Sir Cheapass Gamer
*Sitting playing Gp32*
"Hey is that the new Psp?"
Idiots at my school....
All your base are belong to us

"Hey is that the new Psp?"
Idiots at my school....
All your base are belong to us
Blah posted on Apr 16 2005 at 10:09 PM said:And also (this was a long time ago) "Sony are coming out with a Playstation Gameboy, check it out!'.
c0ncept posted on Apr 16 2005 at 08:37 PM said:My girlfriend when I informed her I was gonna soft-mod my Xbox and what the advantages would be:
Why would you want to play old games when you could play Xbox games
(sadly shes a gamer so her ignorance had no excuse really)
Blah posted on Apr 17 2005 at 12:09 AM said:Same thing happened to me. Except they called it the PS.
And also (this was a long time ago) "Sony are coming out with a Playstation Gameboy, check it out!".
Edit: The stupid part is only Nintendo can make real Gameboys.
Jarska333 posted on Apr 17 2005 at 09:40 AM said:Once, everything was a "nintendo".
"I got a new Sega nintendo", talking about MD.
Twimfy posted on Apr 17 2005 at 02:56 PM said:I hate the way people sometimes say it.
Playing Sega,
Playing Playstation.
No bitch...I'm playing Sonic on THE Sega megadrive.
sensible GP32 posted on Apr 16 2005 at 09:28 PM said:sensible software is overrated...
fifa is better than Pro evo....
c0ncept posted on Apr 17 2005 at 10:24 AM said:same as people calling all mp3 players iPods. Its stupid but you still know what they're talkin about.
Kop_007 posted on Apr 17 2005 at 03:05 PM said:EA are evil.