PS3 could be classified as a Super Computer. Apparently its Rumourd to use 4 of them Cell Processors
Each Cell processor is 4ghz and the PS3 might be using 4 (thats 16GHZ
If Playstation3 ends up having 4 Cell processors, as has been rumored, the console will end up being officially classified, with today's standards, as a super computer.
Each Cell processor is 4ghz and the PS3 might be using 4 (thats 16GHZ
According to the Cell consortium, the new chips will be made up of 64-bit processors (each with 2.5 MB of memory) and should debut at 4GHz speeds. The question of the speed has been a very important PR point which Cell developers had to address since, even though a different architecture, Cell has to be seen as offering superior power to Intel chips. Cell will also carry a greater number of transistors compared to current Intel chips with the triumvirate announcing 234 million compared to the 125 million carried by the latest Pentium 4 CPUs. It is however, a well known fact that, this far, chip makers double the number of transistors every 12 to 18 months.