Adic 2004 Downloads

* Ok then. How comes it says game over after every round? .. and always says "cool!" even if you did really bad.
Little bug.. no prob in the next version.. soon ^^

* Where it says "battery" I think you mean drums..!
Yeah.. if you want you can change names of instrument in the instrument list..
it's drum yeah. Edit with notepad the ilist.cfg file in the song folder. Don't remember to add } after each line.

* It crashes every now and again and the screen goes inverted and locks up. Random occurence
Memory problem but no problem in the next version... this appl is (before to be a game) a tool to compose music.
Evildragon.. if you can add after "Select your instrument and play - time correctly to get the highest score." with "Compose your own music" or a thing like that wil be nice .. thanks to your site too.

* Why do you use massive 226k bitmaps for the screens, can these be compressed?

* The built in tunes are awful, but I intend to fix that! Hows about allowing you to play your own tunes without renaming files?
In a next version.
I want to include nice songs in the next version if you want. Then send me your tunes.
If anybody could test the multiplayer mode will be good too :)

Thanks to your comments Frolik :)
finally got them :P Electric was off here in Carlisle cos of the floods (Anyone thats whatched the news will have saw the vids / pics :P )
yeh im from maryport (bout 25 miles from carlisle) and my sister cant get back to uni in carlisle so shes stuck at home.

on topic im very impressed with 90% of entrys

Falldown - the good got better
Bolaxtian - amazing
Croca..summit _ very nice plays very well, agree with a earlier comment about a signal when your taking damage.

And the rest are mainly great too.
So GnuGo has been ported, cool. It's a bit buggy though, the screen seems fuzzy and when you take the cursor to the right of the screen the game crashes. I have no idea who ported this and there is no email address or author name given, but please keep working on it.
I must say, GNUgo was the first thing that grabbed my attention and made me yehh "whoohoo" (been after this for ages) - buggy or not, its a helluva step in the right direction. And who knows - maybe I'll even be able to beat it in its early incarnation.

Just hoping he adds a SGF viewer to it somewhere down the line :D

Not tried any of the entires yet (just got back from being net-less in France), but once more I think everyone's agreed we've all been wowed into insignificance. Its as if, with the using up of almost every system we can be bothered to emulate, games programmers have all come out to play and have started to release some fantastic material.

So thanks to everyone - this is gonna be a looong night lol!
wait,what do you mean?how can you compose music?

in the composition mode.
Choose a track and make a melody or rythms with drums and switch track and push start and you can heared your melody.
Push R or L and it's forward or reward in the current track.
Try this.
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Crocodingus in Crocoland - a beautiful if short game, but there's a bug; if you jump onto the gorillas from a platform that's higher than the one they're standing on, you'll take damage instead of killing them.

BTW, Aaron Doom, your review for Lily's Dream has been posted. I'll bet you thought it dissappeared into the mists of time! (but it did not; as you can see by going to GP32World and checking the left side of the page) :)
Crocodingus in Crocoland - a beautiful if short game, but there's a bug; if you jump onto the gorillas from a platform that's higher than the one they're standing on, you'll take damage instead of killing them.

BTW, Aaron Doom, your review for Lily's Dream has been posted. I'll bet you thought it dissappeared into the mists of time! (but it did not; as you can see by going to GP32World and checking the left side of the page) :)

I dont get the bit at the end about the lesbian warrior.... WTF?
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The ADIC2004 website seems down. (for a few days now)

"Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" keeps poping-up... eek.
FxMan? Give us some news man! Is it because you're preparing a big update?

The ADIC2004 website seems down. (for a few days now)

"Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" keeps poping-up... eek.
FxMan? Give us some news man! Is it because you're preparing a big update?

It means that because so many people have downloaded the file (70mb) that they have used up their bandwidth allowance. They probably won't be back online till the 1st of the month unless they pay for extra bandwidth.

If you are still after the files go back through this thread as it has been mirrored in a few places.
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I guess that makes sense.
No I was more looking for the forum, and the results... whenever they are annouced.

Thx anyway,