. Does it support php? If not don't worry, it just means I will be limited to HTML only.


Also, is red the main colour of the site? or can I choose the colour scheme myself?

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WarmFluffyUK posted on Aug 4 2005 at 06:48 AM said:
saintdragon posted on Aug 3 2005 at 08:24 PM said:

warmfluffy you want to make the homepage, you can put links to ya site on the template and stuff :)

You want me to design the site?


I need to know something about the server that you are going to host the site with. Does it support php? If not don't worry, it just means I will be limited to HTML only.


Olso, is red the main colour of the site? or can I choose the colour scheme myself?


ok the server is here

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WarmFluffyUK posted on Aug 4 2005 at 07:48 AM said:
saintdragon posted on Aug 3 2005 at 08:24 PM said:

warmfluffy you want to make the homepage, you can put links to ya site on the template and stuff :)

You want me to design the site?


I need to know something about the server that you are going to host the site with. Does it support php? If not don't worry, it just means I will be limited to HTML only.


Olso, is red the main colour of the site? or can I choose the colour scheme myself?

paul the sites still out dated. Yes i supports php. And many things.
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sam fisher posted on Aug 4 2005 at 10:30 AM said:
paul the sites still out dated. Yes i supports php. And many things.

Okay, it looks like is supports PHP. I have noticed though that they are using frames to include their own ads etc without intefering with your page, This should be okay though.

Righty ho, I will knock something up soon and then let you know when I have something. As the page is red, I will try and stay with that colour if you like.


P.S. Who is Paul?
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WarmFluffyUK posted on Aug 4 2005 at 11:47 AM said:
P.S. Who is Paul?

You called?
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hmm, up updated the website, but feal free to change it, shall i pm the login and p/w, but i want to move then domain to sam fishers if he lets me? cause i wanna upload stuff :)
saintdragon posted on Aug 4 2005 at 02:03 PM said:
hmm, up updated the website, but feal free to change it, shall i pm the login and p/w, but i want to move then domain to sam fishers if he lets me? cause i wanna upload stuff :)


I have knocked something up quickly, not sure if it's what you're looking for, let me know. I used bits of your logo and the GP images, but I have altered them. Things are still very rough though. You can see it here:

GP-Mania! idea.

Bye for now,

I have added a background to main cells and tidied up the logo a bit now.
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Klown posted on Aug 4 2005 at 04:34 PM said:
Checking into thread to demand you stop using dark backgrounds and you use the spellcheck function in word before publishing things.

Gosh Klown, who rattled your cage today? Maybe you should target your aggression at them instead?

Not sure who you're targeting the dark backgrounds at, but if it's me, the all I'm doing is helping someone beef up their site and am just keeping it the style of the original.

Regarding the spelling, stop being so pompous, it's only a test site and the text was copied off the original. It took me 20 mins to create the site during my tea break at work, so :P .
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Nice template warmfluffy uk, i do prefer that one, nice and vibrant! smile.gif
on top of that warmfluffy, are all the images in a seperate image folder?

i think the spell check thing was targeted at me... but it is still under work so it will be fixed!