New Toy


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
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What do you think of my new toy.....


Seriously, I'm toying around with the idea of doing something much bigger with this sort of thing, and would appreciate feedback (I know it aint much to go on, but hey! I'm no ILM yet...)

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Wow! Nice one - what software for production? Maya Live? :)

Next movie, I want you to prove that your capable of 500 pound telekinesis ...
I can't get the movie to work, but reading toxibunny's feedback makes it fun to imagine.

You and your mind!

thats a fake right, i couldn't see a tube anywhere...


Its a prop handle, with a blade put in on Adobe AfterEffects. Just getting used to using it to produce some interesting stuff. Want to do a full scale short film (5 mins?) eventually with this sort of stuff. I'll probably be setting up a website about it soon, to sort of chart the progress to help others do the same. Who knows, it may not come to anything, but it'll be fun trying...

As for the tube, there isnt one, so it was a pain in the ass to track properly. In fight sequences I'd use a prop handle with a 'stunt' blade that could be swapped out when it gets worn out. This makes it all easier to track. the sound effects and special effects are then added in post production.

is that a moped?

Yep, the back end of a Piaggio X9.

I can't get the movie to work, but reading toxibunny's feedback makes it fun to imagine.

Have you got quicktime installed? - if not, get it at

wow the fake snow looks really realistic

ps what editing package effect you using for that.

Hehe - that snow's as real as I am. It was waaaaaay to cold to be outside with a t-shirt on!

The package used (as said) is aftereffects, with the SFX and editing done in Finalcut Pro. Compressed and saved out as a Quicktime movie.

Very good Axeman! I liked the cool music also, added alot to the whole effect!

Actually, that music isn't added on later - it's a cool set of wind chimes I have outside the house. So relaxing when you're sitting outside.

I've actually got a much older piece which is a few seconds longer, and was done on another package. I'll upload it for you to take a look at..... It aint as impressive visually in my opinion, cos it was a ver basic package and took AGES to do. Was another 'playing around' thing, to try out the package, and was meant to also lead to something more, but was at college at the time, and it never happened. This is a sort of revival of the original idea using new tools, and better equipment.

get the old clip here :-

Old saber clip

Was a laff, but the end quality was a bit pants, but it was good fun to do.
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I tried to install it earlier, but the apple site was annoying me.

I'll watch them tomorrow.

Ditto. Why can't I download a version without itunes?
because you are either too lazy to look for the non itunes version or stupid

quicktime STANDALONE

also, if you install quicktime , but view them in the freeware media player classic (not microsoft) you can fullscreen it.
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thats awesome

some kids in the TV production class at my school did that they put it on wake up warriors(a tv show shown in my school)

it was pretty cool I had art in the room next to where they did it so I watched them make it