Evil Dragon Day

:P heh are y'all hoping that ED is gonna leak the beta he's got because he is happy because it is his day?

Anyhoo, I may have a suprise for y'all later
:o How did I miss this! Happy EvilDragon day everybody!
EvilDragon said:
Free beer for everyone :D
Holsten please!

Thank you ED, and also thanks to Hando and the rest of the GP32x Team :)
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Alex. said:
EvilDragon said:
Free beer for everyone :D
Holsten please!

Thank you ED, and also thanks to Hando and the rest of the GP32x Team :)

Yeah, Holsten knallt am dollsten. (as we say here in Germany...) ;)

Greets to ED!

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Conrats from me too ED, your resources have been a huge help to gp32/gp2x and no doubt to pandora users too!

Keep up the very fine work!