Another New Gba!

Magus 86 posted on May 18 2005 at 01:32 AM said:
why not model it after the NES controller and bring back a lot older games to the GBA? It would be a novel treat for those who grew up on the NES

they did. And you were complaining about it in another thread.
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Some will love it, soem won't

(Magus does get excited, doesn't he!)

I agree with Bast, the SP clam shell was great, as it is primarily aimed at Kids! And they do not respect their property!

But I am disappointed, that this is the new gameboy! But on the other hand, at least we know that Ninty is committed to the DS, and will not have a new GB beating itself up!

I probably will buy one! But how many gameboys have I bought? 4 or 5, and I best some of you have bought more...........
c0ncept posted on May 18 2005 at 09:22 AM said:
Magus 86 posted on May 18 2005 at 01:32 AM said:
why not model it after the NES controller and bring back a lot older games to the GBA? It would be a novel treat for those who grew up on the NES

they did. And you were complaining about it in another thread.

I meant more accurately than they did with this one. Everything should be the same. It's not the same shape(it is for the most part, but it has at least one extra edge where the start and select buttons are), and the start and select buttons are in the wrong place. I meant they should have made it actually look like an NES controller... like, have it painted like one and everything, similar to the classic GBA SP, except it would be a better representation of an original NES controller than the SP. What I complained about before was not the fact that it's similar to an NES controller, but that the default grey faceplate looks way too plain. It has nothing on it but a few small holes for the speaker.
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But why in the stage of its life release another one? This reminds me of Atari releasing the 2600jr to try to revive it after nintendo released the NES. The system is pretty much obsolete, pretty much everybody that wanted a GBA already owns one and since the GBA is more of a kiddy thing, normal parents are not going to buy something that the kid already has just because they put it in a different casing.

Waste of money if you ask me, Nintendo really doesn't have its prioritys in order, they need to focus on the DS because right now, it really blows and Nintendo has nothing to compete with Sony on unless they can pull some stuff out of their ass with the DS.
Indeed... They are trying to pull stuff out of their ass, but all they're getting is shit... They're trying to revive a fad from from like 1997 with their Nintendogs bullcrap. It's a more complex Digimon/Tamagotchi/Nano pet...

And KickinWing, believe me, I know it's really stupid to release another one in a new case. I was just saying that if they're gonna do it, they might as well run with their theme of bringing back the "classics" and model it perfectly after an NES controller.
Well, I'm willing to bet a faceplate will be available with the classic NES controller colors.

My GBA is kinda crappy, I installed an afterburner into it... Dust everywhere few drops of glue here and there, and it creaks...

But 100$/€ is a bit too much... 50 is nice. :D
Why are people so pissed that they're releasing a smaller gba? Tons of products have had smaller versions released of them, the ipod mini, slim ps2 and psone spring to mind. Not to mention the hundreds of different shaped mobile phones which all do the same thing. If you already have a GBA, they're not looking for you get rid of it and buy a new one, but they're aiming to break into a new market segment, namely image-conscious teens.
I would love one of these, you could finally have some good gaming with you absolutely everywhere. I hope they have a keyring attachment.

I wish they had shown the next gameboy though. Preferably a portable gamecube.
Because you already could have "good gaming" with you everywhere, without the Gameboy Micro... a GBA SP is smaller than my wallet, which fits in my pocket. So if I really wanted a GBA at all, an SP would be fine, and actually better because the screen isn't exposed(and it's bigger too). And also because this is the same technology that's been out for at least 5 years. It's been redesigned to fit in a new case... whoopty doo. And for the "image-conscious teens," haven't you ever heard of... *DUN DUN DUN* ......................paint?

The way a system looks has nothing to do with whether or not it's any good. All they're doing is trying to feed another gimmick to us. There's a difference between this new gameboy, the slim ps2, and the psone. When the Slim PS2 came out, the regular PS2 was still $150. When they brought out the slim PS2, they charged $150. When the PSone came out, PSX's were selling for about $100, and that's what they charged for the new smaller PSone... Nintendo keeps putting their prices of "new" things higher than the previous version, even though this one offers no new features. Yeah, it's smaller, but the screen is exposed, and maybe my pockets are special and exclusive to only my clothing or something, but a square shaped object fits in my pocket better than one that's longer than it is tall anyway. And at least the SP's screen is protected. If they're gonna recycle old technology like this, they shouldn't be charging more for it.
i agree with everyone :P If you don't like it, don't buy it. And imagine, there will be a lot of people not buying it, especially for the price.

