Manicminer-type Games.


Nov 28, 2004
Pacifica, Northern California
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I never had a Speccy back in the day (had a ZX81 though!) so I'm making up for it with fZX32. I'm really enjoying Manic Miner (thank god for save states) and am wondering if you Brits out there can give me a few suggestions for similar games to try. Specifically, what I like about MM is that you have to think about how to collect all the items, as often you cut off access to one part of the level by walking over the dissolving platforms. I played a really fun Flash game a while back called Vampire Boy that had similar gameplay by limiting the number of 'flights' you could use.
Hope that makes sense and thanks for any suggestions.
Angel posted on Jul 20 2005 at 05:52 PM said:
i've never played the games mentioned above, but a good "Miner" type game that should be playable on the GP32 is Crystal Mines II for the Atari Lynx.

Manic Miner is a platform game, **THE** ZX Spectrum platform game. B)
Not at all a "Miner" type game.

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Well, Just a small list, As there are sooo may, But these should keep you going.

Chubby gristle
Dan Dare
Egg head
turbo the tortoise
Monty mole (Impossimole, Monty on the run (love the music) etc
Haunted house
Dizzy (who else, Classic)

if you look round there are hacked versions of manic miner with new levels there is a level editor for it

I just had a look on world of spectrum website and there looks like there is 7 manic miner hacked versions
Jeez - don't get me started on Chuckie Egg. The most possibly complete platform game EVER. All we need is a bbc emulator to play it properly. And before anybody says anything, the BBC version was by far and away the BEST...
This a cool list guys, cheers!
I vaguely remembered that there were a few hacks of MM floating around, I'll look into those.

I'd not bothered with JSW because it's apparently so buggy, infinite deaths etc. Is it more playable than I'd been lead to believe? I guess using save states would get around any issues.
Will do Troop', I'd laid off the latest release, but sounds like sound advice so I'll do it.
I'm starting to realise just how many nice games came out for the wee rubber-keyed beastie.
Wish I'd upgraded in '83.... 'Cept that was right about when I first saw a Sega SC3000 (also a rubber-keyed beastie!).
alyinsanfran posted on Jul 21 2005 at 01:17 AM said:
I'd not bothered with JSW because it's apparently so buggy, infinite deaths etc. Is it more playable than I'd been lead to believe? I guess using save states would get around any issues.

Buggy? I've never had any problems with it - funnily enough, I was playing Manic Miner once when it freaked out and gave me 255 lives.... which was nice.
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JSW makes me laugh, I remember asking the guy at the computer store here for Jet Set Willy. He just burst out laughing. :blink:


Talking os speccy games, how about trying the sequel to Jetpac, Lunar Jetman?
My fave speccy arcade platfomers back in the early 80s were:
Dynamite Dan (and it's sequel)
Pyjamarama (Wally's sequels were more advenuture like)
You could also try Technician Ted, but it's unbelievably tricky

But I agree about Chuckie Egg, probably the best platformer ever made. The controls and feel are sublime. (Didn't the BBC version run in chunk'o'vision mode though?!)

BTW - If u fancy a platformer with a strategic edge (think Lost Vikings but simpler), try Worst Things Happen at of my fave speccy games :)

EDIT - Of course I meant Automania not Pyjamarama as Wally's first arcade like platformer :)
Gruntfuggly posted on Jul 21 2005 at 12:43 AM said:
alyinsanfran posted on Jul 21 2005 at 01:17 AM said:
I'd not bothered with JSW because it's apparently so buggy, infinite deaths etc. Is it more playable than I'd been lead to believe? I guess using save states would get around any issues.

Buggy? I've never had any problems with it - funnily enough, I was playing Manic Miner once when it freaked out and gave me 255 lives.... which was nice.

In RetroGamer mag' they inteviewed Matthew Smith and asked about JSW, he said it was buggy and released before he wanted it released. However, it's a purists mag' I guess, so they'll be critical of any issues.
This is good news, I'll be playing JSW now. Cheers for letting me know it's not really buggy!
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