How To End A Horrible Job....


Bass Invader
Nov 1, 2003
Brighton UK
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ok I've got 3 weeks left before I leave this job and go travelling, only thing is it's becoming more and more painful being here and I think I might kill my evil boss soon... to make things worse, I'm only half busy as the project I'm on is so badly managed

any ideas how can I make time pass quicker? Or maybe I should just walk out.... thing is I need the money :(
I'm planning a similar thing, and my project is equally mis-managed; anyway I was REALLY bored yesterday, and found that if you search your computer for any file in winxp and then right click the search avatar and then click "Do a trick" that can pass about 10 minutes or so. (and not get you into trouble for web browsing :P)

Also since you have to deal with shit everyday, I worked out that 20kg of shit passes through my office every day, that is taking into account 200 people in the building, and say 100 people take a dump weighing 200g = 100 x 200g = 20kg. In other words thats a lot of excrement (I'm really bored right now). Although I havent factored in outside contractors or visitors yet.
Walk into your workplace with a pistol/blade and execute as many people as possible, before blowing your brains out. Bonus points for disabling a group of people and then slicing them apart slowly.
yesterday was a particularly bad day with my boss be hypocritical and just plain rude. I've got over it, but still have 14 days to go...........

lizard808uk posted on Apr 21 2005 at 06:27 PM said:
I'm planning a similar thing, and my project is equally mis-managed; anyway I was REALLY bored yesterday, and found that if you search your computer for any file in winxp and then right click the search avatar and then click "Do a trick" that can pass about 10 minutes or so. (and not get you into trouble for web browsing :P)

Also since you have to deal with shit everyday, I worked out that 20kg of shit passes through my office every day, that is taking into account 200 people in the building, and say 100 people take a dump weighing 200g = 100 x 200g = 20kg. In other words thats a lot of excrement (I'm really bored right now). Although I havent factored in outside contractors or visitors yet.

hehe, it's comforting hearing someone else with similar problems. couldn't find the "do a trick" thing though, which search avatar do you mean?

I've actually been sneakily printing stuff from and in between work I've learned how a car engine works, why we sweat, and how to lockpick!

Klown posted on Apr 22 2005 at 01:31 AM said:
Walk into your workplace with a pistol/blade and execute as many people as possible, before blowing your brains out. Bonus points for disabling a group of people and then slicing them apart slowly.

I'll bear that one in mind, but I don't think it will fit in with my Buddhist lifestyle :)

trooper posted on Apr 22 2005 at 03:53 AM said:
Go sick, Receive sick pay, Job done.

Love to but I'm a contractor.... every bank holiday, I lose :(

Steve-O posted on Apr 22 2005 at 04:26 AM said:
Sue your boss for sexual harrasment :P hehe

Damaging her professionally would be very satisfying, but she's already going straight to hell so I'm trying to let that console me.
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You right click on the dog and he does tricks. Kind of amusing for ten minutes or so at work...

I had a meeting the other day with me versus two bosses. It didnt go down very well. I made a teeny tiny itsy bitsy little mistake with a database thats pissed off about 500 people in London and Europe. I'm going to be leaving next Friday :D Trouble is I need work until Glasto then I can do my round-the-world trip.

Currently I'm going to the US - Hawaii - Fiji - Aus/NZ - China/Mongolia - Thailand - UK

I may do volunteer work whilst I'm out and that might stretch it out a bit. :P
trooper posted on Apr 21 2005 at 06:53 PM said:
Go sick, Receive sick pay, Job done.


Yeah that works for school to expect that i'm still not being payed for wasting my time at boring clases learning stuff that I could have learned while watching cartoons.
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lizard808uk posted on Apr 22 2005 at 11:57 AM said:
Fiji water is AWESOME!!

I have an idea take apart all the computers and steall all the ram and then sell them and everone will get confused
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The answer to ending an awful job for me to just stop working :D

Freelance PC tech work rules.
You need to read a nice little book called "The Dilbert Principle" (get it from a library or something, or see if your local bookstore has it). It has a lot of very good advice that'll help you realize why your bosses act the way they do and help you turn the situation to your advantage. Think of it as a game, and like in any game you get penalized by not playing by the rules. Try to out-do your boss at his own game. ;)

A little dose of cynicism wouldn't hurt either.
I got the dog to do tricks! cool but my evil boss has now made me do tons of extra work, pointless work. This is hell. I'm thinking of an equally evil scheme to pull on her before I leave, or maybe a timed email that gets sent when I'm not here. My original plan was to pee in her drinking water bottle, still tempted by that one....

edit: I was in Fiji for a few weeks before I came to Aus and it was fabulous, the Yasawas were everything they said they were and more. If you're up that end, you must visit the Blue Lagoon beach, it's unreal!
didn't see any but I believe they do hang out on Viti levu (the main island) Have you booked anywhere yet?

You should visit the Thorn tree forum: for loads of good info and if you need to stay on the main island, the accommodation is a bit horrid around the towns, but a bus journey away is the Beachouse which is a really nice place and perfect to hook up with other backpackers:

Great. Thanks for the info. I finish next Friday now (?). The people I work with are total a-holes. Anyway should I go with STA Travel or Trailblazers (or anyone else?) for the round the world ticket?

I've pretty much nailed my itenary, could be gone for a year :unsure:
I shopped around for ages before we found the cheapest deal, but didn't get a round the world ticket because you have to return within 1 year and that just ain't enough! Anyway, got our tickets through Flightline in the end, got a quote from STA travel and the guy said "if you've been offered that deal elsewhere, just take it!"... can't remember exactly how much it was now..

In other news, my bitch boss turned totally evil and even tried to turn my workmates against me (which they aren't at all) so I've walked out and won't ever have to go through that hell again, now I've got 2 weeks to sort out the camper before we leave - although I'm $2,000 lighter than I should have been.

oh, and lizard808uk, don't forget to get quotes from the really smalltime travel agents, some of the grotty ones off the high street can come up trumps! One did for me when I got a megacheap ticket to bulgaria a few years back
ok thats what I'll do. Great info so far and the links are good sites for anyone else thinking to go travelling on their own. I'm really looking forward to it now.

Also I recommend courier flights if you can get them, they are VERY cheap. I used to do them all the time when I worked at Heathrow Airport. (You mostly deliver paperwork rather than actual packages).

My bitch-boss has gone all nicey-nicey since my leaving date has been announced (a mutual arrangement since the database screwup). I'm also not getting as many evils from the directors as I used to which is helping a bit now.