As for you got good gaming everywhere. Well yes you do with the original Gameboy Advance and Gameboy SP, they're not that big!!! And most people have cases because of having mutliple games, are you going to keep this micro system in your pocket and all your games in your pocket, if so be prepared for scratched ass screen.

It's almost like Nintendo has too much money. Maybe they need to focus on software, i'm sure most people would rather see quality on the DS than another recycled GBA.

EDIT: also, i don't think its us "bitching" more than its us "confused" on why Ninty would do this. Most aspects of this move does not make sense.
If the SP was say...$40 and the games $15 I'd even get one. Nintendo could farm out their crap cheaply rather than gimmick-ly a lot easier. And we'd like them more for it. And they'd make more sales and more money. They'd still make profit, c'mon how much do the parts cost to makes this crap...
umm magus I got my origanal GBA when it was first released for $100.. isn't that what this is going for?
As far as I understand, yes... but the GBA is old. This is a new case and a new design, but it's still the same old technology. And if that screen is about the size of a cellphone screen(like someone on G4 said it was), then good luck playing the damn thing.
But you do know the Japanese are obsessed with making things smaller? They might really love it. And Ninty has won every handheld battle....

Anyway, why are you so disappointed? They have bought out one handheld, the DS. I would have been amazed and appalled if they had said "Here's a new one". They are gonna concentrate on the DS, and that's how it should be! There are, to be honest, better games scheduled in the near future for the DS than for the PSP, so it's right that they say "okay, we've got a world beating product-still selling great! Lets make a nice new case for it, keep it going, and push our NEW product as hard as we can!"

Makes sense to me!

(And I do think the DS has some lovely games coming out soon. So has the PSP, so calm down fanboiz...)
But just like my reference to Atari. Atari released the Jr. as a final push to try to bring the 2600 back to life, they made it much smaller than the woodgrain model, we all know that it didn't work. The technology was obsolete and there were already other home systems out and/or in the works to compete, TG-16, and Sega systems.

Nintendo seems to be doing the same thing. They're putting obsolete hardware in a new case and trying to breath the GBA last breath when you have the DS and the PSP, and if you want to throw the Gizmondo in, then you have 3 handheld systems that are far far superior to the GBA.

I can't project how well sales will be, i don't know what the market is for this type of stuff, all i know is that it didn't work with the N-Gage qd, just because they made it smaller, it still sucked. I just think Nintendo needs to concentrate fully on the DS until the next Gameboy and concentrate on better software.
the screen of the GBA Micro is as small as if not smaller than the N-gage QD screen... it is very difficult to play on IMO.
I think people are looking at this wrong. This is, as far as I'm concerned, a very niche product. While the original GBA and the GBA SP were directed at EVERY gamer, I think this micro version is created for the hardcore handheld (specifically GBA) enthusiast and the casual gamer who wants something they can take everywhere.

Carrying an SP is still somewhat of a burden, and I always worry about scratching the amazing paint job on that thing (not to mention that it's kind of thick and uncomfortable). And, for that reason, I never carried it around with me. I think this new GBA micro is great. It's super-small and no paint job to worry about, and I KNOW I'll be taking it with me everywhere I go.

The idea is obviously to squeeze a few more pennies out of the GBA hardware, and I think they have a good chance of doing so--especially in Japan.

bast, you tried one of these micros, right? Do you know if the faceplate covers the screen? If it does, the scratches issue wouldn't matter because you could just switch the plate for another.
I'm just happy that Ninty can now put aside speculatoin and concentrate on the DS, after E3 it must be clear to all that Ninty is really trying to succeed with the DS, and this new GBA shows that they are still pushing that too!

With the Rev coming p, I think they have enough to do...