Sd Support And Remote Controller From Creator Of G

well this is just smashing... smashing the smc 128mb limit of course. ;)

well this is some awsome news, but how much would a4 gig sd cost? um ild probably get like a 512mb or something :)
4gb cards are not manufactured yet but 2 gig cards are just arriving now. you can pick up a gig card for about 55 GPB on ebay.
Now that I am hope that those pics are not blocked at work by the porxy I can see them.

I don't mean to rain on everyone's hopes and dreams but it looks very fake!!!

It would be cool if it was true but they need to give me more proof then just sticking an SD card in a GP32 thats off like that....
I wouldn't say its fake, because its made by Gomwing! But he really should have a picture of it playing a movie off an SD card.

I think the most viable way to do it would be with a simple pinout adapter (not the kind that converts it to SMC style access) and a firmware compatible with both SMC and SD.

That would work because the SMC is directly accessed by the CPU, which means the slot isn't designed proprietary to SMC, it is just a way of accessing certain pins on the CPU (like the EXT port).

Programs that don't have SD support could then just be loaded off SMCs. Of course, that means that programs would have to be modified if you want SD support.

Of course the best way would be an adaptor that simulates multiple SMCs, but thats much harder to design and build. But then there'd be total backwards compatibility.
Do you guys really trust a mod from a guy that can't put the L and R buttons back on the correct side?


Absolutely lol! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Same thing happened to me when I paintmodded my old nlu!
I did only notice when I was explaining the controls of a certain game to a friend :D
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LOL exellent :P didn't notice hehehehe I had the same problem too with an old pc gamepad B)
why arent there any screenshots of gpcinema running off a sd card?, I would really like to see them :)

Most likely because if you were shown a picture of GpGinema running, you wouldn't see the SD card, so wouldn't know whether it was running for SMC or SD...

I've spotted a flaw in my SMC->SD convertor - to be backwards compatible, the SD card will not be readable in any card reader - only the gp32 itself, as it would essential be placing a smartmedia file system on a sd card, so will not be recognised by anything else (yes, I know the gp32 uses the fat file system, but there's also a lower level file system on SMC cards that the fat file system is built upon)

However, I have a cunning plan... Actually, it probably won't work, but if it does, it could mean a 2 in 1 builtin card reader for the gp32. Basically, older software would work off SMC's, thus retaining backwards compatibility, but newer software would use the SD card. Both cards should still be readable by other cards readers as a bonus.

Lets hope Gamepark connect the pin to the cpu, and didn't ground it thinking no one would ever require such a feature, and also hope that SPI @ 25mhz to a SD card is fast enough.
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(!) Long time no see @ the board .. XD

Awsome news! The gp32 community will never die with inventions" like this.

In my dreams a "updated" gp32 with following adds would kick-ass:
- 64mb memory
- Original clocked to 200mhz cpu
- Multi memorycard reader built in the gp32
- Real Analog joystick, like that one at NGPC.
- better sound quality (deeper bass)
- the grey upper-screen-cover list would be replaced by a thinner and white painted one

would be awsome . . :D
That sounds awsome :blink:
I can't believe this... Woah a completly modded GP32 should be really nice...

Hoping that's not a fake... :/
i disagree with the analog stick, the dstick is way more comfortable for the type of games you play on gp, but a second stick wont hurt :-)