Gpquake 0.5


Certified Guru
May 15, 2003
Newark, UK
Ok, first the boring update. Added to the options screen is the new Double Size option. This is a lazy attempt to squeeze some more fps out of quake without doing much real work :). Enabling double size will shrink the screen down to the third smallest size, then double all pixels so it fills the screen again. Frame rate is improved significantly, and the graphics don't look as bad as you'd expect.

Now the interesting update. Sound :). Only samples at the moment, but it should be possible to add fake cd audio by using .mods.

I've also tidied up the code in a few places and that may have effected the saving problem. Hopefully the problem isn't as bad now but it could easily have become worse. I've tested by playing up to level 4 and not had any problems so far.

Download from (can't get it onto sourceforge yet because of a problem with their upload server).
Will you be releasing a version for the unlicky people like me who cant go much over 133mhz? lol

i really want to try this!! :)
very nice one, woogal :o
plays great with the double size option

is it possible to integrate a mouselook-switch?
(e.g. substitude select with a switch, which acts like "when select is pressed, the d-pad can be used to look around, and L & R switch weapons")
is it possible to define the controls via the config.cfg? then it would be possible to implement such a mlook-switch via keybinds
(I'm quite sure I could do this if i knew what the names of the buttons are)

and eighter the weapon-model or the crosshair is off-center, could you fix this? looks goofy

I have to go to school now, expect more feedback (and maybe an fps optimized config.cfg) this afternoon

Was there a shareware Quake?
sure, you can d/l it here:
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If I remember correctly, not having had a go at this for a while, you can redefine your keys from within Quake, to allow Mouse look. I think I had it done so Mouse look with Right Key pressed worked...

What's the FPS nowadays then?
fps can vary quite a lot depending on clockspeed, options, and if you are in a large open area or not. As the demos don't really work at the moment, the timedemo command probably won't work so you can't obtain an average fps. Only real thing you can do is turn on fps display and play it.

Will you be releasing a version for the unlicky people like me who cant go much over 133mhz?
The lowest clockspeed is currently 132mhz, and with double size enabled it's fairly playable at that speed. I can only clock to 156mhz myself, so all testing is done at that speed.

is it possible to integrate a mouselook-switch?
mouselook is currently assigned to L+R, but you can assign it to another button in the options screen.

and eighter the weapon-model or the crosshair is off-center, could you fix this? looks goofy
Is it? never noticed that before (but I don't really use the crosshair). Does it happen when double size is enabled or is it always like that?
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Wow, nice work!

Is there an option to show the health and ammo display in double size mode?
Not yet. It may be awkward to display the main status bar in double size mode (double size currently renders everything including the status bar before doubling, which means the bar is way off the bottom of the screen), but I'll probably add a simple text health/ammo display.
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well, I took the sounds and demo's out of the shareware version to save space, will it still work with now sound?
and, what do I use to open the console once I get my Chatboard?

thx woogal , Quake rocks
once I get my Chatboard I think I am going back to my quake projects , maybe SonicNKT will return also and we'll ake a HL mod!
damn, Quake,Linux,maybe this will be the " Year of the GP23 "
hmm , took 4 years, but I think we are really seing some nice things now.

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What Files do I need Again and where do they go ?? (Been so long since I last used GP Quake :) )... Do I just need Pak0 (Or do I need Pak1 as well?)

--EDIT-- ok. Im guessing I just put PAK0 into GPMM\QUAKE\ID1 ???
What Files do I need Again and where do they go ?? (Been so long since I last used GP Quake :) )... Do I just need Pak0 (Or do I need Pak1 as well?)

--EDIT-- ok. Im guessing I just put PAK0 into GPMM\QUAKE\ID1 ???
pak0.pak in gpmm/quake/id1 will give you the shareware level. Put pak1.pak in there too to get the full game. And if you want to play mods, create a folder in gpmm/quake for each mod and put it's files in there.
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