My New Site In Progress

Jan 12, 2005
Peterborough England
Hi, soon I will be opening a new website that will probably called the GP32 smart card, much improved from my last one which is now long dead. It will feature the following:

Low resolution Labels (Like before but bigger with improved designs)

High resolution Labels (incredible quality that look amazing! : )

Print off Instruction manuals booklets for games : )

Box designs to print off that are very cool!

Web links to scans of game manuals for old consoles and other stuff.

A good FAQ for new owners

People will be able to submit and rate designs

And maybe user posted pixel art and design competitions

Well? What do you think.

PS: I will post a sample sheet of some designs a bit later.
looks interesting, the links aren't broken you just need to copy the links in the bar manually.

@rabbits with hats: Are you free in July? because this site would make an interesting subject for an article/interview? this would give you enough publicity (at the moment the magazine has been downloaded 871 times)
The labels you showcased are a little "texty"...
I saw that gp32news had this posted a while back, march 05 2005.
I was looking at some of your and evildragons labels at
and thought most were nice, but I wish they had more graphic flair, I really liked evil dragons sonic themed genesis label, and his games label had some neat rotated images.

I know you are working on more labels, and I am looking foward to them. You can always grab some of gameparks artwork from different sites to use a tomak image or kimchi, or dungeon and guarder on a label, even just a cool "featured image" would be fun on a card. I don't think its really illegal, since your are doing it for free. Otherwise a homebrew character is just as good.

Also, paint is good, but grab the gimp (free photoshop like program), and then you could have some nice special effects, like warped backgrounds, trippy text, or rotated images.

Good luck with the pics!
Also, I hope your site gets featured in the next magazine.
---Fire_blade.... Nice magazine this month!!! Looking foward to the next one.
@mth411: thx, the next issue will be released in July. If you want you can always help, send me an article, a request for an article or just an email with some complaints or mistakes in the last issue so we can put it in the mag that we were wrong.
The only thing I can think of is perhaps add spaces between the images on Evildragon's section?

That was on my old site. I made that in a matter of seconds

The new site will be better I hope.

The labels you showcased are a little "texty"...
I saw that gp32news had this posted a while back, march 05 2005.
I was looking at some of your and evildragons labels at
and thought most were nice, but I wish they had more graphic flair, I really liked evil dragons sonic themed genesis label, and his games label had some neat rotated images.

Are you taking about the old designs?

Here is one more to show you

one more to show you that you may like

there already is a site w/ lots of manuels scanned but i can't give it to you guys because it's a rom site...

thats the super famicom logo (jap SNES)

also sounds nice

and if anyone is interested in the site w/ the manuels just im or pm me
BobBorakovitz posted on May 31 2005 at 08:13 PM said:
looking good ;)

I like the Super Nintendo one a lot... but I would use the actual SNES logo instead of the drawn "Super" above the Nintendo logo, like this one, also I like the 4 colors on it:

Your right I think I will do that

PS: I have done a matching NES design with the nes mario link and so on to go with it, and I have done same with my mega drive and master system ones
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kknd_cf posted on May 31 2005 at 11:03 PM said:
EvilDragon posted on May 31 2005 at 09:01 PM said:
BTW: I didn't do the Doom labels... but I'm gonna do some more labels soon :)
Cool, requesting a SCUMMVM one. :)

Okay :)
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Fire_Blade posted on May 31 2005 at 06:39 AM said:
@rabbits with hats: Are you free in July? because this site would make an interesting subject for an article/interview? this would give you enough publicity (at the moment the magazine has been downloaded 871 times)


I am flattered and would love to if you have time.
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