Mame Launcher


Still Fresh
Apr 3, 2004
I was poking around in the messageboards at gp32spain and saw a pointer to a launcher for the different MAME drivers. Haven't tried running it yet, but according to the readme you just move the MAME fxe's into /GPMM/MAME, along with an ini file that comes with the launcher, run the launcher, pick your game, and it takes care of the rest.

I assume it'll be moved into their download section eventually, but for the moment it's available from

Trust it'll be useful to somebody...
Mmm... quite impressive, except it's not BLU+ Compatible(EDIT: As in white line. It works but with that glitch). Damn. But it does tidy up your launcher with one icon instead of 9 :D
Unfortunately all it does is add one launch icon to Yafl etc.. but then when you run the program you still get a menu with the same list of the different games companies which just adds an unessesary step. Great if you want to save space on your launch screen but what I'm really looking for is a combined launcher that lists every game and boots the correct fxe for that game automatically.

Edit: Doh! Actually it is useful for GPBios users as now we can boot straight to MAME but I'd still like to see the combined games list at some point in the future.
I think before all that i'd like to see reesys Z80 core put into MAME, then concentrate on the rest, for me the most important thing is speed before features :)

craigix posted on Mar 8 2005 at 08:42 PM said:
I think before all that i'd like to see reesys Z80 core put into MAME, then concentrate on the rest, for me the most important thing is speed before features :)


I'm about halfway through creating the documentation for my z80 core. After the documentation is done, I need to re-write the interupt handler. Then I can package it off.
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Nice one Reesy, good to see folks helping each other out :)

As for the Launcher, I think it works rather nicely as it is, if there was just one launcher and you have the entire romset (35Mb / <>700roms) it would be a nightmare scrolling through pages of roms to find the one you want, and remember it for next time!

Ultimately it would be good to have some of the modern mame features, like filtering by genre / times played / manufacturer etc. now that would be useful. But as Craig said, speed should come first
Reesy, if you would like to add your mame core to my MAME port, i can send you the related source code :-). I think it wouldn't be too hard...

My e-mail: fjmar at hotmail point com.

Regards ;-).
Franxis posted on Mar 8 2005 at 10:57 PM said:
I think it wouldn't be too hard...

:) Famous last words. If you send me the source, I'll add DrZ80 to it. I'll send you my current version of DrZ80 just in case you want to have a go yourself, but without decent documentation it will be hard going.

My email address is drsms_reesy"at"


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firefly1201 posted on Mar 8 2005 at 07:23 PM said:
Mmm... quite impressive, except it's not BLU+ Compatible. damn. But it does tidy up your launcher with one icon instead of 9  :D

try to download again , and read the file HOIGAN.txt.

i don´t have a BLU+ , but I believe it works
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I really need to start donating. Amazing, some really genius developers are really showing what they got lately. Great work everyone!
Does anyone know where I can download complete romsets for the particular manufacturers?
michaelb99 posted on Mar 8 2005 at 11:45 PM said:
Does anyone know where I can download complete romsets for the particular manufacturers?


Read this site's FAQ please.
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Just to get back off topic, GPMAME + Reesy's Z80 core = dream situation. Then if cyclone was mixed in... :) I can't wait to see how it might perform. Scene is really exciting lately.

I'll have a crack at adding Cyclone to Mame once Franxis sends me the source, hopefully it should be ok.

Do you think we should ask Fdave or not, since he's removed the source for cyclone from his site I'm uncertain if he minds us passing the source about....Fdave you out there?