Fullspeed Games On Psp Snes Emu

Hey, I tried some other versions of translated Seiken Densetsu 3's but they all had the same problem. The text is mostly unreadable. It's like every letter is cut in half.

Again, I know the CAUSE of this problem... just don't know if there is a fix. The cause is that the english text they used is in some high resolution, and only emu's that support that resolution (like Snes9x on PC and Xbox) can properly display the text.

Ah well.. that sucks... still really want to play this game and I can't think of a better way than if I had it on a handheld to lug around with me.

Well at least I may finally get a chance at getting through the whole of Chrono Trigger!.
I'll look into using that analog stick on the PSP. I don't mind (and actually enjoy a lot of the time) using the GameCube's analog stick when playing my GBA games on the Game Boy Player, so this might not be bad.

It's just the the placement of the D-pad is so much better and more comfortable than the analog stick on the PSP. :(
yeah man, was playing some old genny and snes games last night and the lack of diagonals was really getting to me.

have you guys used the PSPGenesis emulator?? man that thing is awesome!! at 333mhz it's nearly full speed, and it's great to be playing games like columns or outrun or even sonic 2 w/o much/any slowdown.
all it needs is a bit more optimization and good features like the Y snes emulator
I can't bring myself to try the Genesis emu's yet...

When you say they are nearly full speed... well let me ask more like this, how does the speed compare to DrMD? DrMD is 'full speed', but often, it runs a lot of frameskip to achieve that.

So the games on this PSP emu, are they full speed with frameskip? or do they just play slower than they do on DrMD? DrMD is the ONLY reason I even touch my GP anymore... so kind of reluctant to even bother with another genesis emu but if it's running a better framerate I'm there.

Which genesis emu are you talking about anyways there are like two or three of them out now aren't there?
so again I ask... hows the framerate/frameskip compared to DrMD say at.... I dunno 166mhz area?

Also, I'm guessing the PSP emu already has voice/DAC emulation?
DrMD is still the king on the GP at 166mhz compared to PSPGenesis v0.13 at 333mhz, DrMD is so much more responsive and feels faster. Don`t get me wrong, PSPGenesis is great for such an early release, But DrMD has still got the upper hand speed and control wise. Although PSPGenesis runs Landstalker, Shining force 1 & 2, Thunderforce 4 (but not 3, Strange ?). Also, With the smaller screen because of 1:1 on PSPGenesis (no scaling yet) it can make playing some games a bit difficult, Especially Thunderforce 4, Because of the games landscapes/backgrounds.

Btw: Sonic and knuckles & Sonic 3 and knuckles both worked for me no problem.

EDIT: Btw, Anyone done the background replacement thing a me jig with personalize yet ?.

Here`s mine :D.


Wrong thread i know, But i just thought i`d show off. :P

No problem with FF6, haven't got very far though...but it's awesome, crystal sound no frame skip
Link to the past has crackling sound but I can't remember if thats just the rain affect at the begining
yeah, i was playin thunderforce 4 and sonic & knuckles on PSPGenesis just now again. i'm amazed at this emulator's speed! it seems way ahead of the SNES9X port for psp.

every game i've thrown at it run, and at near full speed too. i'm looking forward to new releases.

If genesis emulation is already getting close to full speed, SNES emulation already close to full speed, PCE is supporting CD ROM games with music (on and on).... my GP about to find itself put back in it's box....

By the way unlike most regular PSP games, I found that most emulated games are not that hard to see in bright conditions, i.e. outdoors on a sunny day, as long as you can get into some shade. But they are VISIBLE, unlike games like Metal Gear Acid.
If only Sony weren't so anal about allowing homebrew on their console.

It would really make more sense to just support it and release a freeware SDK than to allow the crackers to hack away finding holes that could potentially lead to software piracy... Any honest coder would be happy to use the Sony-made SDK (thus preventing the cracking that could lead to piracy). It could be a big selling point for Sony and I'm sure that it wouldn't take away anything from game sales, but I'm sure they'll never do anything like that.
yeah, and i was playing my psp outside today as it was very nice out. i'm loving it more and more...would hate to let it go for a forced firmware update. oh well, maybe the project ninja handheld will be available then? or is that too early..
If only Sony weren't so anal about allowing homebrew on their console.

It would really make more sense to just support it and release a freeware SDK than to allow the crackers to hack away finding holes that could potentially lead to software piracy... Any honest coder would be happy to use the Sony-made SDK (thus preventing the cracking that could lead to piracy). It could be a big selling point for Sony and I'm sure that it wouldn't take away anything from game sales, but I'm sure they'll never do anything like that.

Er, that's kinda naive. Imagine what Nintendo, Sega etc would say if Sony oficially allowed people to play their Roms on their machine.....?!!!!
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If only Sony weren't so anal about allowing homebrew on their console.

It would really make more sense to just support it and release a freeware SDK than to allow the crackers to hack away finding holes that could potentially lead to software piracy...  Any honest coder would be happy to use the Sony-made SDK (thus preventing the cracking that could lead to piracy).  It could be a big selling point for Sony and I'm sure that it wouldn't take away anything from game sales, but I'm sure they'll never do anything like that.

Er, that's kinda naive. Imagine what Nintendo, Sega etc would say if Sony oficially allowed people to play their Roms on their machine.....?!!!!
Yeah, I thought about that after I posted...

But hasn't Tapwave signed for several emulators on the Z? I thought they did, but wouldn't sign a GBA one for obvious reasons. I suppose they're less of a threat than Sony, but they still a company 'supporting' emulators.

Regardless, I'm sure Sony would never do anything like I said anyway.
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But hasn't Tapwave signed for several emulators on the Z? I thought they did, but wouldn't sign a GBA one for obvious reasons.

you are thinking in a wrong way....
in many countries, like the US, you can easily buy weapons. and the obvious (and only) thing you can do with a weapon, is to kill somebody. but killing/murdering is forbidden and not selling the weapons.
same with the emulators....
I'm having trouble saving on FF6 uo snes 2y13, i can save sram and state but can never load it up, it fails every time, getting very annoying now, I'm going to try 2y15 today but rather then starting again, does anyone know why it won't load?
I'm not sure, but I was using the official ver. SNES9x, and I had been playing Super Mario RPG on it... Anyway, I had it SRAM saved before the fight with Smithy (the final boss) AND saved with save state.. Well, my SRAM disappeared and my save states corrupted.

There's no way that I can see that it was my fault either because I always return to the FW before powering down the system.

It upset me a little.. :angry: