Palette Troubles


Mar 9, 2005
Totnes, Devon, UK

Quiest and myself have a small problem with my minigame: When other minigames run (that use FPG files) they automaticaly set the palette. when my Fenix game (which draws it's graphics in vectors and has no FPG files) runs it then has the wrong colour space.

My game needs to somehow load a default palette to reset the colour space, is this possible to make somehow ? Specificaly 1 needs to be black 15 needs to be white 40 needs to be green 10 needs to be dark grey and 22 needs to be red...

Any suggestions welcome :D
Ah they don`t automatically set the palette, that`s what the load_pal(...) command is for :)

As I never had the needs to, I don`t know how to make a palette by hand (and not with fpg edit :D), if anyone knows, tell us please!
You can use Photoshop to create a palette by hand.
But the little utility that I posted here on GP32Spain some time ago is specially designed to edit color palettes (look for my avatar).

I don't know how works Fenix, but in case you couldn't use directly the palette, just include the palette in a tiny BMP with a paint program like Photoshop and convert the BMP to an FPG and that should do it.

Thanks Oankali!

But the bad thing is, the palettes made with that program are not compatible with Fenix palettes... this is stupid Fenix again...

Okay, I was messing around with the colors and palettes, and I finally got the initial colors you did working... that was some damn trying out random numbers work :D
Quiest posted on Jul 18 2005 at 09:20 AM said:
Thanks Oankali!

But the bad thing is, the palettes made with that program are not compatible with Fenix palettes... this is stupid Fenix again...

That's why I suggested to create a BMP with the palette.
Can you send me a Fenix palette? I can try to analyze it and add the format to the program. It would be better if you have already the specification of the Fenix palette.
It should be cool, isn't it? B)

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Oh, sure I can send you a Fenix palette! It would be great if it supports them, especially for the get_map_pixel command (where you have to specify colors out of an pal you can`t look inside :D

Just need your eMail.

btw, do you need something specific, or just a random palette?
The solution is easier than you think actually: Load_pal accepts not only palette files but also fpg's, map's and png's.
On the getting the default palette thing(or any palette that is active at that moment), you can easily fetch it with something like:

palette = new_map(16,16,8);
   map_put_pixel(0,palette,i,j,j*16 + i);

resulting in this default palette.
Quiest posted on Jul 18 2005 at 09:41 AM said:
Oh, sure I can send you a Fenix palette! It would be great if it supports them, especially for the get_map_pixel command (where you have to specify colors out of an pal you can`t look inside :D

Just need your eMail.

btw, do you need something specific, or just a random palette?

My eMail is oankali @ nekanium dot com.

I would prefer an organized palette as it is easier to analyse.
For example:

0-63 : grayscale gradient
64-127: red gradient
128-191: green gradient
192-255: blue gradient

With a palette like this I should be able to find the header and how are saved the colors.
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Moogle posted on Jul 19 2005 at 10:42 AM said:
The solution is easier than you think actually: Load_pal accepts not only palette files but also fpg's, map's and png's.
On the getting the default palette thing(or any palette that is active at that moment), you can easily fetch it with something like:

palette = new_map(16,16,8);
   map_put_pixel(0,palette,i,j,j*16 + i);

resulting in this default palette.

You sure rock, Moogle :)

@Oankali: I`ll see what I can do, can`t promise to give such an organised Fenix palette...
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On Tyra I just used Load_Pal("fpggame.fpg"); replacing fpggame with the name of your fpg. It worked fine.
You could have maybe read it, Goity, that minigame has no FPG! The graphics are generated! :P

And you can`t just load any palette...