SNES9Xgp v0.95b Released


Still Fresh
Jun 3, 2003
Heres Whats in the read me will try it later :D

New in version 0.95b
- Better speed and added some menu options
- Hey, I need a job, so if anyone has something:
- You can also send emails there for bug reports or suggestions
I can't compare it to the old version sicnei never tried it, but im glad ot see progress!
How dare you tell me something like this when I'm at work and can't try it out for 8 hours!!!! :)

How much faster is it??
I've got my GP32 here with me at work but WindowsNT4 doesn't have the USB support!
Farsight - Gamepark should you give you a cut of sales money, you must have sold 1000s of GP32s due to being able to play SNES games on it!!
Quickly tries several games...

Overall it's a HUGe improvement, bringing SNES emulation into the realm of real playability for GP32.

In most games, with sound OFF, you can get good speeds with 3 - 5 frame skips. How many frames per second is that exactly? Not sure how the increments are setup. But skip 3 seems fairly smooth.

With sound ON, you have to use MANY frameskips for good speed, maybe around 6 - 8, or more. And on many games you simply can't really play them with sound - way too choppy.

RPG's are very nice with sound on tho, since smooth scrolling isn't so important. But the sound tends to click and crack quite a bit unfortunately.

SRAM support and kep mapping work well too.

Superb step forward for SNES emus on GP32. Can it get much better? If so, we're in for a major treat someday. If not, well, this is much better than what we had previously.
I'm happy with this release. You get full speed emultion on frame skip 3(no sound) for a lot of games. I can't wait until the next release. It'll probably be full speed with sound on frame skip 3! BTW, have any of you tried Zelda on it? It seemed to be very dark for me...
One complaint tho... PLEASE add the ability to use a seperate directory for SNES ROMs and SRAM inside of GPMM. It's so easy to accidentally load an SRM file, and in GPMM, the list of junk gets really cluttered cuz it's not filtered.

Is there zip support BTW? I didn't try using zipped files yet, but I'm wondering since the file list wasn't filtered to SMC only? Hmm... Maybe there is?
Thanks for the latest release !

It's seemed a little quiet recently since the excitement of Castaway has died down.
so will MarioKart ever work on it?
Mariokart worked for me on the last one (i am yet to try this version of SNES9Xgp though) - it just took about 30 seconds to get from the "Nintendo" screen to the "Mario Kart - Press B to play screen".......which was weird!

then it did play...with sound. but obviously it was waaaaaaaay too slow to be any fun :P

can't wait to get home so i can try this new version of the emulator - maybe your Mario Kart rom is different to my one?

i'll let you know on the results ;)
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yes it does work... had to wait for ages for it to come up with the menu..... and yes it is too slow to play... even with frameskip...
Yeah, sweet release. As has been said, most games run at 3-5 frameskip without sound. I personally dont like to go above 3 (maybe 4) as I find it gets to choppy.

Obviously games are different. But most remain to choppy with sound needing the frameskip to be about 6-8.

Joe and Mac, World Cup Striker and to my suprise MK2 seem to be decent with sound - on about frameskip 3-5. Was quite happy with the performance of SMW aswell.

Overall, a great improvement. Will definately be replacing the 'SNES EMU' on my GP32. I'd leave them both on, but using different directories for roms is a pain.

A great release, keep them coming, a good SNES emulator in my opinion would be the pinnacle of the GP32.

Just another thing, I know it will probably be way down there on 'the things to do' list, but some games are ridiculously dark. A gamma option would be extremely pleasing. :)
