I like turtles!
// Routines to realize the use of sprite fonts
// by Quiest
// Usage:
// ------
// Make your own fonts and store them in a seperate FPG.
// Look below for a list of what number every symbol,letter,
// etc., should have in the font FPG.
// Then just copy&paste the processes qwrite, qwrite_int,
// qwrite_float, qwrite_graph to your code and use like this:
// qwrite(font,int x, int y, int qdist, string qvar);
// -font == the ID for the font fpg
// -int x == x coord of the first letter
// -int y == y coord of the first letter
// -int qdist == distance between the sprites
// -string qvar == the string you want to be displayed on screen
// qwrite_int(font,int x, int y, int qdist, int qvar);
// -font == the ID for the font fpg
// -int x == x coord of the first letter
// -int y == y coord of the first letter
// -int qdist == distance between the sprites
// -int qvar == the integer you want to be displayed on screen
// qwrite_float(font,int x, int y, int qdist, float qvar);
// -font == the ID for the font fpg
// -int x == x coord of the first letter
// -int y == y coord of the first letter
// -int qdist == distance between the sprites
// -float qvar == the float you want to be displayed on screen
// Notes:
// ------
// *The routines need to be called in a loop to stay on screen.
// *I used racemaniacs standart fpg, which is included in the
// zip file, for the included fonts
// Note that the font fpgs need to have the same palette as
// the fpgs used for your game.
// *What is still missing is the ability for the routines to
// get the proper distance between the sprites by themselves
// and to align them to the center or the right of the x value
// you give to the processes.
// *Do whatever you want with this prg.
// If you can optimize it or add more functions to it, do so!
// But please let me know! :-)
process qwrite(qfont,x,y,int qdist,string qvar);
int qcounter=0;
string qdisplay;
process qwrite_int(qfont,x,y,int qdist,int qvar);
int qcounter=0;
string qdisplay;
process qwrite_float(qfont,x,y,int qdist,float qvar);
int qcounter=0;
string qdisplay;
process qwrite_graph(file,x,y,graph);
begin z=text_z; frame; end;

Here is a zip which includes a compilable source, two example fonts, racemaniacs standard palette fpg and
a ascii table at the end of the source.
I hope that someone can make use of this
It also needs only minor modification to enable easy vertical text.
Not that shit with the maps who fucked up the lates version of the minigame project...
If someone can improve/optimize this code or add functions, please post your results here.
I also plan to release a font pack with around 20 to 30 different fonts to use
in the near future.
And here you can find a lot of free fonts you can use for your games.