Just thought I'd list some of my fave 8bit home computer games. :3
I'm choosing from the Atari 800 range from my childhood but I'm sure most are avaliable on Spectrum / C64 in some form.
Kik-start - This is the finest side scrolling motorbike game ever made.

Yeah way better than excite bike (imo). only had 10 tracks I think though - shame. You had to do different things to stay up on certain surfaces (ie. no wheelie-ing on some, slow down on others, and usual jump over holes / water etc). Very fun game I used to be able to ace most tracks without falling once.
Joust - Must admit I liked it for it's 2 player mode, which is probably not a priority in emulation as it was for me back then. Classic game tho.
Ghostbusters - The same game that's on every 8bit. I like it cos I like the movie and cartoon haha. The atari version had the best music (other versions had better sound hardware, but most versions seem to have the actual notes wrong which hurts my ears). This version had no idiotic drivers on the streets that bash into you for no reason.
Bruce Lee - Ah gotta love this game. I always had to get my brother to control the green sumo type guy and play co-operatively in order to complete the game. (He's supposed to be an enemy but we worked out this system to beat the game when we were v. young).
Boulder Dash - Well I think the Atari 800 was the actual original of this timeless game. You may prefer the nes one as it has cuter graphics and pretty much the same game play (identical levels too), but you can actually get a level editor for the atari one and create your own. There is actually a way of networking (up to EIGHT) Ataris together and playing a network game of this all those years ago! Unfortunately that version of the game was by another developer and it's quite poor in comparison but that's an interesting bit of info, no?
Kangaroo, Jumpman, Jumpman Jr, Miner 2049er - All pretty fun platform games.
Ball Blazer - Mode7 style "3d" graphics and smooth movement at a high framefrate. I like the intro music too.
Flying Ace - Simple blocky graphics, but a nice fun little game. One of the few games that scrolls right to left.
Outlaw / Howitzer - Not much different to the VCS version but fun as 2 player game.

I v.losely based my last animation on Howitzer:
Crazy Daisy :3
Breath of the Dragon - Strange platform-ISH game, quite addictive.
Hard Hat Mack - This would be so fun if it wasn't too hard. Graphics are a bit crappy too (grey only). But the speed and controlls are really good, it's just the bloody enemies are cheap!
Shamus II - Starts off just like Rick Dangerous! But unfortunately the game play changes completely shortly after.

Still a pretty fun game, but coulda been better.
Jungle Hunt - Classic game.
Many more I used to like, but can't remember or can't be bothered to type any more.