Ps3 - New Supercomputer


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
PS3 could be classified as a Super Computer. Apparently its Rumourd to use 4 of them Cell Processors :o

If Playstation3 ends up having 4 Cell processors, as has been rumored, the console will end up being officially classified, with today's standards, as a super computer.

Each Cell processor is 4ghz and the PS3 might be using 4 (thats 16GHZ :o )!!!

According to the Cell consortium, the new chips will be made up of 64-bit processors (each with 2.5 MB of memory) and should debut at 4GHz speeds. The question of the speed has been a very important PR point which Cell developers had to address since, even though a different architecture, Cell has to be seen as offering superior power to Intel chips. Cell will also carry a greater number of transistors compared to current Intel chips with the triumvirate announcing 234 million compared to the 125 million carried by the latest Pentium 4 CPUs. It is however, a well known fact that, this far, chip makers double the number of transistors every 12 to 18 months.
PS3 a Supercomputer? That sounds familiar :P

On a related note, Microsoft have sort-of announced that the Xbox 2 will be released towards the end of this year which will probably give them a good 6 month head-start. Fat lot of good that did the Dreamcast...
Huxley posted on Feb 12 2005 at 12:51 AM said:
PS3 a Supercomputer? That sounds familiar :P

that's just what I was thinking... B)
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the only catch is youd have to install water coolent or something wacky like that to control the heat overload

remeber tjhe roumers souronding the orginal ps2 b4 release?

sounds familiar, something about being able to launch attomic missiles if i recall correctly.
Sponge BoB posted on Feb 12 2005 at 12:57 AM said:
remeber tjhe roumers souronding the orginal ps2 b4 release?

sounds familiar, something about being able to launch attomic missiles if i recall correctly.

The PS2 also had the "emotion engine" too. Hmmm I am still wondering about that one.
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Its just their funky name for its CPU. But they acted like it was gonna be a really awesome CPU and it really wasn't. Didn't they call the ps1's CPU "emotion engine", too?
Sponge BoB posted on Feb 12 2005 at 02:57 AM said:
remeber tjhe roumers souronding the orginal ps2 b4 release?

sounds familiar, something about being able to launch attomic missiles if i recall correctly.

Eh, T-800 series terminators used Vic-20's processors in them, in the Terminator movies. And those things are fairly intelligent...

Once PS3 enters the markets, and 'net functions work properly, I predict mushroom clouds. :D
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honestly they should have stopped making consoles after the ps2/xbox/gamecube. how the hell are they going to make use of all that power? are the games going to be exactly like watching tv?
bringoutthegimp posted on Feb 12 2005 at 09:53 AM said:
honestly they should have stopped making consoles after the ps2/xbox/gamecube. how the hell are they going to make use of all that power? are the games going to be exactly like watching tv?
I see what you're saying, it's hard to imagine anything much better. Then again the newest Unreal Engine was bloody orgasmic! I think we will eventually be at that level gimp.
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there's a hell of a long way to go with regard to computing power. didn't bill gates once say 'nobody will ever have any need for more than 64k' or some such twaddle?
toxibunny posted on Feb 12 2005 at 11:12 AM said:
there's a hell of a long way to go with regard to computing power. didn't bill gates once say 'nobody will ever have any need for more than 64k' or some such twaddle?

He was ment to of said "No one will need more than 637 kb of memory for a personal computer." and "640kb ought to be enough for anybody." Which apparently he never did.

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The Cell is also designed by Sony...

Even with 1 Cell chip in it, that will give it 4.6ghz which still makes it a Supercomputer compaired to my PC :lol: LOL :)
bringoutthegimp posted on Feb 12 2005 at 09:53 AM said:
honestly they should have stopped making consoles after the ps2/xbox/gamecube. how the hell are they going to make use of all that power? are the games going to be exactly like watching tv?

No... console makers have to keep releasing more beefed up hardware so us console guys have something to argue with the PC guys about....

Seriously though, one Cell chip or four, you can't deny this is going to be a seriously powerful piece of hardware if the specs of even one are correct.

I'm still waiting for the GPU specs though... at least we know that the physics and enemy AI should be great with such a powerful CPU.
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1 cell would be easily enought I'd have though. You can't really compare it to pcs as it's a different chip and it's dedicated hardware. You don't have to run the game on top of windows or whatever.