Still Fresh
The above emulators are at various stages in development, I was wondering if any work is still being done on them, or shall we not be expecting updates anytime soon?
for my part i'm working on the neogeopocket emulator and have good result now, i try to do a good version to released it as soon as possible
From what I've seen of the Lynx emulator, it's just a straight port from a PC version, just hacked around until it compiled and ran. I noticed there were conditional statements which had identical then and else clauses, so I think it was just a case of "can we get it working". Don't think it's being developed anymore.
I don't think anyone cares though.
I second that. I have a couple of Lynxs and just about every game (I collect old Atari stuff) but I would love to have a Lynx Emu for the GP32 that runs well. I love my Lynx but the battery life just doesn't quite cut it even with the 6 D cell battery pack. Oh to be able to have all of my games on one card and carry them around in my pocket (not in a carrying bag).sensible GP32 posted on Jul 1 2003 said:I care!!!!! the lynx kicked so much ass ok it was the size of a small cottage but it had some half decent games, oh to play lemmings or rampage, the lynx version's hold a very dear part in my old nogging,
i say release the lynx emu it would make me happy for a week or two, VERY happy.![]()
The primary reason I check this board twice a day is because I'm waiting for the anouncement that one of the NGPC emulators has actually been released. I read on one of the boards a couple weeks ago that one was "nearly ready" for a playable release. I've been holding my breath ever since
Yeah the lynx had by far the best versions of klax & california games, blue lightning was also cool for it's day and i also have a soft spot for gates of zendecon (even though it's dead easy!)dgnadt posted on Jul 1 2003 said:I second that. I have a couple of Lynxs and just about every game (I collect old Atari stuff) but I would love to have a Lynx Emu for the GP32 that runs well. I love my Lynx but the battery life just doesn't quite cut it even with the 6 D cell battery pack. Oh to be able to have all of my games on one card and carry them around in my pocket (not in a carrying bag).sensible GP32 posted on Jul 1 2003 said:I care!!!!! the lynx kicked so much ass ok it was the size of a small cottage but it had some half decent games, oh to play lemmings or rampage, the lynx version's hold a very dear part in my old nogging,
i say release the lynx emu it would make me happy for a week or two, VERY happy.![]()
The Lynx had some really good arcade versions of Xybots, Road Blaster, Rampage, KLAX (this one ruled!!), Joust, Pacland, Toki, APB, Stun Runner, Qix, Rygar (I really liked the Lynx Version) Ninja Gaiden, Xenophobe, Raiden and Robotron. Then there were great games like Shadow of the Beast (much better than the ST version), California Games (by far the best version of the game on any system), Slime World, Viking Child, Chips Challenge, Blue Lightning (still impressive with it's scaling), Zarlor Mercenary, Awesome Golf...
Yeah, I care! It would be Awesome to have well running Lynx Emulator on the GP32.
ThunderZ posted on Jul 1 2003 said:Well actually 34 fps on big game with two frame skip like Capcom Vs SNK and more for the better code game like Metal slug 2 or Dark Arm 37 fps![]()
emu's in progress (?), atari lynx, vectrex, neo geo pocket
cheers i'll try this later....NiN^_^NiN posted on Jul 2 2003 said:Well cause of the topics subject
emu's in progress (?), atari lynx, vectrex, neo geo pocket
Id like to point u to:
Vectrex emu for the gp32 on the spain site and its at version 4 so i guess its been updated alot?